What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Is anyone else only taking 1-3 trades/week or is it just me?

lol, per pair or in total?

Ha , I am with youā€¦ trying to only find trades off the 4 hr charts with all of/ most of the tools lining up

Iā€™m only trading GU so I guess just that pair

Not just youā€¦I ended up only taking 1 trade last week,but it was a winner.
Iā€™m only looking at cable and fibre,mostly at London Open and there just didnā€™t seem to be any high probability setups that I could seeā€¦except on Thursday after the GBP news but that was outside the LO kill zone when I wasnā€™t looking!!!
The one trade I took was Thursday LC and I watched that coming for about an hour before it arrivedā€¦and that made my week.
I think that you will have periods when you donā€™t take trades,which would have worked in hindsight,for a variety of reasonsā€¦but if the majority that you do take are profitable then you must be doing something right.

My goal from this week is 3 trade max :slight_smile:

Hi dess, thats good discipline you took only one trade in weak. do you mind sharing some details here? what was the confluence the time you enter and exit ?


This was the same trade Clark and Manta took ā€¦look at posts 1397/8.
GU had been going up all day - ā€˜done the numbersā€™ MR1>R1>MR2>R2 >MR3 and well exceeded the ADR High @1.6540(my ADR tool was set up at midnight EST)ā€¦so I was looking for it to pull back into the range.
Confluences were MR3,institutional level 1.6580 and 79% fib 1.6582.
As it was effectively the end of the trading week I decided not to push things and treated it as a scalp trade with conservative target of 30 pips.

Yeah, thatā€™s about my pace too. I feel like I really beat that overtrading problem I had in the past. I just donā€™t WANT to take trades that donā€™t have a lot on their side. It feels stupid, and it feels like a waste of my time and money so I just donā€™t even start down that path. It just makes so much more sense to me (now) to just wait wait wait for the tools to ALL line up and risk your hard earned money where it counts!

and Iā€™m matching that pace with extremely modest goals. Iā€™m literally building my career around 30 pip gains per week, and anything more than that is just pure bonus. If I could trade these tools fulltime, I might try to kick that average up to 50pip per week, but the spreadsheets are showing me that I donā€™t really need more than that. The only important part to me is consistency because the compounding doesnā€™t work itā€™s magic unless the gains are extremely consistent. 1 negative month can really throw a wrench in a compounding scheme like that. A loss on the day, ,or even on the week isnā€™t all that bad, but if it wipes out a monthā€™s worth of profitsā€¦well thatā€™s something I canā€™t afford to do so Iā€™m playin it safe, all the time.

Thanks for sharing Clark. It really helps people like me who are new to trading and thread to see ICT method in Action :slight_smile:

Thank you Clark
Thank you ICT

Yes, Iā€™d have to agree with everybody else, Iā€™ve only really taken about 0-3 trades a week. When I first started trading with ICT methods, I did overtrade, maybe 4-5 trades a week. I guess I forced myself to see setups that werenā€™t there, only to get stopped out. But now, I think Iā€™ve learned to trade only the best, and highest possibility setups. Iā€™m still having troubles with it, but Iā€™m forcing myself to filter out even the smallest bit of doubt.

And no worries FX280, as you read through the thread, youā€™ll see that many traders here will post their winners and losers. And it has all helped me too, before I started trading live. Just by looking at example trades, I have learned a lot. =) Hopefully youā€™ll be sharing some of your trades as well in the near future. =)

Good luck!

BTW, just got home from watching Limitlessā€¦ Oh manā€¦ I wish I had that pill sooooooo bad, Iā€™d be a trading prodigy. :smiley:


I really enjoy how everyone is going through the same sort of learning process at roughly the same pace in this thread. More particularly, everyone is realizing that you donā€™t need to overtrade to earn extremely high returns on your account, and how to filter their trades, picking only the best ones.

Morning/goodnight all!
Iā€™m a week late on this theme so please excuse me,thought iā€™D put my biography on and where iā€™m at with Forex,as Iā€™m getting a bit more involved.

A few of you know now that I live in The north east of Spain and as such get to spend summer in shorts!Well yesterday it rained for a few hours!!just to make you all feel better!

I left school with nothing!Too much time staring out of the window or being in another place altogether.

First job 5 years as Factory Fodder(Engineering etc)Then I saw the light a little and got into sales for the next 9 years selling Frozen fish(in winter in Britain not good for the fingers),Cars,sunglasses,watches,clothes,gas,insurance,books well the list goes on some of it door knocking(a tough old business getting NO!!all day and abuse but it paid the bills just!

Then 3 years delivering cars,youā€™ve seen the guys with a reg plate(trade plate) stood on the roundabouts,got to drive some great motors and see the country and made a bit of cash,but 3 British winters in the middle of knowhere in the snow 200miles from home at 7 in the evening kind of wears you out,so that was that!

Got lucky and read the local paper one day and there was an article"Local village desperate for firefighters"!!How rare is that anyway got in by the skin of my teeth and ended up specialising in aviation firefighting and training at one of the best facilities in the world! What a rush and a fantastic time found some great friends into the bargain!!

Jut over 2 years ago now got offered avery generous redundancy package(for my time in the job)due to the local base having a change of use and thought the next 30 years in this job waiting for my pension!or go and grab this opportunity to do somethiung else,bearing in mind firefighting is well paid with great shifts!I thouhgt lifeā€™s to short to watch it ebb by,seen a fair bit of action,LETS GO FOR IT!

I had to sit out the best part of a year waiting as the base got wound down which was great for me to research my current project,Property development in Spain.

