What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

I don’t think I can attach here, your best bet is just check out the IBFX website and download it yourself. It appears that you must be with IBFX to have it work, I dunno if anybody is able to “crack” it to make it universal.

Here’s the link:
Forex Trading Tools - Partial Close EA - Interbank FX


Ok time to humiliate myself but if I can’t do it here I can’t it anywhere.

My fiber ADR range looks too small at 123 from high to low. I added up the range of the last five days (default setting) roughly 279,390,163,134,134 and divided by 5 to give 219, about what I’d expect.

Have I made a gross error somewhere or do I miss understand the tool or some other madness of the brain. To be fair I am having one of those days, getting in the passenger seat when I supposed to be driving, collecting the wrong child from school etc.

And cable is 90 and I’m expecting 140, clearly I’ve misunderstood the calculation. I’ll read up.

Yeah, Fiber is 206 and Cable 126 on my charts. Even allowing for the differences we saw before, yours seem to have gone a bit crazy! Bermuda triangle day! You on basic ICT ADR default settings?

P.S. I might be more worried about the child issue than the ADR though, mate :slight_smile:

Yes default. It doesn’t reset on a Monday unless you change something does it? Of course that wouldn’t make much sense.

Opened a new demo account today (but I’m not saying why!!) and am running on this, may have something to do with it?

Worryingly my random ADRs gave potential LCs on both cable and fiber, still the cable one would have worked out lol. Broker even wants my demo money :rolleyes:

Old acconts showing the same, curiouser and curiouser.

Mine was 113 on Cable and 147 on Fiber

I caught a EUR/JPY scalp and missed the Fiber by less than a pip.

Im pretty sure the discrepancies are caused by
a) Sunday Data
b) How that Sunday data is used in conjunction with your brokers time settings

That’s exactly what happened to me, I had set my pending order at 1.4260, missed it by 2 pips and then reached my TP in a single 5min candle. =P

Took a losing trade during LO, due to my computer crashing though…, going to be posting that one once I get the chance.

Jaroon - Sorry for assuming it was you who was crazy, and not me! I’m calling it a night.

Hello Snipers,

It’s time for me to get serious and stop window shopping all these systems. I’ve been following along from the beginning but not really doing the work and focusing. I will focus on ICT tools and methods and hope to contribute here positively.

I made the trade below late Sunday US EST just after Tokyo open. With my new found conviction was excited to get going and blew the first entry (haha). I figured it was a good trade so got right back in. It didn’t play out until NY open, so I’m not sure I can even call it an ICT/OTE trade, maybe just luck.

First entry was from the AB leg late after a quick pop and rejection from the PDH just under the new DPV. TP was the mid point of the 138/162 ext and SL was Hi +10p. Tokyo opened and quickly ended that trade. Second trade had a new Hi and I entered at OTE of blue Fib from the BC leg. SL was entry +30p and TP was a Fib extension moving the Fib 50% point to the Lo at B. I did fudge my TP a little lower when PA got close but didn’t expect or get much with that big 6280 right there…

Trade 1 went -20p w/5 Lots for -100p. Trade 2 went +101p all told and I closed 2 Lots @ +48 for 96p, 1 @ +80 for 80 and 2 @ +101 for 202 yielding 378 total. Gain for day 278p :cool: Still wondering how to score that. Probably best to call it 81p and then try to figure the pip value.

I sooooo wanted to take the long LC trade after I closed but figured after my nice gain should practice self control. Patting myself on the back was little consolation. :frowning:

Hi everyone, is anyone else using Hordane’s COT report excel spreadsheet? I am having problems with the charts as they are not being updated even when the new data is in the spreadsheet. I just realized that the chart stopped updating on March 1st, and when I go to ‘Change Period’ , it just comes up with ‘Run-time error ‘1004’: Unable to set the Values property of the Series class’.

Any ideas?

I also missed the report from April 26th because I was ill. Is there any way to get the ‘Comma Delimited’ version of historical reports?


Hey Clark, Just looking at the COT in more detail as I have been neglecting it for a while. Are you saying that, regardless of Cable Commercials being net short, there was a decrease in their short position and so this is a bullish signal? When I first studied the COT slides I got the impression that a net short position was supporting short trades regardless of any increase or decrease below the waterline (i.e. the point at which they cross over into net longs, 0)


Because we are comparing the figures from previous figures, if the commercials are decreasing their short positions, there’s a good indication that commercials are starting to feel more bullish about the commodity. Hence, it’s giving off a more bullish signal. At least that was how I learned it. Like you said, the blind leading the blind. Haha. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hope that helps!


[B]Date:[/B] May 9, 2011
[B]Time (Local):[/B] 10:31 PM
[B]Time (GMT): [/B]4:31 AM
USDX was bearish during today’s session, formed long wicks and a small bearish body. Shows some indecision in the markets right now. Hourly shows that today, there wasn’t much movement. USDX seems to have closed below prior resistance at around 74.70. Could we see a bounce down? Giving off a slight bullish sentiment for the Cable and Fiber. All bond yields except for the 30-year continues to drop, showing some bullish sentiment in the Cable and Fiber. COT remains the same as it is only Tuesday. Backwardization is occuring on all Pound futures, and Open Interest increased to 115 839 which is pretty much the same as yesterday. Euro contracts have backwardization occuring on all contracts as well, and Open Interest decreased to 246 903. Futures are showing some mixed signals right now.
Cable market is up on 4H and hourly, and down on the daily. Cable opened above CPP, and is consolidating around yesterday’s CPP. Fiber market flow is down on all three time frames, and price opened below CPP. Seems to be resistance at the 1.6420 for Cable and some support at the 1.4325 for the Fiber. Daily ranged for Cable is 127 pips and 176 pips for Fiber.

