What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Hi eblip,

There’s bullish divergence in the correlation with EURUSD - just as ICT teaches :slight_smile:

OTE setting up now, let’s see where it goes from here. Time of day just sucks for entries but oh well hehehe. Also, tomorrow the NFP’s, so that’s why I’m only taking 1/2 position size.

Good luck!

Hey Pipowski,

If you’re looking for a bio on ICT, look no further than his own words in the following post:

The Inner Musings of InnerCircleTrader



i suggest you to watch ict’s video: "[B]The Trader’s Trinity - Inner Circle Trader’s Exclusive Overbought - Oversold & S&R Concept[/B] on how to use the trader’s trinity. if this link doesn’t work, go to post#1 of this thread. enjoy!

Wade, where did you get them? Or would you mind sharing them?

A few years ago a decent site was invented. It was called Google.
Let me google that for you

Thought they went bust in the .com crash? hmmm go figure

they are on google …youtube …but not all of them

Vladul, why is it that in all your time on this thread, you have only made critical comments, but nothing helpful ever comes from you, EVER.

If you took the time to check out the site i posted, you’d find seasonal charts for every major spot and futures currency/commodity you need.
Only through criticism one learns.

I got mine from

Welcome to Moore Research Center

You gotta sign up and I think it’s like 50$ for a month but you can download and save the charts to your computer and there is also some other useful info on that site but I really just wanted the seasonals.

You can also try

GBP/USD :: SeasonalCharts.de

These charts are free but are also different than the ones from the first link. Not sure which would be more accurate or better to use though. Hopefully on Monday ICT will point us in the right direction.

Another thing I forgot to mention. I believe the seasonals from MRCI are based off futures and the ones from the second link are based off the actual currency pair. Still not sure how they made the seasonal charts or how accurate they are or which would be better to use.

Thanks for the link to Moore, I couldn’t remember where ICT got his charts from

come on Monday already! its taking so long to come around, i feel like this was written 2 weeks ago lol

hey tycoon …where will i find the trading plan development tutorial ?

What do you think about it?


on monday ICT will probably tweet a link to it, and it will probably be on You Tube :slight_smile:

It is a tongue in cheek way of thumbing my nose at my critics and Big Brother. :35:

and if I may add it is a nice touch

Hey guys,

I’ve been searching for seasonal charts and thought this may be useful to some of you looking for the same information. The link below is a PDF file which contains seasonal charts for a bunch of securities. Hope you guys will find it useful :slight_smile:

Well, my first full week in the Snake Oil Salesman’s Novitiate Camp for CandleNinjas is over… i [I]think.[/I] Appropriately enough, I feel so OVERBOUGHT and OVERSOLD… bruised and i think i’m even still bleeding a little… [I]no, that’s okay everyone, i bleed easy, i heal easy… cough, cough[/I].

I hope everyone’s trades were extraordinarily fruitful. I don’t even know if I can [I]get[/I] to sleep, but I have to try…

I feel like a Candle in the Wind…

howz that for some tongue-in-cheek?.. : ) Thanks ICT for even trying to [I]hint[/I] at the truth. And thanks to everyone for the support. Oh, and my new tattoo still hangs on my arm… [I]MOCKING[/I] me… :slight_smile:


There are times when we can clearly see if the currency we are trading in is OverSold or OverBought. For this you will need to know the Chart Patterns and also understand the Theory of Price Action :wink: