What Every New or Aspiring FX Trader Wants To Know


thanks sweetpip i did find it!!! idid have a ? for you though i think iread that you trad gartleys and butterflys take a look at the usd/cad daily and let me know what you think!! i think i see a butterfly pattern there.

{ ict} i have been following this thread form day 1 keep up the good work!!! and for all the sceptics like {ict} said in the beggining of the thread if you don’t like it turn the channel!!! i for one am here to learn a few things keep the static down please!!

Yes there is a butterfly there :slight_smile:

If it holds true, then there is a possible D completion point at 1.0014-10 which find convergence at 1.382% of XA and 1.618% of AB projected from C.

Quote: Originally Posted by Sweet Pip
I find it most tough when they create such a wide “zone” in a relatively small range…lol.

Yes, for me the buy zone had S1 at 1.5220, the PDL at 1.5208, and the round number at 1.5200. (I think I had 1.5216 as an entry price because of my 4 pip spread to get filled at the Ask 1.5220)

I don’t think I’ve gotten my mind wrapped around the present day Lo part yet,:confused: but the 4th hr is the bar I have with the yellow dn arrow above it…so I’m not sure which bar you mean… I had my pending buy limit order set before the bearish pink bar I have circled happened. If I had set the entry for S1, I would have gotten triggered and it was good for about 50 pips. My point is, is that it could have spike down further to any of those three levels I mentioned being that they were relatively close. I guess the previous longs had set their stops moved up tighter by then…lol.

Quote:Originally Posted by Sweet Pip
I pretty much anticipated the 1.5208 zone would hold, but within it are a few possible levels to get in at.

They are as mentioned above.
Evidence?..flow so far, had broke resistance then resistance becomes support…

Quote:Originally Posted by Sweet Pip
Going with the 1.5216 price meant possibly larger drawdown, but more assurance in getting filled whereas going with the 1.5208 or 1.5200 meant possibly lesser drawdown, and less chance of getting filled…each has its pros & cons…yes it’s a fine art…

That too…:wink:

Sorry to make my first post on this thread a negative one, but that plagiarism (or whatever it is) jumped out at me.

I’ve been following this thread from the beginning, sitting in the back of the room, just taking notes. I guess on forums that’s called lurking.

In the 2 weeks that this thread has been up and running, I have learned a new respect for pivots.

I know that this thread is not just about “trading pivots”. Pivots are simply the starting point for a methodology which will involve much more than pivots. But, if I learn as much every week, as I have learned in each of the first two weeks, then my time here will be time very well spent.

I’m sorry to see the trolls begin to show up here. Their appearance necessarily brings out the troll-hunters. I hunt trolls for sport; but, I’m not here as a troll-hunter.

If I had my way, only [B]ICT[/B] and [B]used[/B] would be allowed to post here. All the rest of us would sit in the back of the room, take notes, and keep our mouths shut. Then, we could ask questions, to our hearts’ content, in the Chat Room.

But, it’s a free forum, which sometimes means the forum is a free-for-all. As long as the front door is left wide open, all sorts of strays are likely to wander in. I hope they can be shooed back out without too much fuss.

Ok , I admit it. I stole your Jpg’s from post no. 503.

I have been catching up on the post. I like the fact of renewing the time honored basics of trading no matter who does it. So many get carried astray by people trying to reinvent the wheel.

I don’t care or would ever spend my valuable time figuring out who each poster was. Everyone is hiding why they use Avatars instead of their real names.

Just keep up the great clear posts. This information along with the other great basic threads like Technical Templates. Will stand the test of time.

Everyone have a great weekend… Ken Lee

PS. Linked your thread when I used your JPG’s…hehe :smiley:

Well, we had a good time in the chat room last night, we got to know ICT a bit better and we had the opportunity to expose some of the rookies to common Spot Currency “lingo” and Broker practices. We also learned that ICT is going to expand his posts to include different strategies, and I believe money management. All in all I enjoyed it.

As far as this thread and detractors are concerned, I think it is not the questions so much as the “Tone” of the questions. If someone has found a legit hole in ICTs trading/theories, point it out in a civil fashion, and on the other side, one would expect an answer.

