What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

… Trolls came out to play!

I got informed from a moderator once the clean up is done it’ll be re-opened…

Did they? I thought it was just a certain one exercising his personal opinion on how people should act

Hmmm, who would that be?

Theres a way to exercise a personal opinion… The person your referring to wasnt giving constructive criticism… It was more bashful than anything else…

I pretty much got lucky as well and started my journey here 3-4 months ago. Never had any other forex training … didn’t do the babypips school … went straight to a live account after I back tested the crap out of my plan … and doing well so far. ICT material is truly a gold mine.

Heh look over some of my old posts most recently jay’s 100 to 1million thread you’ll know who I’m refering to.

Yeah I just took a look at it, surprised people entertained what he was saying that just mentally approves shadow what he was doing was right because he was getting acknowledged.

I guess its good this thread isn’t closed I suppose

Dantheman53, Thanks a lot for the kill zone times on the other thread. When I checked back in the thread had moved a lot further ahead and had been closed…hopefully temporarily. Thanks again though.

I have a question about the COT report. I was under the impression it was posted weekly.
Every time i go the the cftc web site it’s last tuesdays date?

Wondering if someone can shed some light on this for me.


It’s released on Friday at I think 2:30pm est

Yes you are correct. Most of the time the report is released of friday (as long as no Government holidays fall on that day). However the data is collected on Tuesdays. I guess it takes a few days to collect and put together all the data. Or the Government is just setting there positions before releasing the data to the public.

It’s another week behind us… how was your results for the week?

What Is Your Personal Week’s Highlight Trade?

What Lessons Did You Learn This Week?

[B]GLGT [/B]:57:

For me, ended the week 2.5% up, which is always a good thing… Was a choppy week for me throughout, ups and downs…

Best trade by far was today - long fiber… Made me 4.2%!

My biggest problem at the moment - over trading!

I feel like my analysis of trades is getting better, but trying to force at least a minimum of 1 trade a day forces me to make mistakes and take bad trades.

Aims for next week:

  • Maximum of 4 trades, will stop me trading everyday and force me to try and wait for the best possible trade with most confluences on my side!
  • Make a habit of documenting each trade and my reason behind it…

Highest winner 54 pips. Results well thats a deep subject lol. I did learn though that shorting the Aussie this week was not the best idea I have come up with. However I got a perfect plan for next week. I am going to short the crap out of the Aussie :smiley:

[QUOTE=InnerCircleTrader;345491]It’s another week behind us…

how was your results for the week?
one of the best weeks for me, 4 trades 4 wins,
A buy on Monday at 16080 (cable LO) 54 pips profit
A Sell on Tuesday at 16150 (Cable LO) 20 pips profit
A Sell on Thursday at 16200 (Cable LO) 20 pips profit
A Buy on Thurday at 13205 (Fiber NYO) 25pips profit

i always took off half at 20-25pips and let the rest run to either 3pm or a resistance level, i cut the sells on Tuesday and Thursday sooner than I would normally because I realised they were against the weekly trend so I wasn’t pushing my luck which paid off as the price did end up reversing when I got out.

What Is Your Personal Week’s Highlight Trade?
I don’t really have one, but i did like the buy at NYO on the Fiber because I mainly trade LO and I rarely spot the NYO.

What Lessons Did You Learn This Week?
I noticed that the two days that I didn’t trade like Wednesday and Friday were the biggest moves! I’m not annoyed though, because when I can catch them in the future.
This has been a very active week for me, I usually only take one trade a week and i’m going to restrict my trading to 2 trades per week for a while as I feel i did over trade this week even though they all worked out.

Lessons: don’t overtrade.

Helpful tip: There was a webinar that wasn’t recorded when ICT gave another member a whole trading plan just for him and his lifestyle, I thought that he really showed his colours that day because that member was really dissapointed with his performance so far and was near to throwing the towel in, to be honest this sounds bad but with the amount of barriers he was throwing up to ICT, like time, family commitments, work etc etc I would have personally given up on him but ICT spent the next hour of the webinar going through a trading plan and then some examples too!

anyway getting back to the point for my helpful tip, in that webinar I learnt that you should choose a directional bias for the week or day and I was personally trying to make TOO many things line up for me to have a bias, for example, you don’t need market flow and moving averages and stochastics to all line up in the same direction to take a trade! pick one you feel comfortable with and then have 2 or 3 OTHER confluences and that with time of day theory will make it as accurate as you need.

I’ve been using the hour chart with stochastics to guide me, I combine that with the judas and buy/sell zone on the pivots, then a nice support level, or high/low on asian range for a Friday or Monday or a figure. Plus this week on all or nearly of of my trades there was smt divergence between cable and fiber on a 5min chart at LO to confirm my entry.

I’m getting pretty good a spotting trades on the accumulation/distribution SMT on the 1hr chart too which by the way I recommend everyone to watch and study. (its on livestream)

Ok i’m going to shut up now, have a good weekend guys :slight_smile:

What was the Personal Week’s Highlight Trade?
Text book double-tap on EUR/USD - Take off half the position around 1:1 --> 52.7 pips - Manually close other half at the daily high for 69.9 pips. Personally, my profit targets are generally much higher but choppy market conditions are causing me to show more caution about profit taking.

What Lessons Did I Learn This Week?

  • Power of Double-Tap and moving stops to break-even: Why I was profitable this week
  • Accuracy in Trade Execution: About 80% accurate in trade management the other 20% costing me about 4% in profits this week.

I am happy with 3.41% for the week which is an overall return since I hit break-even last week, but I know of at least two trades where I had ample opportunity to double-tap at 1:1 into a risk free trades. The difference is a 3.41% return with only 41% winning trades compared to 7% return with close to 47% winning trades.

today was my best trade of the week. I’ve been extremely busy with work lately so I haven’t been able to stay awake for the LO the last couple of weeks. I put an entry order in on both the fiber and cable, risking .2% each, yes .2% and went to bed. I missed my cable entry by 2 pips, but caught the fiber. I was planning on waking up early to put more risk on at NYO, but price had already bounced off the monthly CPP, and was close to the 1.618 extension, so I went back to sleep. I don’t feel comfortable risking much while I’m sleeping, yet. ended up with a gain of .8%. Now if I can find where I put my balls, next week should be even better

Less is more is slowly sinking in. I was having difficulty determining the direction in my pre flight analysis, so I stayed out most of the week. I’m also making progress on retraining my brain to think that what goes up, can keep going up. The old saying of what goes up must come down does not necessarily apply in the Fx market. After 5 months in the black, then 2 in the red, I’m happy to report April is in positive territory, barely, but I’m taking every pip I can right now.

I consider myself very luck that I love my current career, I love my family, and basically love the life that my wife and I have built for ourselves. Yesterday, ICT and a few of us were discussing the “process” of trading, it was great timing by the way. I used to love trading, as in being in a trade. But I was discovering throughout this month that trading is not about being in a trade, but rather it is the process and the preparation to being in a trade that counts. Michael, thank you for the chat last night to help me finish what I was discovering. The beatings I took in Feb and March will end up being the best thing that happened to my trading career because it pointed me in the direction of where your love for trading should really be directed. Not at the end result, but rather in the means to the end.

How was your week? - -
One person states best week ever
One person states lucky to be positive as it was choppy.

I made 1 trade -that I thought was wrong - but the technicals told me to - I lost - but on a positive note, for some reason, I determined the week would likely be choppy - therefore I was happy to be out with one loss - and I didn’t look at charts until after the close today -

Like I mentioned before - I am a slow learner - and I am trying to come up with a ‘weekly’ plan – 1 GREAT trade per week. So Four weeks into this ‘new’ style - I am down - which is fine, I am still trying to determine what and when to do things.

But I assume it’ll be slow - I have a question- - if you are to search for that 1 precise ‘perfect’ trade for the week - -does this ENHANCE or DIMINISH the need for market flow? OR are there / is there another circumstance I should be WELL AWARE of – like COT report? I don’t look at it - but maybe it would be crucial? STILL learning STILL frustrated-thanks

Two trades, one cable, one fiber, both started on Mon LO with an attempt to capture weekly low, closed today (Fri), with 240pips gain between the two of them. First time ever trying to trade on weekly frame, worked pretty well.

WOULD LOVE to discuss your idea’s on capturing weekly H/L if this is your strategy, as that is where/what I am trying to accomplish as well.

ICT newbie here - loving all the discussion here and still trying to get my head around some of the concepts.
With regards to the CoT data I want to check I’m looking at this properly. Data has turned bearish on cable for the last set released:

Additionally, cable is up against a significant line at the 6250s where it closed on Friday:

Also OTE on the Daily:

Market flow still looks quite obviously bullish, but I’m thinking this could turn around soon.

Does this analysis seem along the right tracks or am I off the wall :18:

Cheers! GLGT