What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Here is the specific video:

Correlation Concepts - Inner Circle Trader - YouTube

Hey bobmaninc,

more or less the same here. I found a version of that tool somewhere here in the thread and liked the whole idea of it. But it didnā€™t work for me b/c some of the formulas must have been wrong, it gave me really weird results. And i could only enter whole lots and nothing like 0,5 or 0,02 lot (thatā€™s what iā€™m trading currently), so as much as i liked it i could not use it.
My suggestion for you is to build your own version. Take the original tool as an inspiration.
At least thatā€™s what i did, changed something, added something and deleted something, added a bit of my personal style and now i have this:

pic is clickable

EDIT: when the pic opens click it again to have the full resolution

p.s.: Yes these are my results (demo of course). Not really cool, i know, but iā€™m not done yet :wink:


I realise this was posted well over a year ago but is the trade journal still kicking around anywhere? As a newbie a checklist of some kind incorporating the different teachings would be invaluable.

Flying Rhino thats a pretty cool trade log. Pretty close to what I am looking for. I just suck badly at excel. Guess its a good time to learn if I plan to make a business out of this. Hope you dont mind but I stole a screen shot of you log to use as a reference. If you do let me know I will delete it. thanks

Iā€™m not sure that that was ever releasedā€¦

You could perhaps e-mail Michael, and get the scoop on the checklist from him.

I can offer you something though, from my own trading routine. Hate to see a newbie leave empty-handed :wink:

I made a DJ_FXCM_USDX out of the mt4 usdx indi, then I went made a mirrored version, then I went mad and made a whole bunch of indexes.

But of course if your truly a SMT trader that wants to be taken seriously, then this is your setup.

jj :32:

SMT_Indexes .zip (24.5 KB)


P.S. I just realized that I made a booboo with the DJ_USDX it says itā€™s DJ_USDX_mirrored in the top left corner when itā€™s not. Iā€™ll fix it in the zip update later.

I made a DJ_FXCM_USDX out of the mt4 usdx indi, then I went made a mirrored version, then I went mad and made a whole bunch of indexes.

Nice job! How about XAUUSD, $CRB index, Tnotesā€¦:32:

I can only make an index for symbols that are on my MT4 so Tnotes and CRB are out (Iā€™d kill for a decent free CRB), Golds no problem but thatā€™s what the XAGUSD (silver) is for so just start a gold chart and SMT with silver and use that to trade either.
If I get time this week Iā€™ll make up bunch of the more lest common ones so Iā€™ll add gold to the list for you.


Flying Rhino,

I was just checking to see if you could post that excel sheet to this thread? That is one amazing trading log. It would be really helpful if you could share it.

Let me know,


No worries mate, use it as you like. I posted the screenshot as an inspiration for youā€¦and everyone else.


Wellā€¦this is not as easy as you might think. This is not an Excel sheet. I made this with a program called ā€œNumbersā€ which is Apples answer to Excel. I tried to convert it into an Excel file but the converted file didnā€™t work properly. Formulas got messed up and lots of my cell formattings could not be converted. Also i have an old version of Numbers b/c iā€™m running an older Mac OS and that is b/c of my older Mac computer that has still one of the Motorola processors built in. I canā€™t install a newer OS b/c that requires the new Intel processors Apple is using for some time now.
All together i would have to buy a new Mac to be able to use the latest software and then it MIGHT work to convert my Numbers file into a working Excel fileā€¦but iā€™m not shure about that.

I can post the file if you want to, but all i can say is that it will work on a Mac running OS 10.4.11 (with PPC processorā€¦the Motorola thing) and a compatible version of Numbers.
So if you can use it let me know and i will post it.


Not sure if I can use it, I will have to do some digging to see if I can find out how to convert itā€¦

If you post it I guess I can hack on it to see if I can infact convert it overā€¦

Youā€™re starting to trade AND talk like ICT now :smiley:

Thanks so much for this Wally! I had doubts if it would work with my MT4, but I was proven wrong. I am a complete newb with mq4, but would be interested in trying to write a AUD / Gold index because they are so closely correlated. Would you be able to include your mq4 code for one of these so that I could get a better idea of how to write the indicator? I would understand if not, but I honestly donā€™t know how to get started on that task. Thanks!

Here you goā€¦try your best :stuck_out_tongue:

Trade Master.zip

If you are successful i would appreciate it very much if you could share the converted version here for everyone else to use.


Do you have File\Export and then export to excel? Or was this what you already tried?

I tried that.
I got a file that i could open in Excel but as i said formattings were not converted and some of the formulas didnā€™t work in Excel.

I would be quite happy to convert your sheet to excel. I am down in London for the weekend but back Sunday night. Once back I will download it and reformat it for excel if not dome already. I run both windows and osx and am good with excel and vba programming. Just give me a day or two and Iā€™ll have or uploaded here.



Here you go an XAUUSD + mq4 and a gold/aud index with mq4 injoy.

XagUsd+source.zip (5.92 KB)


Hi All, may i ask a simple question which i really cannot figure out after watching the videos umpteen times and follow the thread way back last year. Thanks ICT for all your valuable info which cannot be found anywhere way back when forex was found. :slight_smile: Although i read a couple of books by millionaire traders and one very important point they touch on which you also emphaise a lot is regarding the risk management and compounding the position size. The author mentioned that if he got 70% of his trades correct, with reward to risk more than 2 to 1, guess what over 5 years you will have your account ā€¦ provided discipline and psychology are put into use. The authors which i read their books are mostly from singapore which i am also residing, and the reason i choose to read more of local traders because i am quite a normal IQ guy and i donā€™t intend to complicate things for myself. I realized they mentioned a lot about trading psychology which i found very detailed in your teachings. Cooooolllll. You are really a millionaire trader man, of course i never found about so many different types of trading styles like judas swing, the asian session and the power of 3 and the SMT divergence which totally blow my mind off. Kudosss to you ICT:) Hip Hip Horray.The authors mentioned that trading is not about intelligence or even you had a masters qualification you definitely will make profits , nonononono. Its all about patience and discipline. yeahhhh yeahhhhhh.

Btw my question is: what is the difference between judas swing and the exploring the asian range. You mention that 0000GMT to 0500GMT: you can observe the consolidation and see what the ā€œSMART MONEYā€ are doing. if they accumulate higher which means it will be a up trend for the day??? If they accumulate lower which means it will be a down trend for the day???

You also mentioned the judas swing right after the asian session which is a so call ā€œtrapā€ which will reverse after the judas swing when close to a key S/R point or OTE entry. However if the judas swing occur after the asian session, and the asian session is telling you the ā€œSMART MONEYā€ is accumulating uptrend, the judas swing is going down after the asian session what will happen is i will have a buy order because the SMART MONEY is accumulating, however the judas swing will swing down after the asian session which may hit my stop??? Please enlighten me regarding this question.

Thanks Shifu. A simple question but due to my personal characteristics(long-winded) hehe

Ake, how is your trading going?