What Every New or Aspiring FX Trader Wants To Know

Guess what was on the H4…:eek:

I saw that too…and shoulda known better than to look for longs …my bad!

That last pink leg coming down from the D point was lastnight. :cool:

ICT, chatting would be really nice, looking forward to it:D:D:D

It is really nice to have a tutor with the patience of a saint when it comes to all us new guys, thanks a million.

I could give up a nights sleep to follow along one night this week. A little espresso in the Bialetti, some vanilla sugar and fake my way through work the next day. :smiley:

ICT thank you for this awesome material.

I am in awe at every new post and today’s post calling for a slide of greater magnitude was absolutley brilliant. I placed a Demo trade based on your dealing ranges chart and sold the GBP/USD at 1.5155 and used the 1.5185 level as my stop. I concluded if you were cutting bait on your short there than it must be a good enough place to place a protective stop. 30 pips right?

I used the Professional Pivot Concepts post to guide me and I held into the close of today. My demo account has a profit of over 130 pips in one day!!!

You are so awesome for sharing this information like you do and when it works so incredibly well its a treat for sore eyes. I have to tell you out side of the charts you posted today and comments I would have never seen all that and its refreshing to see someone can do it real time and before the fact and not talk purely from hindsight 20/20.:eek:

My question is this, where would you cover to exit the position ha ha ha?

This thread rocks… nothing better. :D:):cool:

I am not experienced and paper trading at this time. I got so confused with the EST & GMT and which pivots,etc. I know it should not confuse, but I was. Anyway, I plotted the monthly and weekly pivots as comes standard with my charting package on GMT and observed the following looking at the weekly pivot,S & R:

Mon: Price went from Fri daily high (this was at weekly MR1)…shot through weekly CPP, went back in that direction to tickle it and stalled around weekly MS1

Tues: Price dropped to weekly S1, bounced and shot through weekly CPP, past weekly MR1, dropped back to MR1 and found support there.

Wed: From weekly MR1 (support) price advanced past weekly R1 to around MR2, bounced from MR2 back to R1, retested around MR2 and back to find a bit of support at R1.

Thurs: Moved between R1 and MR1, tested R1 several times (by the way… does this mean it’s a pretty strong resistance and likely to go down?) Same support as Wednesday.

Fri: Bang! Shot through CPP again and came to rest back around S1 – same as Tuesday

So my thinking it that S1 was indeed the buy zone and R1 was indeed the sell zone this week … it was clearer stepping back and looking at weekly S&R.

If this is all wrong I do apologise to all, but I’d like ICT to comment briefly so I can come to grips with all of this.

Did you miss my post #449 from yesterday? :eek:

No I didn’t…lol… sorry, but I was at work and couldn’t show you what I meant. I was just kinda going from memory. Then I meant to later after I got home, except I had to help my son with his scholarship applications that are due, when else, today :eek:…and then I forgot :o

I’m still at work now but I will make a point of it tonight.


So, the same rules apply as for PD HiLo dynamic for instance if I understand this correctly.

I could imagine trailing stop placement is another way to utilize the range of the short term fractals.

Very nice trade today, ICT. :slight_smile:

“You are so awesome…” “This thread rocks”

Will you / you “guys” just stop. Please. You are so transparent, a jellyfish you could be. Either help, in the true spirit of this great forum, or F off. You’ll never get away with anything but, as you’re not as clever as you think.

My view on this thread (for what it’s worth) - the concepts are sound. No doubt. But, it’s all too vague , and there is an ugly under-current which is very familiar, and Im not sure where it’s heading. The true concepts though are taught in a safe environment in the TT threads - and over there you’ll find no ambiguity, taught by pro traders with obvious desire to help, with no other motive. The choice is yours I guess.

@jjay, shandy, and ICT

When I made that posting, I did not do it because I am “affiliated with BabyPips” or I “know ICT personally”. I simply read when he said he secured that account earlier on, and simply restated it.

