What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Guys, that’s awful news. I hope ICT is well. Such a great person. Hope the videos are not lost and we find a way to collect them all.

may i know what had happened to ict? may someone point me to the thread saying why all these videos of post 1 are now gone?

ICT, whatever had happened, I hope you’re doing well.

Well, looks like the bad guys are more than the good guys, as always turns out to be the case… Evil never sleeps…
I’m sure the scum who did that will pay one way or another; everybody pays for their deeds…

I’m so sick today, couldn’t sleep since seen that last tweet early this morning… So disgusted too…

However, as Ake said, The Inner Circle Trader just become a True Legend and nobody can take this from him, nor CFTC, nor the rats or snakes!

His Legacy is safe too with so many good people around here to keep and pass it on. Me personally, will make hard copies on the material and keep it in two or three different locations for the generations to come.

ICT might be taken down, but Michael J. Huddleston is still around and fine I’m sure. Lets just hope someday when ‘’the barriers’’ are not so high we’ll have the pleasure and honour to chat with him again.

Farewell to you Michael. You are very, very, very Special Person and God Bless You!

Good Luck and Good Trading!


All the info is in here… just read back a few pages. In a nutshell it looks like ICT has been shut down by CFTC.

As a South African, I actually have no idea what the heck the CFTC even is, but whoever they are, they are clearly selfish individuals who couldn’t bear to see a truly great mentor showing rookies how to outsmart the big boys. Anyway, it just hurts to think that someone invested so much time and effort in us, only to have it all taken away in an instant. I will sorely miss him, and I only hope that I will get to meet Mr Huddleston in person someday, to thank him for his mentoring, which has been beyond compare.

Let’s be honest guys, sure there are some great mentors around, but no one has the same selfless attitude that Michael has. I truly believe that his nature is reflective of his relationship with God.

So away we all go into the vast unknowns, equipped with all the tools ICT has given us. Let’s kick the market’s ass for our mentor!

omg, this is insane! I have just been lurking around and trying to grasp the basics before leaping into this thread!

I Hope everything is okay with Michael and that someone has taken care of all the materiall, so that me and others can learn from all his hard work!

Thanks Michael!

here’s a link to the CFTC’s website, same place you get your COT data from
U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission

I can’t believe that just as I was preparing to settle down to a weekend of ICT videos, they get taken off! I had only watched a couple of them, but was mighty impressed. I’m a complete newbie, and had only just come across the babypips forum. Previously I had been struggling to inform myself on kreslik.com (:30:).
It was so refreshing to find someone prepared to impart their hard earned knowledge on others without trying to sell something! Such a shame that all that hard work has now gone.
I have a few questions:

  1. Can I get hold of the tutorials from anyone? (pm me if possible :51:)
  2. Failing that, what other books/web resources would people recommend in the same mold as ICT?


I have these videos if anyone wants me to upload them

In two years of research I’ve never found anything even resembling the teachings of ICT. There maybe someone uploading a torrent to download the videos ICT uploaded so we’ll just have to wait and see if they follow through. Hopefully they do because this information really can’t be found anywhere else especially for free.

Please do :slight_smile:

Use 7zip (free google it) to compress the whole lot into about half the size or individually compress each video. Either way it’ll take about half to 1/4 the time to upload.

Hopefully the livestream videos have been saved by someone also, i was about half way into them and Michael really seemed to be putting a lot of techniques together. Will be a bit devastated if such an amazing resource has been lost.

I think there are a number of us “newbs” identified this as an opportunity to grow in our trading education faster with ICT’s help. For that reason, I feel this is a loss so I hope we’ll still be able to get caught up in the education process through others making information available.

I have had no personal interaction with ICT but I can read from others how he was a great individual and that contributes to the feeling of loss. However, I think everyone who has learned through this process will eventually become a better individual trader once they start to stand up on their own.


Wow, I have been reading the threads from the first until I finished and following along as I could. at least I got the point of using less leverage. I don’t understand why ICT pulled all of his videos? I have been reading and trying to figure it out and still doesn’t make any sense. Now what? I had thought about saving the videos just in case this happened. I didn’t because I wasn’t sure if that would have been overstepping the graces ICT had been giving us. Now I feel left out and thinking about how to place the little I have learned into practice. I go for holiday to the Philippines for 6 weeks beginning on Monday. I sure hope I can find some answers and read all of the threads that have been posted. Really deflating…

Relax folks.

Michael’s Xmas spirit will live on. No Xmas Grinch is going to sabotage that :41:

Give it a few days. Stuff will happen.

Patience, Grasshopper. Patience.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could make the videos available to us. Perhaps there are others out there who can contribute and rebuild what ICT has put out. It is a shame that they had to be taken down for what ever reason he saw the need to do so.

I cannot express how am I feeling now…like a treasure map that was in my palm is snatched .
Dont know why ,Dont know how.But know one thing –
ICT was our guru and a guru never leaves his student mid-way.He will be back soon.
I am sure someone out there will publish all the videos.
Your treasure map is not lost ICT,its only that we have to tread the forex slaughter-house all alone now.

Im uploading it now

sorry need 5 posts before i can put links in my message

Thanks Pippy! I hope you’re right. I made it through the info once and ignorantly thought I would be able to access it to review again in the future. Just from what I gleaned from the first pass, my entries and trade management have become MUCH better. I am actually profitable now.

I think people have experienced similar things and just anxious about being able to review them.

Please keep us informed.