What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Thanks :wink:

After watching a few of ICT videos, Judas Swing, this Asian idea, there seems to be a lot of conspiracy based theory. Above I see the Turtle soup concept. A few things come to mind here.

  1. By now wouldnā€™t there be enough data to ā€œproveā€ this type of price fixing, or that insiders who worked for large institutions would have spilled such a secret? 2. Wouldnā€™t these tactics be rendered useless by floating stops? Who sets a stop, has profit potential of 5 or 10%, and lets that all slip away while they sleep? 3. I doubt that all large institutionsā€™ traders are on the same page, many of them would get victimized by such tactics.

ICT at first seemed very keen and knowledgeable about many aspects of the markets. I fear that sometimes people can ride deep thoughts a bit too far. Like a FOREX version of Jordan Maxwell. Just my opinion :slight_smile:

If Iā€™m not mistaken a ā€œconspiracyā€ requires Secrecy (you mentiond the word ā€œsecretā€ yourself) however I donā€™t think there is anything secret about itā€¦
just watch the charts for a few minutes and you can see it.
Its no secret that prices are manipulated, after all, the manipulation of prices is exactly what national banks are supposed to doā€¦ and if you have enough funds then even you can move the market (although Forex might not be the cheapest market to do so;))
its also no secret that the same thing happens in the stock markets or any other marketā€¦
even the real estate marketā€¦ If I buy up a junk of land somewhere in a rundown neighborhood and set up a trump tower, I will drive prices for all the existing run down houses in that neighborhood upā€¦ thats how it all works.

so at least in my opinion the word ā€œconspiracyā€ is not the right word for itā€¦ I look at it as an opportunity;)

about what you mentioned at the endā€¦ I do agree in general, as it often happens to people, to whom a crowd of other people look up to, can kind of lose their minds at some pointā€¦
(I struggle to put that in english wordsā€¦)

however, I donā€™t share your worries about michael!
above all, I think he actually gets more and more quiet, as more and more of us starting to ā€œget itā€ and are helping each other outā€¦
another thing that differentiates those ā€œprophetsā€ or ā€œidolsā€ you are talking about, often seem to have one thing in common:
they often claim that their way is the only right one, and the more follower they get, the more they are ā€œpreachingā€ (for the lack of a better word) and eventually seem to lose their minds in the process;)
While Michael clearly states that A: he doesnā€™t want a single cent from you/us (let alone 15% of your salaryā€¦) and B: he clearly states that this is the way HE is doing it, that this is NOT for everybody and there are tons of other great ways to be successful in this businessā€¦

Maybe I got it all wrong?! At the end itā€™s up to you if you want to put in all the effort and time to go through all his materialā€¦ I certainly am happy that I startedā€¦

I wish you all the best whatever decision you will make - ā€œmay the force be with youā€:wink:

cheers and happy hunting

I got to agree with Fred. Stop raids are no secret. There are mentioned on every major news channel about every major market. and you have not heard about price manipulation before on those very same channels (not that I recommend listening to what those idiots say). Again for conspiracy to exist there has to be secret. There is no secret. Even the people on major news channels the all come from institutions (or most anyway). Hmm I wander how they recognize stop raids. All ICT does is tell you when and where to spot them. As far as data goes to prove it. I am sure there is plenty of data out there. One thing I know about data is you can make it say what ever you want. Just like UFOā€™s there is lots of data saying there exist but there is lots of data saying they dont. Evolution there is lots of data thats says I came from a monkey and lots of data that says I didnt. I personally believe I came from a tad pole. But I have no data to prove that. Hmmm interesting concept there isnt it. But I wont go much deeper as you said its just your opinion and everyone is entitled to there opinion.

I think it is only a secret for most of us retail traders, but the real players (banks & institutional traders) in the market are likely aware of this. Take a look at a chart and you will see it happens often. We had a stop loss hunt this morning, Reuters reported a US IB cleared the stops above 1.28.

Also, here is a webinar in which ICT talks about stop hunting in more detail:

Z Days - Search & Destroy - Stop Huntson Babypips Inner Circle Trader - live streaming video powered by Livestream

:7: lol how I enjoy these types of posts!

