What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

If you mean something like this…

…then you can download it here: [B]A/D Overlay Indi[/B]

excellent that i got response, thank u

i was thinking of an overlay directly on candles of its own pair…i plan it to put it in a very dim color, a not disturbing shadow price hint,though price itself is the king and pull these up is just a confirmation…

btw, stochs 10 is 99% identical with Williams % just smoother

funny how accidents can sometimes bring fruit //like ict’s trinity - as he said himself //,we always try,and i ll try yr idea as well…:slight_smile:

not an indi freak, but when price is supported with indi at the right time and place, feels better

ahh, I understand now, but actually I dont see any reason for this indi. If you want to see a divergence, then place standard A/D indi just below the chart a that’s it, or not?

yes manta,its the same, just thrown on the chart, analyses can b done in the bottom window the very same way…
just in the price window it would b more readable and comfortable,and there is a bit more to it then just divergence type 1.
A/D line doesn’t run from 0 - 100,like stochs, that’s the problem,it moves like the price moves,its like reading the price chart of a horizontal squeezed size, so, that is my reason i asked for such thing,if i am spoiled or not , i dont know,but if it were around i d definitely try it…
sorry if u r aware of all points that i mentioned but those are the reasons why i search for it.

So it’s possible to get 30% return monthly only trading Cable and Fiber with 2% risk/ trade (ICT skill wise)? That would be awesome :51:

once u believe it,u will :slight_smile:
when i threw myself in fx //2,5 years ago//and after failing and failing and paying to looser’s services… ,i asked q,can it b done? thats a very crucial Q 2 b answered to a failing trader…
there was one kind trader i talked to,and ict was the second one last year sept.mil challenge – they showed me it is doable ///not just somebody i read about///…the rest is on me…
i am starting to find footings and have my project…i opened a 100$ account,and i wanna bring it to 1 mil,
i have certain time projection,i ll c about that //we do what we can,no rush//,the math of MM doesnt lie,
one laptop, 100$ account , 1 mil
thats my project
once i ll triple the 100$ i know i will make it, though psyche will take a toll, ready to fight the demons :slight_smile:

how far along are you now?

1 month, 19 % up,even if it goes good or even great i wont b posting much about it, i just dont talk much,its in my head,thats what matters to me.
but if i reach certain levels i ll gladly share the encouragement to those who might need it.
and maybe u wont hear about me again :slight_smile:
but that would b kinda hard to imagine myself

very nice. 19% in first month is very good. once a week/month update would be nice just to see how everyone is doing.

For me personally, even 15% return/month = fortune in the long run. But to know that 30% is doable/sustaianble would be nice.

Outstanding. Is that a live account?


thx for the congrats, too early though,long way 2 go
never traded demo :slight_smile:

Glad to see the twitter account is back up!

I even went as far as creating a twitter account this time around to follow the conversation a little better… Funny things is you probably heard the saying any publicity is good publicity… well seeing a lot more following ICT this time also… several news feeds and analysis affiliations… I find that very interesting…


Funny I set up a twitter account just to follow ICT a few weeks later he goes bye bye. Glad to have him back so I have a reason to use twitter again

ICT you’re right!

I’ve visualised it. Also, to add entry techniques - 1 part usually is a market order after entry signal, and the other part is limit order with little bit better price (usually placed on volume node, on pin-bar highs, etc).

For whatever reason I find london open to be the easiest session to trade. Before when I was trying to trade NY open deciding on a direction wasn’t as easy as LO. Questions would arise has price moved to much, will price revers fully or just retrace? The problem is I can’t trade LO everyday it would kill me to be awake at that time everyday…

Would you still whine about being awake early if u made 2% on $1M account on LO?

I have been using this logic as motivation to drag my butt out of bed myself. Now I am trading with a very small account, so I keep whining about getting out of bed for a measly 6 or 8 bucks (2%). But I figure that if I ever go big time, that 2% will = about $5,000 on a 250,000 account. I would have no problem getting out of bed for an hour or 2 for that!

Agreed! I’ll keep on keeping on.

Vladul11 thank you for the somewhat rude comment.