See post #458 (his response)

See post #467 (my response)

Now that is clarified, I would like to express my disappointment at some of the other members, who want to bring all this nonsense of suspecting underlying motives and doubting ICT’s transparency. ICT has made no claims that “his trading method” is superior to any others - furthermore he has even previously stated that he is not proposing a trading method but is simply giving insights and tips to use already available tools.

If you really see a problem with individuals thanking him, [B]shandy[/B] and learning from his thread to the point where it aggravates you, then will you kindly submit to not wasting posts with utterly useless material (the exact same thing [B]you[/B] are talking about) such as:

[I]“You are so awesome…” “This thread rocks”

Will you / you “guys” just stop. Please. You are so transparent, a jellyfish you could be. Either help, in the true spirit of this great forum, or F off. You’ll never get away with anything but, as you’re not as clever as you think.

I have seen how tymen1’s thread has been bombarded, and seriously want to improve my trading here, so I would appreciate it if we could all put this behind us and let ICT continue to educate us, so that we can all benefit and make those pips at the end of the day.

Thanks in advance,

Don’t worry xxThingyxx, i’ll be keeping out of this now and seeing what transpires. If it’s proper, unambiguous help then fantastic, it’s all that is required I would humbly suggest. Anything but, and I suggest your time here will be short-lived - figuratively speaking of course. As will all future reincarnations, Mr Jellyfish. Figuratively speaking of course.

Ok people, you don’t like each other, fine, but [B]Hello![/B]… use your ignore lists or PM’s…[B]I really don’t wanna see/hear your debates[/B].

If you think something is suspicious, then take it to the admins…that’s their job.

I also urge those here who are interested to only reply to posts that relate to something they find useful…replying to anything else is useless…unless in a good way :p.

ICT I believe you can report posts to the admins for deletion. Pls don’t let “them”…you know, “the ambiguous they” …have their way…again …by driving you off.

No wonder there is never more than 100 active members when a few tend to keep it that way :mad:

[B]And if anyone wants to reply or take issue with my post, pls PM them to me…[/B].

PS. if you don’t have enough posts to PM, then use the “Visitor Message” feature found in everyone’s profile. Otherwise, save it until you can PM…lol.

I have one issue.

What does unimbiguous mean??

lol. I jest.
The word you were looking for is simply ambiguous. Or perhaps you meant unambiguous. It is indeed unclear, or ambiguous. :slight_smile:

Yes…what you said…lol…I heard ''Abby" say it while watching NCIS the other night on TV and thought it sooo fit.

However, what part of “PM (private message) Me” didn’t you understand?!!! :wink:

I understood it perfectly my dear, the powers that be simply don’t allow me that privilege. :slight_smile:

From the other thread you can see I had been waiting for this turn(s) this week and got faked out once, wasnt going to miss it, so I had a straddle across that tight zone, for ‘all four’ of my charts, currently holding G$, GY and E$ short half-stubs after first TakeProfits. Figure to post a shot to silence some and use others as dental floss. Used to trade pivots long time ago, couldn’t brew my own, clipped them off ActionForex. This thread got me having them on paper alongside my cup-o’-java, if I put them on the charts I wont be able to see the priceline. What ICT is teaching is his gift to us, take it or leave it. Keep it coming.

Its like price moves during London open hours (07/0800-1000 gmt, 1100 local), and NewYork open (1300-/especially 1500-1600 gmt, 1800ish local), the only time it’s worth to watch the charts and when lines (s+r, scalps, stairs, pivots, speedbumps) get crossed, I guess we all know that?

Sounds like somebody is jealous a new kid is on the block. You make no sense at all with your posts and sound like a hatemonger. We have a professional that is helping in here thank you. There is no other reason ICT has suggested as a motivation but to help. If you can’t wrap your mind around the instructions… then you should take heed to your own advice. Take your flubbery elsewhere pottymouth.

ICT keep em feeling inadequate mate! :smiley: Poor smucks lol

so how do you find the chat room ?? never mind ijust found the link