What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Why? The probability of the next trade to be a loser is the same as the one before that. So why use different risk for the same loss probability?

To minimize Drawdown when you experience it, so you can withstand longer loosing streakā€¦
[EDIT]I guess it is also about making it easyer on your psyche whenever it happens, like noing exactly what to do :slight_smile:

Sequential losses can affect your ability to trade objectively from an emotional point of view. The concept might seem foolish if youā€™ve never traded a live account, and never experienced the emotional toll that a losing streak will take on you

I am a bit confused as to how to use the pivots, as there are several, ICT_Pivot_Macro, Piv_Monthly, Pivot Midpoints-Daily
( Shifted ), Pivot Points - Daily Shifted, SDX- TzPivots, WeeklyMidPivot, Weekly Pivot, and PivotCustom_4TimeFrames. These
were all in a file I got here. I am sure that we do not use them all, as we choose the ones we like best. So how do you use
these pivots. Which ones do you prefer, does ICT use these, or does he plot them manually, which time frame should they
be used on, are there inputs that need to be changed depending on what broker one is using, gmt, gmt+1, etc. Also is
there a custom template that most are using here, set up with correct pivots, indicators, etc?

Does anyone still have the links to original videos and webinars that were flying around at the start of the month?
I have to do a load of travelling over the coming weeks, but would like to continue learning!
Iā€™d really appreciate any help. Either per message here or using nitsuj3000 at hotmail.com

Can anyone who has grasped the asian range take a minute to explain this one? I understand the concept, I am having difficulty reading accumulaton from the chart. I though it was if the trend in the asian range is higher its accumulation and thus a higher probability of a trend up that day and vice versa for distribution. Obviously it doesnā€™t appear to be this simple, so what am I looking for the chart to actually do in the asian range?

Hi dking, I agonised for weeks over pivots trying to get mine to read exactly like ICTā€™s but in the end I have settled for the daily shifted pivots but left them to be GMT as I am in the UK and my brokerā€™s paltform is GMT. In fact I have set all my indiā€™s to GMT. I only use pivots as a guide as I understand ICT sometimes changes his from 10:00 pm EST and 00:00 GMT. I think he says if price is within 15 pips of a pivot, thatā€™s near enough for it to be valid, I found 15 pips covers most settings of pivots no matter what, so itā€™s more of personal preference I suppose.

Hope this helps.

ICT has also posted his version on the very first post of this thread to download.

I think you may be confusing a couple of things.

The three day pattern I think is how swing highs and swing lows are formed, a swing high has a high with a lower high either side of it and a swing low the same but upside down, if you see what I mean. It is also any three candles making this pattern in any time frame, the higher time frame, the greater the importance.

Market structure is the swing high and swing lows as they are formed eg Higher High, Higher Low gives upside market structure and Lower High, Lower Low gives downside bias.

Market flow is simply the fractals indi which picks out the significant swing highs and lows for you in a time frame, market flow is up when price pierces the last fractal high (swing High) and market flow is down when it pierces the last down fractal (swing low). We only look at the last up and down fractal to decide on market flow.

Support/Resistance doesnā€™t necessarily mean market flow will change if broken. Support/Resistance trumps market flow, period.

Hope this helps.

Nice setup btw Clint ā€¦ yours? Solar-powered too :wink:

To continue in the same vane ā€¦ I agree with PerchTird, Clint & longechoes, anything bought new today will be more than adequate.

Clint makes an interesting point about being partial to desktop computers ā€¦ so am I, theyā€™re generally more reliable! There is nothing wrong with a quality laptop and they have the benefit of consuming less power, but say something goes wrong internally - itā€™s often a major job to repair and from experience, they rarely work as well as before they were taken apart.

With a desktop computer you could set it up somewhere away from other distractions, allowing you to concentrate on the market and give your trading your undivided attention ā€¦ you might be tempted to use a laptop anywhere in the house, with one eye on the TV perhaps!

Of equal importance are the reliability of your internet connection, at least when youā€™re trading a live account, and some sort of backup method should your main connection fail for any reason (other than your brokerā€™s telephone number, although thatā€™s handy to have as well!)

Hi everyoneā€¦

My first post in the thread but iā€™ve following for a whileā€¦ Been going through and learning all of the videos and concepts on here, amazing stuff especially when you watch what Michael has taught happen in the videos, play out on the charts in front of you!.. Sometimes just makes it feel all too easy!

Had couple good trades this week on the Cable using concepts learnt here. Today alone iā€™m up 2.8%ā€¦ Always good :slight_smile:

Will be following along and trying to get more involvedā€¦

Just wanted to ask, does anybody know where i can get the ADR indi that Michael uses?

Happy trading!

ATR.zip (1.84 KB)

I use this one if itā€™s any help to you.

ICT, Just checking to see if you are still planning on doing the complete Top Down Analysis video you mentioned doing a couple of weeks back. You also mentioned doing a video that covered the setup of your trading platform in the seminar in Nov. 2011, that was a little more in-depth than the previous setup summaries you have done in some of the other videos. I really liked the A/D video you did the other night, very informative.

Hi guys this is my very post. While going through the thread i found out that some videos by ICT have been deleted from youtube, although i am not sure why but if anybody has them backed up please post a download link on the forum

That sounds great, speaking as someone still trying to get to grips with the concepts presented Iā€™d find it really useful to know what the trades were. Nothing long winded e.g. entered Cable long@ 1.5960 at 9am due to support xyz, pivot xyz, ote on 5 min chart, SMT divergence or whatever the reasoning was.

Reading/analysing what others have done would really help me and I assume others in a similar position.

[B]SMT Divergence[/B]

GBP/USD is making higher highs while the EUR/USD is making lower highs.

Iā€™m looking closely at it myself, canā€™t quite decide whether itā€™s re-accumulation prior to move up or start of distribution prior to move down, although not seen much evidence of climactic buying action.

Best to stay out until Monday when the big boys have slugged it out!

Edit, looking more like distribution now with those supply wicks on the H1 TF.

My TP1 was hit at 1.5980 and I left 50 % of the position with SL at BE for the London Close, although I donā€™t expect any significant moves anymore.

SMT Divergence is one of my favourite tools, itā€™s quite effective. :smiley:

Hi Fx Trader, I am looking to learn how to trade using SMT divergences just to see if this method suit my personality. Can you point out a video o document to take a look at ??

Thanks and cheers !!!

have a look at the videos here: http://forums.babypips.com/newbie-island/36328-what-every-new-aspiring-forex-trader-still-wants-know.html

On a similar note, having watched those videos a few times I would appreciate a link to the ā€˜oldā€™ videos should anyone have them (please send to nitsuj3000 at hotmail.com or post on here).
Many are referenced in the current videos and would probably help tie some concepts together.