What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

right …just noticed something that may be just wishful thinking …who knows…but im gonna put a tiny bit of cash on it…and see what happens…and demo it big for fun…

if you look at diagram i put some general trendlines on the 4 hour chart of the cable…and although not exact the right hand side appears to be mirroring the left hand side…
ive indicated with thumbs up what i take to be mirror matches…

if this is the case and the mirroring continues…
then the current price which stands at 1.56289 should retrace back to at least 1.57725 for first profit take.
and then it should go on to 1.58217 for second profit take…

this may be ridiculous…but i like it and through my eyes…the mirroring is quite powerful …
it could be a long term deal …long term being a few days and i dont know if it will get stopped out…
i would strongly advise that you dont take this too seriously as i am a noob and just enjoy patter recognition things…and this is a pattern to me…
note it is also an experiment in the effects of mirroring on my account…ha ha.

ps dont know what the sign of the market turning that way will be…maybe a sharp decline in the asian session as a set up …maybe… thats if it ever turns at all…
it NOT BACKED UP BY ANYTHING ELSE. and pattern isnt that similar really.

i think its stick with the basics time…and stop wasting time on chancing things.
lesson learned

Hey eblip
Have you seen this site
/Trading Books/

it gets posted every once in a while in this thread, but it has hundreds of trading books you can download the pdf. Good stuff!

yes i already got that one…its great for lots of books…others i normally get from torrent searches or from other sites…the other sites and the torrent ones dont have the big adverts in…not that that is too much of an issue to be honest.
but thanks anyway popin

Curious folks… anyone recall my teaching on Seasonal Tendencies?

I shared with you a few “Macro” concepts in that teaching… and you should be tickled with your charts given that insight. If you missed it… fear not… this Monday it will be in the Trading Plan Development tutorial.

Cable chart is so pretty right now.

GLGT :57:

Not only that… but I wonder do the “bloggers” read this thread?

Yep, certainly do remember those :wink: I even had to get my own copy for every major currency!

You get a “special one” on Monday. :wink:

I just want to shout out collectively… I am very proud of you all for taking the step to learning this information. It can be a bit much at first glance… but snoop around the forums… you will see evidence in others that while they struggled early on… they are making it click for them.

Kudos! :57:

Hey guys!
Been quite a lurker recently, but I’m going through all the material again and again as I’m still struggling with my trading (but still hanging in there :slight_smile: ). I have a question that might be answered in a tutorial, but can’t find it.
ICT speaks often about using the asian session low and above to get short signal and the asian session high or lower to find long signals… What does this really mean and how does it work? Thanks in advance folks! Have a good one! :slight_smile:

As I understand it:
This is mainly in a trending market. - Cable and Fiber have been trending down for the last few weeks.
So given that there is a high prob that the market is going down you now need to know; where’s a good place to look to sell.
And selling above the Asian Session Low is a good place to look.

If you’re not sure about the asian session checkout ‘exploring the asian session’ Also if you need the times, I think it’s midnight to 5am GMT. But there’s a post from Clint with all the session times floating around on the forum that should help.

I’ve moved out of my cave into the glorious field for June.

Any information about that “Macro” concepts/Tutorial? Please share for like us newbies.
Thank you in advance.

right just taken my first live trade 0.1 lots since blowing my account…
shorted the cable.
hope its an informed decision…
here is a pic …with all my analysis removed.

Without any analysis your post is merely a post that logs your trade, it has little or no educational value.
It’s a beautifully naked chart, and if that that trend line is any indication of what the basis for your trade is, then it’s not even ICT related.

I recommend that you include your analysis, it’s the only way we can even begin to tell if is an “informed decision”.

Best of luck though.

right i automatically took profits at 1.54670
entered trade at 1.55144
thats about 47 pips…

i initially wanted to scale out 50 percent at my profit level and i expected it to potentially run to 1.54150
anyway i am tempted to get back in the trade…
but i am practicing the art of trading like a pro…so i will only enter if i get a new trade lining up…

sorry abrsive …next time i will post the reasons why i took the trade…its based on ICT teaching…i am not doing any ridiculous trades…i got 3 or 4 reasons that i took that trade…
in future i will let you know the reasons.

Hi All!!
Can someone explain me how to use the ICT tools like TradersTrinity ?
I have downloaded them ,they are in .ex4 format(have no idea this format), can someone guide me how can I actually install/add them in my MT4.
Thanks in Advance

once you download the indicator go to
mycomputer/c drive/program files / (whatever mt4 program you have)/expert/indicators/
Now drag and drop the indicator into your mt4 plattform and reboot mt4. Once you reboot mt4 go to
insert/indicator/custom/traderstrintiy and enjoy

Maybe like me, they’ve decided to take you on your word and they’re just trying to work through the first video - you know, the part where you said to “take a week to find out what kind of trader you are” - I guarantee (since I’m on about my 4th day of self-assessment) that it can be a [I]real[/I] show stopper.

ICT, thanks again. I’d love to be diving into your other stuff, but I can’t right now. Even the School of Pispsology is giving me a run for my money this time through.

Only [I]play[/I] tattoos for me right now. I’d like to go live December 1st. Until then, start managing my meager funds like a smart man would, demo trade, [I]grind/scrape/slog[/I] through the material. ICT, if you don’t mind my asking, did you post some of your background somewhere inside your material? Like BA Economics, or AA Auto Mechanics or something? Also, can you tell me a little about the “Snake Oil Salesman” logo on the front of your videos? Just curious.

power to the people


Hey guys!

Did anybody spot the SMT divergence today on Cable?! Also, right at the 1.5400 level and a textbook hammer candle!

Counter-trend or not, I’m in with 1/2 size lots. :slight_smile:


hi…divergence with respect to what ?
smt of course…sorry for the question …didnt read properly

looks to me at 8 30 gmt that a bearish pennant is forming …so i am expecting a continuation with the fiber right now…but not enough signs for me to put money on it YET.