I have said it numerous times and it never gets tired of repeatingā€¦

We are not ā€œsupposedā€ to profit. We are not given a free pass into the world of Trading [any asset inserted here] to harvest fortunes. It is only packaged to appear to the masses to interest them enough to put their dough on the lineā€¦ then fleece them.

Early on in the Forex Retail beginnings Brokers wouldnā€™t take too kindly to ā€œscalpersā€ folks getting in and out for small fast gains. This makes it harder for them to drag the trader across the coals and deep into Margin trouble. Or if they knew this Trader had a knack for making consistent scalpsā€¦ they would prevent good fills or similiar Tom Foolery. The business is rigged, accept it or notā€¦ itā€™s a racket. One that if you understand the inner pinningsā€¦ can be taken full advantage of byā€¦ a ā€œkeenā€ Trader.

I do not wear tin foil hats. I do not fear black suited men and helicopters flying over my home. I do subcribe to the FACT there is a group of folks that make it their business to take you out of the Trade and many times at a loss. They are paid bonuses and incentives to do this very thing. You canā€™t see it on this level of Retail Trading but when you are on the other sideā€¦ itā€™s quite apparent the game is tilted with huge odds against your success.

I have traded this way for nearly two decades and it always the same questions that come upā€¦ it canā€™t be rigged? There are no ā€œthemā€ trying to stop you out. Friend, I can assure you that this is in fact the case. I can assure you that it goes on dailyā€¦ in all asset classes. I can assure you unless you understand how ā€œtheyā€ operateā€¦ your longevity is vastly limited and itā€™s not a matter of are ā€œthey going to take you outā€ā€¦ but ratherā€¦ ā€œa matter of time until they doā€.

Iā€™ll leave a light on for youā€¦ :54:

[B]GLGT [/B]:57:

WAIT!! WHAT??? You mean I have been wearing this shiny hat for nothing

The reason I voiced my newbie concerns is first of all, I have read a lot of advice that says prepare to be wrong, A LOT. Obv this will apply to more than just my $. What I hope to get out of it though, is more than just circumstantial evidence, such as a chart pattern. Above I see the Reuters report contains a bit more information, related to stops being cleared not by movement, but by supposed intent. Good, closer to clarification!

The issue that still seems interesting for me, is that the banks have access to the stop orders. Is there a service that retail traders can use that identifies orders as well? Basically if not, how are we not looking at insider trading? You may be able to ā€œfindā€ stops, perhaps the ā€œstop huntingā€ is correct in that no info is available, but mathematically it consistently works out to drive prices to certain points. If this were the case, by god start 1,000 threads telling people to only use trailing stops, right? There are two things you can do, either know this type of swing can happen, and try and ride it, or make sure it doesnā€™t hit your own positions. or both. It seems like a type of unpredictable volatility that would be more damaging. Just newbie thoughts for the molding.

ICTā€™s vids are well made and I donā€™t fault that. Also it seems that they are incredibly informative. Tinfoil hats are a bit more than what I meant to imply. I used to work at a casino and there you see people of all levels of intelligence fall victim to overthinking, or finding pattens that seem to make sense, but are no more than anomalies. After 1021 pages of the thread I bet it isnā€™t anything new to be criticised, but I donā€™t want to start out as a jerk either. Thanks

Because of this unusual duality of the FX market (high leverage and almost universal use of stops), stop hunting is a very common practice. Although it may have negative connotations to some readers, stop hunting is a legitimate form of trading. It is nothing more than the art of flushing the losing players out of the market. In forex-speak they are known as weak longs or weak shorts. Much like a strong poker player may take out less capable opponents by raising stakes and ā€œbuying the potā€, large speculative players (like investment banks, hedge funds and money center banks) like to gun stops in the hope of generating further directional momentum. In fact, the practice is so common in FX that any trader unaware of these price dynamics will probably suffer unnecessary losses.

Investopedia has never failed me. My first important lesson I learned on my Demo acct this month was to use stops. Second most important lesson, trail those stops! Both lessons come from being wrong. This forum is paying off! :stuck_out_tongue:


Am I getting it? Or am I wrong on these for other reasons? I hope the image is viewable

Last night I saw the first and second bumps, and I accurately surmised a head and shoulders formation, but thatā€™s as deep as I was thinking lol. How would I determine if it is just a H&S, or stop raids (the head went over the 00 level), or both?? Ahhh so much to process!

HEY! I made 13 demo account pips! puts on tinfoil hat This tinfoil hat represents trailing stops, and therefore while wearing it, the big bad banks canā€™t GET MEEEEE


Now do I short? Uh ohā€¦ Hmm Babypips school says to wait for the trend to make its way the other way somewhat.

Nope kept going! Ride along Trailing Stops! RIDE!

Damn, you beat me to it Bob.

Hi, My name is MoneyNVRSleeps,

Im a victim of Judas Goat,


Thanks Mike,

Every move of the market is not a ā€œraidā€.

I hope not. I tried to use the ? as best I could. I will try and learn how to better identify what are intentional stop ā€œraidsā€ and what just looks like large moves penetrating key levels where stops may be set. I am guessing the 00 levels are still good to be careful when approaching

Seems like it could be a challenge to determine is stocks are ā€œtesting a key resistance levelā€ or ā€œcleaning out stopsā€ at a resistance level. Or both as they may just both happen regardless of sinister, er, skillful intent.

Donā€™t view it as either sinister, OR skillful. It doesnā€™t matter. You now know what price acts like around certain areas, so just key off of that knowledge.

The mistake is thinking that this market exists, and moves just because of speculative trading.

That is far from the truth, and possibly account deadly. Hereā€™s a hypothetical situation to explain that statement. If BMW asks Deutsche Bank for a 5+ billion USD to EUR conversion, they arenā€™t looking to make a return trip. Duetsche Bank then buys any number of currency tools to insure that BMW doesnā€™t lose money in what will likely be a rather protracted conversion. The transaction then leaves a bit of a vacuum in the system once it is complete, and the market moves to fill it based on standing orders at that time.

See where Iā€™m going? The euro would probably climb for a bit, and it may even be a move counter to current fundamentals. And neither spec trades, or stop runs had anything to do with it.

Considering that the currency exchange market is almost 4 trillion daily, speculation isnā€™t, and canā€™t be the key driver. The buy/sell, supply/demand rules do apply to one way real money trades, and large transactions that are done by central banks, BIS, and other major commercial, and investment banks every day, and those are usually LARGE, price moving conversions, and futures purchases.

Bottom line. Learn your setup, see your setup, trade your setup. Donā€™t worry about ā€œwhyā€, or try to otherwise rationalize a market move after the fact. Thatā€™s a waste of time, and brain power.
Who cares WHY the market moved, other than the talking heads on CNBC trying to look intelligent, and give the flash crash a reason for happening. Your job is just to make sure you are either on the train the right way, got off quickly, or just never bought a ticket in the first place.

Thanks for the deeper explanation, I hope to invoke those with my ignorance (instead of ā€œbecause, duh!ā€). In a way I am still searching for good reason to buy a ticket. These large transactions are unpredictable, so it would worry me to ignore them (yet they lose influence I suppose trading longer timeframes). I would guess typically the new trader would view those quick large moves as the opportunity to gain, as they stand out. Those swings being (mostly) unpredictable means the gains lie elsewhere, where the market plods its way on longer trends. For the sake of a 1022 page thread, I will end my meandering around these concepts so others can keep qā€™s on topic. I will PM you Master Tang if you perhaps have the time to complete some gaps in my understanding. TY.

Hey ICT,

Firstly,i thank you for all you hard work in helping traders see the reality.Your videos are great and very eye opening.
My question is more to do with the structure of such a large thread.I see you have indiā€™s at the bottom of the 1st post
of this thread,but iā€™ve seen in videos you also have templates for different strategies etcā€¦

Is it possible to have maybe a zip file with all indiā€™s and templates required to get this up and runningā€¦
Sorry for my ignorance:17:

Here is the archive with all the ICT indiā€™s.

InnerCircleTrader Indicators.rar - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

A suggestion for ICT: Could you maybe put the link or the file as attachment in the first post of the thread? There has been a lot of folks asking for the indicators recently. Thanks. :slight_smile:

Thanks FXTraderCro,much appreciated