What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

I’d appreciate it so much if anyone could help me with the ADR concept!

I’ve got the indicator ( ICT_ADR), if price has touched the daily range low or high and simultaneously there are other confluences like pivots, OTE, figure, trinity ect… Does this increase the chances of making a trade and it being a high probabilty one?

Simply, I’m a little confused how I should apply the concept, if anyone could direct me into which of the videos talks about this or posts referring to it i’d be [I]very very[/I] happy…


Edit: Thanks pippy!

Videos, Text, Some cool pictures, Indicators, everything. I am assuming it is the same one I got from clarkfx

Pippy, me to please :slight_smile:

ungrateful.son (at) gmail.com


lol your on the thread. Page one good luck

No worries mate :cool:

Thanks for the suggestion. Everything in order :slight_smile:

There is no shortcut. You’ll have to walk the walk before you can talk the talk. The good thing is that the road is a known one, it’s right in front of you. Good luck on your journey :44:

Not quite, it’s a superset. Contains links to directly download

  • livestream recordings,
  • anymeeting recordings,
  • Clark’s torrent
  • Clark’s torrent “light” without the actual duplicate videos but with a cross reference

I’ll be out of town from sometime tomorrow morning (Europe) until next Monday.
The downloads will be available until Thursday next week which is 14 days after The Event happened.

Also, I’ve read a few pages of this thread and I’m interested in learning this method. But is there any shortcut? This thread has a lot of pages, is there any link I can directly learn ICT’s method with skipping all the other part?

Might want to check ICT’s first thread and learn the vary basics of his methods. Start at the bottom learn the first step implement it into your trading for a month or more then move on to the next step. This is how everyone here started out one step at a time. If you try to learn it all at once it wont sink in. For this vary reason ICT didn’t release everything at once. This of course is just my humble opinion take it or leave it.


My pleasure.

There is a lot of material, and the best thing to do is to allow yourself time to study that material. In there you will find the sequence of videos to watch and sooner or later you will come across the information w.r.t. using the ADR. Right now, I wouldn’t know which one it is (probably more), and tbh I would be hesitant to say if I would know, not because I wouldn’t want to tell but because you really need to see and study the complete material, in which case you will have the answers I should think.

To give you an idea, I have watched all the videos, took screenshots of every video, put commentary in them, and now I’m indexing them so that I can find back information quickly if I want to. That, for me, is the best way of mastering the material. I’m not going to hand out that material. I have made sure that everybody who has asked for it (and is going to ask until the material is deleted by the upload site) can get his hands on it, but everybody has to really get their heads around it themselves. This is hard work. This is learning “the trade to trade”. It is going to cost an average of 10.000 hours to become good at anything, and this is no exception. Again, the good news is that all the material to do so is there.

Rant over :22:

GLGT :cool:

Is it not more important for [B][U]you[/U][/B] to know that[B][U] you are able to do so ?[/U][/B]
If so, what are you waiting for ?
If not, what are you going to do about it ?

EDIT: ICT has started last September (there’s a reason for it; it’s in the videos). It will take a while to execute.

I think pippy is mistaken here there is a shortcut. It right here
Right back to page one

PippyTheGrt can you please send me the link before you leave.


Pippy, thanks a lot for your e-mail.

I’ve started the download for all 5 files today but it was halted after 7 hours of downloading. Did you had any problems with it or is working everything fine at your end? Perhaps a short disconnection of my internet-con. is enough to interrupt the whole download.

Hi everyone. I am looking to replace two video’s that have become corrupted:

High Probability Price Patterns


How To Capture Explosive Forex Profits

If anyone can help me out with this, I would greatly appreciate it!

fxsignals @ comcast . net

Thank You!

Pippy could I please have the download link too please?

Thanks a lot, both you and ICT for taking the time to share his knowledge :slight_smile:

Just a quick question. How does everyone monitor their trades? Im just curious. Personally, I need to set my alarms to notify me if I reach my first TP, or get stopped out, I then turn off the monitor. I have found that if I watch the screen, I second guess my entry all the time. Just wondering how everyone else does it.

I use time and money on taking profit. Meaning I will TP profit around london close (assuming trade was opened at london open) if price has got to my desired TP level. So I already know what time to come back to check on the trade. I will also periodically check on my trades.

Monitors dont work for me as alot of my trades go on while I am at work so an alarm will not work in my case. I tried have texts send to me but I sometime do not get the text till hours later. So this does work but has proven itself unreliable at best. So now I just look at the charts on my phone at time of day and decide from there. Since I dont have flash player at work to trade on I can just call text or IM my broker and transaction is done withing a minute or 2

I did that some time ago. It’s a good exercise to see that s+r levels can really have an effect on price. Everybody tells you so but it has a much bigger impact on your understanding and learning if you can experience it on your own charts.

What you want to look for are the KEY s+r levels. These are levels at which price bounced and then made a significant move (several 100 pips). They are easy to spot on the weekly and daily timeframes. You can use the H4 aswell but normally you find the same key levels on H4 and D1 so D1 is better i think.
Of course you will find s+r levels on the smaller timeframes to because price bounces all the time but to make it simple:
the bigger the bounce, the higher is the probability that price will react at that level again sooner or later if it goes there.
It’s important to understand that price will not allways react at s+r levels…sometimes it does, sometimes not. The key levels simply give you a higher probability to see a reaction. And because trading is all about probabilities you want to have the highest you can get.

For the trade entry use the smaller timeframes so you can enter with lower risk, i use the M15 and M5. [B]But they are for the entry only and not useful for market analysis.[/B]

Hope that helps. :57:

As a newbie to this stuff, I want to say that threads like this are a phenomenal resource for anyone willing to learn. Thanks to everyone and especially ICT for sparking such informative discussions.

I have a simple (possibly stupid) question about risk and risk management. On the first page, ICT describes how growing 6% monthly will compound roughly to doubling an account in a year. and to achieve 6%, what is required is one trade a week netting about 20 pips (all with trades risking only 2%).

My question is, how do you calculate what 2% is. If this was regular trading where you’re buying some stock and going long, I understand 2% risk is just how much stock you’re buying. Say you had a $1000 account, you buy $20 worth (so in worst case, the stock loses all value, and you lose $20, 2%).

But in the case of forex, would it be how much money I would lose if the trade hit my stop loss? So a 2% risk trade corresponds to a trade where if I get stopped out, I lose 2% of my account. Is that how you calculate risk?

If that is the case, looking back at netting 20 pips in one 2% risk trade a week to grow 6% in a month… How does 20 pips get translated to a % gain - what is the calculation there. Thank you everyone for your help