What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Welcome back Sir ICT !

Wow, $26k in one week for ICT :o Thanks for sharing that kubio! :smiley:

…and, bear in mind that January is lowest in earnings as per ICT strategy, because account has just been re-setted… imagine whats by end of the year :wink:

It’s seriously insane, imagine with $1,000 per pip - Every pip movement would send shivers down my spine! :stuck_out_tongue: That’s why I am starting small! :smiley:

Hi guys,

I saw that in Clark’s ICT folders the videos are organized by “Day x”. Now, should I follow that and watch the videos starting by “Day 1” or doesn’t it matter?

I spent a lot of time this weekend learning from the ICT materials, not much left to say. I’m overwhelmed, I’ll definitely take my time to study all of this carefully.

I was sure he was kidding about 5M from 250K in a year. Wasn’t he?

you think its not possible? :slight_smile:

It’s about 55% ROI per month if he didn’t withdraw or deposit any funds. If it’s true, he may be one of the greatest traders of our time. He should’ve been in forbes by now :stuck_out_tongue:

I have no doubt about it. :slight_smile:
… and I think Jack D. Schwager should interview him in very near future :wink:

No he wasn’t kidding, and he didn’t tell me. I saw it on his account during one of his older videos. He also had a win of ~$98,000 from a Cable swing trade. I think it was over 2 days… but still, not a bad home run

He did sign one of his posts somewhere with “future market wizard interviewee” or something to that effect.

hi guys…

i d like to ask , if there is somebody who would b able and kind enough to make overlay for ‘‘accumulation distribution’’ indi //if its not terribly difficult//
could not find any MQL for mt4…
i know there was somebody playing with overlays…
or if u could direct me somewhere where i could ask for this kind of help

ICT’s performance is mind blowing,thats the inspiration

Was doing my homework by actually reading almost every post in the threat… (it taken about four days now) but I am almost done with my first complete read thought… and came across this…

(WOW) Micheal could probably fit another monitor on the left. Also, Might have room for more hardware (guns) if the stereo is moved. Nice setup thought if this is Micheal’s. I am mostly guess by the hardware. I hope you have at least a 30amp fuse for all that…


30% monthly

While I agree this is killer lol… it is not mine.

I have a bit more hardware than that… :57:

Nixagon thank you for the heads up on the ICT LC video… I had a stray sound loop that made the recording longer than intended.


oops entered the wrong number on the calculator

Well maybe this is a good time for me to ask again if/when we will see your setup…patience is killing me…lol

ICT (or anyone that knows…)

Are you planning to get back on to twitter also at some stage…? Missing your tweets

ICT_Babypips Twitter back online