Taught myself the basics of Spanish with the help of a legendary Pole and started looking at EXCHANGE RATES!!as obviously had to change by british to brussels!Unfortunately this year in question is the start of global banking meltdown so my finance plan ended up looking like a bad joke,25K wiped off my property and the pound right down in the dumps,so what do I do?cancel my dreams and go back to 30 years waiting for pension!!With everyone saying well you cant do it now wait a few years etc!NO!I went for it and here I am one and a half years here,speaking fluent Spanish,found the love of my life!and half way through restoring my first 200 year old stone/slate cottage being given fresh veg and just about everything else going by my fantastic spanish neighbours!!

So how did I come to be posting here?
well iā€™ve studied EUR/GBP for 4 years whilst organising this project but purely with a commercial money exchange and I never realised there were 4 figures after the point(just like when you exchange your money for hols abroad!).Well things are tight and I thought Iā€™l change a few grand back to sterling as values change a bit then later in the year when its in my favour change it back(caveman forex trading)did a bit of research one day stumbled on Baby Pips read School of pipsology in record time with bleeding eye balls and thought WoW this looks great!!
Proceeded to look for a Broker on a few review sites/forums and my hopes were dashedā€¦?what is this strange world of people seemingly making thousands of pips and bad mouthing everyone in sight,at that point I left it for a few weeks thinking this is just another get rich quick load of ribbish!!
Thank god I reviewed it one more time and found Michaels thread and all you great guys and gals here speaking honestly and humbly prepared to lose the ego and listen and learn to a professional!!A BIG THANK YOU TO YOU ALL!!

Michael I hope to reward you soon when I start demo Trading and posting the trades,iā€™m just short of a few pieces of the puzzle to click but can feel them in front of me!!

GLGT to all


Help please,
just read ICTā€™s old thread and am setting up the smart money tool,running metetrader but canā€™t figure out how to overlay one chart onto another!

Thanks in antipation and apologies about any spelling/grammer in the other,schooling didnā€™t help and now think a lot in spanish!


Hi Jeff,

I use GFTā€™s dealbook 360 to get exactly the same SMT as ICT - though as a proxy, I thinkā€¦ you could just plot the two pairs side by side on the same screen and look for any divergenceā€¦??? Not as sexy as the GFT SMT but WTH!


Try this indiā€¦

Yeah, the movie was cool. I had to laugh when we saw that quick scene when he was trading forex, I think it was CHF/JPY, right? :smiley:

Hi Jeff,
I am using ā€œdailyfxā€ charts to over lay cable and fiber. I am not sure if allowed to post a link here but you can google dailfx and then i am using ā€œNetdaniaā€ chart to overlay. Its free and also i notice they have site in spanish too :slight_smile:

[B]Hello folks[/B],

I just wanted to post something I want to share and I realize some of you might not have the same beliefs and convictions I haveā€¦ and I can respect that. On the flip side of that, I trust you will respect me expressing myself on the Holiest of times for me and my family. There are folks that do not have beliefs or spirituality and to those I state here this is not to sell an ideal or religion to you. I do not wish to offend those that do not share this faithā€¦ but respectfullyā€¦ I do this without apology nonetheless.

I want to give thanks to the God I serve and have placed my faith in for salvation and eternal life. I want to openly thank Him for my family, my health, my well being and for being the author and finisher of my faith and dreams. I thank Him for not taking my oldest son 15 years ago and healing him, I thank him for keeping His guiding hand on me and my walk in this worldā€¦ even when I strayed off the path He had intended for me.

I thank Him for the example He provided in the life of Jesus Christ and living a selfless life to serve others. I give of my time and resources to this thread and it is with that I ask that God bless each and every one of those who find it and read it. May those who read it see the gift of selflessness behind it all and not me as the core attraction and or focus. I could have never done the things in this life without the grace, mercy, patience and above allā€¦ love from you Godā€¦ I still stand in awe of the matchless tenderness you continuously extend to me. Guide me and encourage me in the times ahead that surely will test my faith and please grant me the wisdom to be pleasing to You as your child, a husband, a father, a friend and as I am viewed hereā€¦ a mentor. Keep those who I have made friends with here in good health and spirit, and may they like You have inspired in me, share freely with others and seek nothing in returnā€¦ save the joy it brings.

Thank you God for your gift of eternal life paid for by the shedding of Your blood, the laying down of Your life and the miracle of Your resurrection. I could never express my love and admiration for You adequately but I know You search my heart and know I simply adore You my Creator, Father, Guide, Friend and above all Savior.

O God of the Universe,
you shed your glory, your majesty,
your omnipotence
to become human, as Jesus Christā€“
to get close to us, to connect with us,
to be our role model and guide for living.
O God of the Universe,
you became the human Jesus Christ,
to know us, to feel all we feel,
to show us how much you love us
by taking within yourself all our sins.
O God of the Universe,
you felt not just one personā€™s pain
but the pain of all of us,
to wash us clean and bond with us,
your creation, your children.
O God of the Universe,
you proved your trancendent holy power
by rising from the dead,
a sign that all of us who believe in You
will also rise to be with You eternally.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ
is the ā€œHappyā€ in "Happy Easter."
Happy Easter to all those who love Him.

God Bless

Yeah, I am using the same thing, and if you save the chart in the application, and create shortcut of the website, itā€™ll load back to your saved profile as well. Only when you clear your internet history does it start from the default screen.

Forex @ DailyFX - PowerCharts from DailyFX | Forex Charts

Edit: Oh, and Happy Easter everybody! :slight_smile:
