What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Do you have these videos Day 15: How Professionals Use Indicators, Higher Time Frame Analysis Part 2, and Smart Money Swing Trading Concepts 2011 July Webinar

Hi everyone,

OMG this has come as a great shock to me, i found this thread several weeks ago and have been rushing to go through all the lessons as much as i can. Sadly, i still have many PTC videos to go and some of the newer lessons. I believe ICT has been a great mentor to us and i hope that he can come back soon. He has taught us more than just forex, to me this was i everything i stood strong for. :frowning:


Anyone want to purchase a FREE ICT t-shirt!!!

This turn of events shocked me. I did not see this coming, very sad.
Michael, thanks for everything and I hope things are well with you and your family


Man that confused me at first, purchase something thats for free?
But yes, Iā€™ll buy one, heck Iā€™ll buy a bunch!

Hi everyone all I can say is I agree with all the recent threads on losing Michael and his help.
and would greatly appreciate a copy of the videos to continue the great work Michael has bestowed on us.
This truly is a sad day and hopefully our group will prevail.
If anyone has any of the videos and files that ur willing to share I would Cherise them like my own children
Thanks again
jezzski twiiter

Well, he traded the yen on Sunday. We should have known something was wrong from thereā€¦ :wink:

what an abrupt and bizarre ending.

i guess we had to be on our own sometimeā€¦

still sadā€¦ i think the missing piece of the puzzle for me will be how he traded the news (though i have a hunch as to how he did, which i addressed already, wonā€™t repeat myself)ā€¦ i think the content in the other ā€œformattingā€ videos was addressed in the archives of this thread.

iā€™m pretty sure whoever was smart enough to download the videos has everything they need.

good luck, everyone.

Itā€™s not over, at least not for me. Itā€™s only beginning.
Before finding this thread I thought the entire world of forex education was full of scammers and crooks.
Michael and this community have proved otherwise.
If Michael does not return, the journey will just take a little longer, but we have enough of his material to get us going very
He said it many times in his videos, if he never tells us anything else, we have enough to make us profitable.
SMT, judas,trinity, market flow, pivots, higher time frame analysisā€¦so many things.
All we have to do is go back and study the videos over and over. And donā€™t worry about the videos you donā€™t have, or what more could have come, concentrate on the material you already have.
Weā€™ll get there guys.

All the best Michael, we hope you get through this ok.

thank ICT, U Rocks

Wow wow wow what a shame is all I can say. Things are never simple are they?!!

I just wanted to echo what everyone else has said. This forum and my training will be considerably quieter without Michael. He really has given us such wonderful help and insights.

In my opinion he simplified a complex subject to a point where even I believed I could be successul in it.

It is a pity that we should lose him because this way.

Here is hoping that everything in his personal life goes well.

ICT, Michael, the very best of luck to you in the future.

Thanks a million or everything you gave me and take care of yourself


Wow, what an absolutely horrible way to wake up in the morning, to find that we have lost a dear friend (I feel itā€™s safe to say that we can call him that) :frowning:

I have the utmost respect for Michael and his selfless mentorship, which has made the world of difference in so many of our trading journeys.

May God continue to bless you in the way that He already has Michael!

My heart is very heavy todayā€¦

Padriac, are you in ireland?

Dear Michael

Your guidance has been about a whole lot more than just forex ā€¦ thank you.

Hi everyone I guess no words can express the value delivered by this threadā€¦ Iā€™m just kicking myself for not recording this stuff as I had planned - if anyone is willing to share I would be undoubtfully gratefulā€¦

Hey Mikeā€¦

I wouldnā€™t post on this thread, but I have to say somethingā€¦

Be blessed!


i woke up to this very sad morning and am shocked.
absolutely remarkable and outstanding person u r who helped us tons, generously out of heart
bless u, hope u r ok

btw: gut feeling i had, i couldnā€™t picture for some reason to c this work for very long time,rats,cfts, whoever- whatever the cause,but this soon? i am shocked

ā€¦i feel like an orphanā€¦

Hi Gall,

I am from Ireland but living currently in Prague.

And yourself?

We can chat more somewhere else if you want at the risk of taking this thread off track

ā€œwe are moving ahead despite your speedbump last night. Lick the wound, stand up for the next roundā€¦ā€ - ICT

God bless Mike.

GLGT :41: