What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

I have to tell you, the more of these videos I watch the more I see some of me (mostly the old me! thank goodness.) I dig these videos ICT. I love Babypips and I direct people this direction quite often these days. I think I now have another link for them to check out. Everyone needs to see these, regardless of experience. If nothing else it’s a reminder of why we do the things we do. No one is ever too far along to not look back and be given a reminder of their old ways.

Edit: I’m interested to see this new stuff!

No its correct I would switch mine to negative for the simple fact by over leveraging this concept and taking at least 50 trades a day I have still not made a million bucks in one night WTF. I see these cool compounding calculators that figure in 10 years I would be a millionaire. Well I took 10 years worth of trades in one day and guess what. My account got blown to pieces lol.

When does market structure change?

I mean, is it the most recent change??

Mate this thread is bloody priceless…I love reading all the trades, posts, Im up to 3840 in only 14 weeks(taking my time and absorbing all of it). Its like a great book I cant put down or cant get enough of…I tell ya its bloody addictive and I LOVE IT…Im watching all the videos again and again…Michael your a champion and a scholar …cheers mate… roll on 1 million posts:D

Fantastic start of the thread! Since I’m still going through School of Pipsology I haven’t yet read the whole thread, I have whole May for that, however I’ve downloaded all the materials featured at front page and videos are great.

If torrent with previous versions is alive, please could someone get in touch with me.
I don’t turn off my PC at all and it’s seeding non-stop, unless it’s bad weather with shortages. Some torrents are 2 years old :smiley:

Thanks in advance!

Well looks like my plan to short the crap out of the Aussie was a good one indeed. Shot 100% this week. Had a short at BE this morning looking for the 1.02 figure and looks like that will be hit any second. Currently at 1.0206 just 6 pips to go. I will go home for lunch as close it and enjoy my weekend. Hope you all do the same


As promised… :57:

Excellent video as usual. Thanks a lot.

Nice video Michael, although , if someone has watched all your previous teachings so far (like me), would find nothing new in this video. Nice recap tho :slight_smile:
Btw, how’s that 1M $USD challenge going?

Currently at $4756

:slight_smile: that is a good thing… however, I was asked and seen several folks asking about the Killzones and the times I use. That was the intent and nothing more.

Michael Douglas said it wrong… Greed is [U]not[/U] good… Boring [U]IS[/U] good. :cool:

Depends on what your goal is. Mine is world domination, so GREED IS GOOD. :smiley:

Hi all! I have a qns regarding the SMT divergence…

When fiber makes higher high and cable makes lower low, we have a signal that there’s a crack in correlation.
Couple with a fact of say usdx making higher high, thus signaling strength. Thus it would be that fiber is strong and cable is weak?

Thus we possibly would look for a short in the cable or long in the fiber?

Logically Cable should short. Cause when usdx bullish other currency should be bearish and while cable shorts fiber will follow. wait a min, m I wrong? :33: hmmm…

Since fiber and cable are dirrectly correlated, you look for divergence by comparing highs vs highs OR lows vs lows .

Since fiber/cable and USDX are inversely corelated, you compare highs vs lows OR lows vs highs.

In your example you compared cable’s highs with fiber’s lows which i dont think tells us anything. (maybe im wrong, but thats how i use SMT)

Well based off the example you gave (which I agree with vladul does not say much) If USDX is making a higher high then cable and fiber should be making lower lows. However if the fiber is making a higher high then I would be looking to short it as it is running stops and getting ready to drop like a lightning bolt. This example does not happen very often due to such close correlation between the pairs. More realistic expectations would be if the USDX fails to make a lower low and the cable fails to make a higher high but the fiber does make a higher high then I would be looking to get short on the fiber. Again from what I have seen on these situations is What pair fails to follow the others is usually making a stop raid. All you have to do is sit and wait for you shot to take down the target. Just like an enemy trying to take a shot to do so he has to step out in the open and when he does is be ready with your sniper rifle and take him out. Lock, Load, Fire at will.

The cable should be short.

And God exists. I don’t have an argumentation for my statement . Do you have one for yours?

[QUOTE=InnerCircleTrader;348151]:slight_smile: that is a good thing… however, I was asked and seen several folks asking about the Killzones and the times I use. That was the intent and nothing more.

I live & work in GMT, I awaken just before LO - you would think I could get my head round the action zones - it took the video to actually visualize the times - now I can SEE those times - many thanks ICT.

20 million thats it. Well I guess I will start preparing my fare well speech for you