[B]Possible Entries and Other Notes:[/B]
Overall, Cable seems to be fundamentally and technically bullish. Fiber seems to be bearish technically with mixed signals with its fundamentals. There does not seem to be any OTE entries as of now, so I will stay sidelined tonight, and look for opportunities during tomorrow LC. A short entry in the Fiber may seem optimal. Fiber may be aiming for the 1.4200 level. Short OTE for Fiber is at 1.43651.


Cable looks like it could move a little further south as well

Anyone gonna be in the chat room tonight?

Thanks for your reply. So we are looking to allign ourselves with the ‘Net change from previous week’ and not the ‘Overall Net Long-Short’ position. The net long-short position would be used when looking at extremes and trying to find long term turning points.

I will re-visit the COT videos to try and make this a little clearer in my mind.

Of course, no problem at all. =)

Helping others means you need to fully understand the concept yourself so to help explain something not only benefits you, but myself as well. Yes, we are more concerned at the overall change from before, noting any extreme changes as more significant. But at the same time, as I write now, although the Cable has gone a tad bullish with the increase in net long positions (hence, the increase in COT), the overall sentiment is nevertheless still bearish as it is still in the negatives. As far as that is concerned, I would say that you may be only looking for a slight bullish retracement, inside a bearish trend. I’m not too sure about what I said in the latter part, though.

I like to see COT as a more long-term analysis simply because it updates only once a week on Fridays. So overall long term sentiment would be bearish. But then again, it has been bearish for several months now according to COT, while Cable is rose higher and higher. For a more short term approach I look at the futures and open interest. I find that OI reflects intraday price more so than COT, especially for LO trades.

Keeping track of the COT for the week bias and when you see OI match that bias, you’ve got yourself some pretty high odds.

I hope that helps! =)

Anyways, I didn’t trade last night, market was too choppy and seems like my analysis was right. London Close isn’t showing me much right now either, so I won’t be trading it now. Hopefully LO will have something.


Where do you go to for your Futures and OI charts? I have been using this site: Futures - Currencies Commodity Futures Prices

Are you looking at the first Futures contract out? (June '11) I would know what it is doing if I see the precipitous drop, but how are you analysing what only appears to be an OI trend which is neither increasing nor decreasing?


EDIT: I just shortened the time frame to its minimum, a 2 month period, and I can now see what you are seeing…I think. It is much easier to see how prices rise and fall with the OI at this level.

That’s exactly what I’m looking at right now. I usually look at the 1 year, 6 month and 2 month charts. For backwardization, I’m looking at all 6 contracts, no including the spot market. For open interset I’m looking at the most recent contract as it has the most volume and activity.

I see Open Interest dips as just retracements of the previaling trend, even if it drops slightly, well the overall emotions at the CME has changed a bit. The move may not be as drastic as a huge drop or rise, but you can see that the bar next day will follow Open Interest. So although the drops are not as significant, they still provide signals for price.


Missed these today for various reasons but documenting them can only help, I figure. Early AM was almost identical to my trade yesterday and I was suspicious given the long time that one took to play out. It was way late and I was not sure of myself so passed. Slept until NY open and watched the last few candles of the push up before the big drop right in the middle of the NY KZ (KillZone). Trade would have been rushed before my coffee even had a chance to work so passed. The LC trade happened while I had company and could only half-watch the action. I couldn’t see an obvious entry so passed. Looking later I see there was a little Hammer in there that gave a valid OTE. Three great trades today had I been ready, easy peasy. Still just the one trade this week, but up 81 on the week! Overall, I am pleased. Pleased? How about PUMPED!! No doubt I’ll have more days like this but the others I will catch some trades!

Thank You Michael!!

[B]Date:[/B] May 10, 2011
[B]Time Started (Local): [/B]9:44 PM
[B]Time (GMT):[/B] 3:44 AM
USDX formed a big bullish pin bar on the daily, could not break the resistance at 74.70. We could see a fall on the USDX. USDX had open high on the hourly then fell slowly throughout the day. This signals a bullish bias for the Cable and Fiber. Bond yields bounced up today, after a few down days. This does not reflect the USDX and we see some mixed signals since the USDX is bearish while the bond yields are bullish. COT data continues to remain the same, a rise in the Cable and a fall in the Fiber. All Pound contracts have formed a backwardization scenario while Open Interest remains the same at 115 839. Backwardization is occuring on all Euro contracts and Open Interest remains unchanged at 246 093.
4H SMT is showing a divergence where Cable has made lower highs, while Fiber has made higher highs. Fiber and Cable have both been falling, had one made higher lows and one lower lows, then it would signal a continuation, as a result the current divergence shows a bullish reversal (?). Cable open around both GMT and NY CPP levels at 1.6363 and Fiber opened above CPP which is at 1.4362. Cable is long on market flow (down on daily, up on 4H and 1H) and short on the Fiber (down on daily and 4H, and up on 1H).

[B]Possible Entries and Other Notes:[/B]
We may be looking for a bullish OTE on the Cable. But it is early to tell, we can see a 17 up trend for the Cable, but it may continue to trend up and may fall during LO where we may be able to find an OTE to go long. Placing a 30 pip SL would be enough to past the 1.6340 support level. Fiber doesn’t seem to have much of set up going as its market flow is short, but a long entry is what we are looking for.

That concludes my daily routine analysis. I find that I am analysing more consistenly and efficiently, so that’s always a plus. :slight_smile:


I had a pending order on Cable at 1.6350. The candle shows that it was hit, but my account is showing no order. Mmmmm.