What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

I read about the new ICT video on Livestream, but when I try to go to http://www.livestream.com/theinnercircletrader/, it’s just a placeholder saying that all videos on the channel were deleted. Any ideas on where the new videos might be? Thanks!

Try this link Babypips Inner Circle Trader - live streaming video powered by Livestream

If you’re anticipating a small range day then there’s a good chance it will be either a Z-day or S&D day. S&D chances increase if there’s nothing going on or anything on the immediate horizion, news wise or technical wise, to push the market either way.
But I don’t think you can forecast a S&D day.


I have a duco live account.

Pros: 1. Its system is very reliable. 2. the spread is tight (e.g. eu 0.7-1.5 pips, gu 1-1.5 pips, nu 1-2 pips …) and 3. splippage can be less one pip.

Pros/cons depend on how you think: 1. applications take time for document check. passport copies need signed by authorities or solicitors, need further address confirmation et al. 2. Commission charge is $9.60/$ million for account less than $5,000, 0r $7.20/$ million for account between $5,000-50,000.

Cons: 1. demo account only for 14 days. you can apply again after it expires but very annoying. 2. Account manager is less helpful. After you have a live account, they tend to not answer questions/euquiries except for puting money into your account. 3. The platform is quite different (Jforex) so you need to familier with it (But once get using to, i find it is quite good).

I intend to stick with duco in the near future, with wishing that their customer survice will become better.

For those that still use COT I have updated the tool posted earlier in this thread. You can get it here: ForexFactory

Redownload the file, it had to be updated to fix a minor issue.

great work,like a scientist’s work sheet :slight_smile:

Brilliant Tool. Thank you,

Can I just ask what the calculation is behind the COT index figures?



You totally rule dude. I was looking for a good COT tool late last week (xls) and came accross an older version of this file on the thread you reference. I could not get the macro to run, and was like, 'this is a great file, if only there was a version with updated data. Thank you!


Institutional 3280 level
Judas Swing into London Open
SMT Divergence

[B]GLGT [/B]:57:


Is there anychance you could clarify why you thought Fiber was going down today.

I get the application of the tools but what factors made up your mind that fiber was heading south? Of course anybody else’s opinion of the matter would be appreciated as well.



Hmmm, did you watch the video above your post? ICT explains exactly why fiber went down today :slight_smile:

Hey folks,

a cheeky question for our mql coders (Manta, Wally,…?)… :22:

I was wondering if the ‘‘Asian Open’’ indi Michael introduced to us, could be modified so it gives weekly open and monthly open too. I presume it is best to add an input options where the value can be changed so we get daily, weekly and monthly open within one indi.? :34:

this modification will be helpful for backtesting too.



Many thanks for the latest Market Review Michael, Hoping with time it will become more apparent!

Hi everyone.

I have a brief question. Could someone please tell is there a Trinity Indi Daily exists or there are only Monthly and Weekly ones?
Thank you.

The data comes directly from CFTC where everyone else gets their data. However, mine is going to be intentionally slightly different than what you see most do because of how deseg data works. I took out the swap dealers positions since it inflated/skewed what the real traders in each category was doing.

Swap dealer: An individual who acts as the counterparty in a swap agreement for a fee called a spread. Swap dealers are the market makers for the swap market. The spread represents the difference between the wholesale price for trades and the retail price. Because swap arrangements aren’t actively traded, swap dealers allow brokers to standardize swap contracts to some extent.

Basically, these are the spread dealers for all brokers and so their positions don’t really matter all that much in determining what the traders are holding, the vol there is enough to soften or spike the data. My charts, imho, are the “true” volume traded and I believe the CFTC backs that position with the categorization in trader types.

If you wanted to include the swap dealers in your data to get the same charts as everyone else then you just have to change the input macro slightly to add that classification into the appropriate category.

On daily it wouldn’t be that useful imho. If you wanted to make it then just draw a Fib on the previous day and set the levels. That will give you a daily TT.

Define weekly/monthly open? Asian range is only a few hours each day and wouldn’t translate into a weekly/monthly open. If you are looking to see how the first day of the week opened just draw an s/r line on the top/bottom and project the line forward, same for the monthly basis too.

Hey Hordone, thanks for coming back to me, I’m not too sure if you understood what I was asking although your clarification about swap dealers is very insightful. On the currency graphs you have provided a graph detailing the net position of the three major parties involded. the other graph is the index related to that currency and I was wondering how you calculated that index figure?

Hope this makes sense.



Thank you Hordane.

Just wanted to be sure. :slight_smile:

Yes I did watch the video before my post and watching back again ICT does not actually clarify why he was thinking the pair would go down. he states that he was looking for a Judas Swing Up which I understand, but my question is that if he was looking for that judas up then he must have been expecting it to go down and my question was why he was expecting it to go down.

I’m not trying to be awkward I’m just wanting to learn more. I’ve learnt so much already from this fabulous thread and I can’t believe how lucky we are that one person would go to so much trouble of passing on his knowledge for free. For that, I am of course very grateful, but I still have a lot to learn and I will only get answers if I ask questions, and understanding the reason behind why a pair’s daily direction is going one way or the other is probably one of the most important questions someone could ask.
