What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Yeah good luck with this. Hope it works out but I have my doubts.

Hope should be the scariest word in a trader’s vocabulary. Hope is the suspension of logic, hope is the gambler’s drug. I hate it when I catch myself hoping for a trade to do well.

Have Expectations for price. Expect it to do what you think it will do. When price isn’t doing what you expect it to do, the natural response is to get out. It’s misbehaving… so you axe it. But hope… if things don’t go how you HOPED, then you just hope some more, then hope some more, and it can get ugly.

Not lecturing you fury, I just used your post as a starting point for my little rant, lol

I hope this isn’t coming out of the blue, but I was wondering if ICT considers previous day’s pivot points at all relevant to today’s trading? I set up the pivot macro from the excellent grab bag of ICT indicator goodies, and it showed only today’s pivot levels. Is this all that I need? Thanks!

I use levels on Pivots over three days.

GLGT :57:

Thank you ICT, I will switch to the daily pivots macro conveniently located in the same pack of goodies!

I meant to post this earlier, excelent example of the tools.
I didn’t get this, can’t remember why I wasn’t looking here but I usally don’t take NYO anyway.

A lot simpler than it looks: OTE in NYO, in the buy zone with SMT and confluencing factors from S&R and two different implied levels ( S2 from 3 days before, 50% of mini z-day), all at the 50 level.
Good stuff.


p.s. Now I remember It’s a friday, that’s why I wasn’t interested.

Hello all,

I just started learning the concepts so please excuse me for asking this stupid question. So I was studying the video “Exploring the asian range” and I understand that the asian range usually gives us info about the amount of profit release and direction of the day. But how can we define which direction will the market move according to the accumulation? Is there any work, video, or posts I can refer to?

Thank you and good luck trading!

[B]Hey Gt[/B]! :wink:

Welcome to the party… and I hope you find the material insightful. The question you are asking is answered by going through the entire library on the first page of this thread… yes, I know it feels like you “need” to know right now. However, you actually don’t need to know that yet. There is a laundry list of things that you will discover are much more important as you journey through this thread.

Put your boots on… it will be a hike. :slight_smile:

[B]GLGT [/B]:57:

I can empathize with you, as I’m in the same boat - loads of questions on my mind! However, I’ve only watched like 20 of ICT’s videos, and feel like I have just scratched the surface. I won’t be trading for a few more weeks, as I wish to finish watching ALL the videos and set up all the necessary indicators until everything is seamless. I feel that by taking the time to do this, I will be able to ‘unleash the beast’ in a more effective way when I do enter the markets (demo first, of course).

Speaking of loads of questions… I hope that I won’t be imposing too much with another one. ICT, why do you reset your trading balance to 250k every January? I would probably be worried (maybe wrongly?) about having millions on the trading account, but my opinion is completely uninformed, as I’m not sure how much one can trust the broker’s insurance on the deposits. Do you perhaps do it in order to minimize slippage?

Thanks and GLGT :).


Thanks for the BoxLines indy you posted up the other day. I was trying to download if from FF a few months back but was unsuccessful.

I would be interested to hear how you will be approaching the DST change with regard to the Asian Range. I am also on Alpari+1, and I can’t decide whether to cut the End Time back by an hour to account for the fact that European trading will potentially eat into non-DST Japanese trading. The range 01:00 to 06:00 has always worked for me during winter trading (00:00-05:00 GMT), but I can’t remember what I was doing prior to November.


He must have some level of comfort with 250k, and resetting to this amount helps him get “refreshed” from a psychological point of view. IMO he’s achieved some level of “trader’s enlightment” where he trades to profit as much as he WANTS, rather than what he CAN.

Personally, I love the idea, and plan on doing something similar when I have the 7 figure capital base

He also runs an account that I believe to be in the 7 figures, with 1:1 leverage with a prime brokerage. I think this account is dedicated to position trading. I like a lot of Michael’s equity management strategies… perhaps that’s why I stick around haha :wink:

Sorry Ali, I’m not Wally, but what I did is peg the Asian range as the first 5 hours of the Tokyo Session. So from our NA perspective, the range gets pushed ahead by 1 hour in the summer

Thanks for your answer, AK. So you are keeping the range at 5 hours, and pegging it at 8am start in Tokyo. In terms of the clock on your wall, your LO, NYO and LC Kill Zones won’t change (because you changed your clock, and London changed theirs), but your AR will be pushed forward by an hour. I understand.

For me, I will be trading an hour earlier at LO, NYO (from the other week, actually) and LC when looking at the clock on my wall, but AR will remain the same. In terms of my charts, which are CET, I assume that tomorrow I will be forced to shift my AR ahead an hour as my server will go onto DST? (That can easily be judged when trading opens up, and is not necessarily a question aimed at you as your server may be different.)

With regard to GMT Pivots, are you now calculating GMT+1 (Midnight DST) pivots, or sticking with GMT? I know it makes little difference, and is accounted for with the ‘give or take 10 pips’ rule, but I am curious.


I’m just going to suck&see as far as the asian range is concerned, I’m more interested in when NY midnight is and Germany starts, I’ll just keep an eye out for any asian consolidation and the way price entered before hand.
I’m pretty sure ICT said he doesn’t change the settings to allow for DST and I can’t remember any big difference last year.


guys a bit off topic but I need help settling on a good mt4 broker. I am currently looking at fxpro and IBFX. thanks guys. GLGT

Your best bet is to look here. How to Choose a Forex Broker - BabyPips.com
And to check the forums Brokers section here Rate my Broker and here Broker Aid Station



Hi all,

I noticed that the dollar index used by netdania is rather different from sources like forex ltd/ brocotrader and other. look at the daily chart. Do they use different basket of currencies and or weight? If you use netdania to look for divergencies it could be deviate significantly. Anyone any sugestions?

Well as far as I have seen, the Netdania one seems to capture every divergence perfectly before a big move. Take a look back on the charts and you’ll see, it never misses a trick :slight_smile: Most reliable in my opinion!

OANDA isn’t too bad :slight_smile: