What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Thank you vary much Wally

ICT has made reference to NYO being the easiest session to trade. NYO might just be your pitch; middle in. Go get em DiMaggio

Think Iā€™m done trading for the week, unless I see a sweet setup tomorrow or Friday.

2 trades this week. Both winners.

Traded Cable yesterday from 1.5750. Held the whole position for a 100 pip gain. (Moved SL to BE at 30 pips) per my testing of the theory to just move SL to breakeven at 30 pips instead of taking off some position. Psychologically, I donā€™t have problem with a breakeven trade and rather would push for greater returns.

Made 6.6% yesterday on that trade.

Today, entered short Cable at 1.5706 and took half my position off at 30 pips and moved SL to breakeven and letting the rest ride. This put my at about 7.5% for the week, and still have half a position reaching for more. If it stops at BEā€¦Iā€™m fine with 7.5% this week. If it pushes for more, thatā€™s just gravy.

Pushes my rate of return for 2012 to 44.7% return for the yearā€¦and donā€™t know what the portion I have left on the table will do.

Pretty darn happy. Trading less and feeling more confident and generating more returns. Feeling better about trading overall and trusting the tools.

That makes 5 out of 7 profitable weeks this year. And 44 freaking percent.

Commence snoopy dance.


The bearish fractal had formed on the daily chart. Yesterday we broke through the STF consolidation range causing me to anticipate a bounce off the weekly central pivot. We traded up into a daily oversold zone, during Asia, for a textbook short during LOKZ. Nailed the top at 3185 and participated in the selloff for 100pips. Easy trading in anticipation of a market profile change.

Hourly chart showing a now trending market. See the bounce off the weekly Central?

15Min chart showing zone where smart money got short.

Standard Business Model on 5Min chart.

In addition to key resistance, we touched HTF OTE on the daily chart. Today, fiber rallied into OTE during LOKZ for a trend play. Also in my previous post you can see Type 2 Divergence on the hourly chartā€¦

Daily Chart

Hourly Chart showing key level at 3180ā€¦

Excellent analysis and description in these last 2 posts and charts. Very Nice Techpro89

ICT just arrived at home, check twitter to see his mansion

O man, I hope he doesnā€™t do livestream today.
I left my laptop at home, and canā€™t view from work.

bad timing.

Hey folksā€¦ I am going to rest a bit and update a few linksā€¦ but so you knowā€¦ next Wednesday night LO it begins. :5:

Ready Up! :57:

I had been thinking about this yesterday for a while and I was wondering what the actual intention of that post was, and how that relates to my being successful in this business.

Whatever the intention of the message is, there is no relation.

Whatever the intention of the message is, be it positive or negative, it more telling about the poster than anything else.

I hope the poster is successful with his endeavors, whatever they may be.

Those who say they know, do not know.
Those who say they do not know, also donā€™t know.
Therefore, be quiet and let your actions speak for you.
They speak much louder than your words anyway.

Cracking me up !! LOL :D:D

EDIT talk about frustration: found two removed videosā€¦

I honestly think itā€™s a case of supporting a Mentor. Chris has a following and many times a very strong tie develops between Mentors and those who elect to follow them. This can sometimes provide opportunities for students to naturally assume others are trying to make a name off of their Mentorā€™s hard work or wares. I think I answered the matter respectfully and it need not be rehashed. Iā€™ve seen folks do the same for my workā€¦ itā€™s only naturalā€¦ albeitā€¦ misplaced nonetheless.

Iā€™m sure they are satisified and if notā€¦ I canā€™t force anyone to accept a single thing. As they say so often in Baltimoreā€¦ it is, what it is.

Moving onā€¦

I will actually stand up a little for prochargedmopar not because I know him well, but because I do not. I am sure ICT has gained much notoriety across other boards and pcm I do not think was trying to be disrespectful, just trying to chime in. I was ready to jump on him too but as his initial reaction to ict was taken hopefully the wrong way, I didnt want to reciprocate and judge someone on my own initial reaction.

This is a strong thread with many well intending people, and it will remain that way, I am sure of it.

Now for next wednesday!!

Welcome back Michael.
The students are ready!

Sorry to interrupt:
So, anybody that started to get their panties in a ā€œtiffā€ can take a deep breath.

Personally (for me anyway) I feel ICT is a better teacher with a much more clearly defined and transferable (to his students) training curriculum.
Very organized. And best of allā€¦FREE!
Big thanks for all your effort and time ICT.

My biggest issue with any system/method is that for EVERY trade that is taken, I can apply 5-10 other systems that would have had the exact same entry. Why? Because PRICE and HUMANS do the same damn thing over and over.
Guess I should be doing back flips over this understanding???
I repeat history for sure, as does the rest of the world. :wink:

Anyway, BACK TO MY HOLE and on with the $million$ dollar challenge!!!


Are You Ready? :5:

Hi Michel,
how can i join hunt? is any rules? After long searching and learning different approaches came to conclusion that what you do here is what iā€™m looking long time. In process of reading tread from the begining and have watched majority of videos (still long way to go). Very very imppressed, especially observing how participants are improving their performance. Would like to catch and become part of the group, learn, study and work hard.
thank you in advance,

Well for the rules you will need thisā€¦

Tools you need:

  1. Know how to determine previous sessions highs and lows.
  2. Calculate Pivot Points.
  3. Basic Trend analysis, Fibs and a solid understanding of Support and Resistance.
  4. One indicator: MACD
  5. Understanding of leverage and the effects it has on equity both good and bad.
  6. Pattern Recognition
  7. Patience
  8. Patience
  9. Trade Management Concepts
  10. Finally some considerable patience.

I am so ready for next weekā€¦omg, the time has finally come!

Its kinda like when we were geared up for forexmasā€¦lets just hope he doesnt decide to start next month haha. We are excited but I dont even think we understand what we are going to get out of it. I imagine a few months in alot of us are gonna be pretty competent at this and we wont be able to unlearn how to make pips. Some of us are already doing pretty good.