What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Well I look at it this way:
I’ve already gotten so much out of it already, anything more is just a bonus.

As you said, some of us are already doing pretty good, I know I’m happy so far.
I’m not making the progress others on this thread are making, but its enough for me for now, and certainly beats what
I was doing before I joined this thread.

But yes, feels like forexmas, actually even better…
Not sure if I’ll get any sleep over the next few days…

thank you a lot for your reply PIPhunger. Most likely you was in a same situation in the past. Or you very kind person. In
general I think what ICT is doing is can do only very kind person. And kind person usually attracts same people. Out of list of requirements you highlighted the biggest problem i have with patience. Also i have continue my education regarding technical aspects of fx trade, use of indicators etc. Hope for support. I’m trading live almost one year and unfortunately in a big loss. Do believe by joining ICT school, learning his concepts and way how fx business have to be managed will make change. thank you again for your reply. BEGINER 22

I have been an avid reader of this thread, watching videos and learning. I have a long way to go but feel confident with the progress made so far, thanks to ICT.

So how does this march to million work? Will ICT post his trades for us to follow? Is it going to be daily through his twitter msgs?

Thanks to all of you for contributing to this thread. It really helps newbies like us.

just check his other posts and will get some idea what sort of person he is…
but, enough talking of garbage, lets see what setups coming up today! :slight_smile:

Hell yes!

On a related note, is there any way to get notified when ICT goes live on Livestream? I’ve logged in to the Livestream site, but any ability to ‘follow’ or enable notifications isn’t obvious to me.

Thanks in advance.

No. Working my a$$ off to digest all the material before the next flood comes about :53::20:

Here’s my sound alarm when price has reached certain levels (can also be used as a ringtone):

Optimal Trade Entry.zip (88.6 KB) :20:

Looks like Our Santa has been around for a few drops last night, :54:

Message from Chris Lori on ICT’s twitter, retweeted by the man himself, wise words indeed

Price action is seriously anchored today…

lol pretty good man, pretty good.

The live stream iPhone app does. Not sure how to do it from the website. If its there, it’s not abundantly intuitive.

Speaking of reflections and symmetry… Don’t know if any of you noticed that fibs have vertical symmetry. Not centered around the zero point as you might expect but around the 50 level instead. Put that on a chart and see how price reacts sometimes near the other OTE.

Indeed. What about the similarities between what you’re showing and Trinities:

0 - 25% - 37.5% - 50% - 62.5% - 75% - 100%

Buy zone in between 0 - 37.5% (roughly the bottom 1/3 of a range)
“Bad zone” in between 37.5% - 62.5% (roughly the middle 1/3 of a range)
Sell zone in between 62.5% and 100% (roughly the top 1/3 of a range)


Remarkable isn’t it? That there is so much symmetry that isn’t broken.

Today’s trades

Fiber long
Enter: .3002
S/O: .3101
+99 pips

Cable long
Enter: .5664
S/O: .5787
+123 pips

Kiwi long
Enter: .8250
S/O: 8328
+78 pips

If you had told me a few months ago that I would be calling tops and bottoms in the market I probably would have said that you were full of s@$& … It really is a testament to the quality of information being shared by Michael…:35:

I’m taking the day off tomorrow …good luck everybody…:57:

Incredible ! Take the month off … lol

Could you provide in a brief summary what analysis you used to pick these trades ? I was looking to short the cable once again today during LO but no opportunity to do so. I am wondering what made you shift gears to look for longs.

Just a few more tools left for the ICT millionaires toolbox. Looking forward to Michael revealing them. I am already way ahead of where I used to be with what been released so far and I don’t even complete use all the tool yet. My goal has been to take time with each tool to learn using them effectively. I don’t have them all figured out yet, but it is really been helping the trader development area which I use for independent analysis for live trading.

Hi StephA, I don’t wish to reply on behalf of Ninjatrader, but here is my take on eu as a newbie student.
Taking the fib extension as shown from yesterday’s asian range we get to 262 level and at absloute max from day defore’s asian range extension of 490,which is a usual amount before a retrace may occur, this was the main reason for my long switch today from a week of shorts. Tomorrow I will look for the Asian range to see if we are continuing down or up (looking for a short). Also price is below cpp and between s1 & s2, where we would be looking for buys. In addition weekly trinity has overshot the lowest buy level. Hope this helps.

I’m a total newbie, but have been lurking… I did notice some divergence between GU and EU, GU was failing to make lower lows, while EU had been. I thought this could be a sign for an upward move. I also thought it would be a nice one because of all the consolidation that had been going on. Furthermore… small range day yesterday hinted at a possible big range day for today. I’m not sure if this is correct, if it was just a gut feeling or if I’m just full of crap. I just did not know when to pool the trigger. Nice pick up Ninja, I’m also interested to see how you got into those trades. Cheers to all… It’s an awesome thread.