As far as motives, who knows? So far I have not found any misstatement of fact, or impossible methodologies, and if I am wrong I will admit it, if for example ICT comes up with some kind of “pay” for, or “donation” dealio, well, I will plainly state that I have been had. But, so far so good. Anyway, post on ICT, post on.

PS I would love the mods to clean up this thread.

The Ever Watchful VIPER :cool:

Thanks for the comments and let me make this perfectly clear… I do not need your money, I do not intend to peddle signals or some advanced theory or method for pay.

I make money in the market, my opinion has always been if you need to sell a product in trading you aren’t trading it right.

I am a believer if you give… it will be given to you in return in greater measure. I know this business is full of promisemakers on the premise as long as you can send a credit card number or paypal payment you can have a testdrive of the real system. I am not doing that, nor should anyone follow folks who sell signals. It is lazy and you are buying something you don’t need… you need to understand trading on your own.

That is the premise behind this thread… entirely. I sell nothing, nor offer anything for a fee. I am doing fine without the panhandling thank you.

I don’t understand you linked my thread?

Your welcome BTW :slight_smile:

Appreciated, thank you Clint. :wink:

Unfortunately i missed the live chat last night as i am on GMT! I look forward to discussing possible set ups next week as i think it will really help me understand things more.

ICT - thanks for posting the charts yesterday, i have never used lfag patterns etc so i think it is time for me to find some weekend reading on candle patterns:D

Originally Posted by used
But the “zone” is only 9 pips from top to bottom.
Today’s present Lo stands right in the center of that “zone”.

Yes, for me the buy zone had S1 at 1.5220, the PDL at 1.5208, and the round number at 1.5200. (I think I had 1.5216 as an entry price because of my 4 pip spread to get filled at the Ask 1.5220)

I don’t think I’ve gotten my mind wrapped around the present day Lo part yet,:confused: but the 4th hr is the bar I have with the yellow dn arrow above it[B]…so I’m not sure which bar you mean…[/B] I had my pending buy limit order set before the bearish pink bar I have circled happened.

Drill down to 1h & you can see the bar.
1.5013 was the Lo at that time [last Thu when I posted my post] & it turned out to hold & became PDL last Fri.
So we had:
1.5017 as top of that “zone”=prev. Week Hi
1.5013 as middle of that “zone”=temp Thu Lo being PDL on Fri
1.5008 as bottom of that “zone”=Wed Lo

Price penetrated prev. Week Hi & got to 1.5013 & reversed.
That “looked” like a failed break attempt of 1.5008 Lo
& make a new Lo for that day.

As a result a lot of people [B]think[/B] Long because 1.5008 Lo did hold.

And that’s why I ask you where is your [B]evidence[/B] for direction [of price] because what you think is [B]NOT[/B] the same as what you see. :slight_smile:

There wasn’t any [B]evidence[/B] to go Long or Short for that matter [for me] & that’s why I said in that post “price is a long away from my crosshairs”. :smiley:

The [B]evidence[/B] started to form & became visible after the first new 1h Fri candle…many hours later with the start of a new day on Fri.

Again…“The Fine Art of Waiting”. :slight_smile:

I always give credit to where I pirate stuff from. So there is a link to this thread on my thread on another site to click to get here.

Nicely put ICT, and good to hear. On we go then :slight_smile:

Hello all,
please, i need some clarification.

On a mini account, 1 pip equals $1 (or approx.). The spread on EUR/USD is 2pips and so on every trade (per lot) the broker gets $2. If I enter a trade of one lot, my broker will ‘charge me’ 2pips. They usually do this by setting a line to cover 2pips and I can only start to make profit if those 2pips are surpassed.

What I want to know now is this- If I buy 2 lots, will my broker raise the line to 4pips ($4) so that I start making profit only when 4pips have been surpassed or will the line still be placed at 2pips (though the broker knows he’ll take $4 since the lot size has been doubled)?

<<<I want to use the answer know if there is any MAJOR difference between micro, mini and standard accounts other than the value of 1pip (per lot) in each case>>>

i know other differences exist- like minimum deposit, maximum leverage, et.c

2 lots = 2 spreads

2 spreads @ 2$ = 4$

Technically you are making two seperate trades.
The spread doesn’t change, your lot size increased. Therefore, the 4 bucks comes from the two lots.

Yeah, like I was saying… I wanted to find out any MAJOR difference between micro, mini and standard accounts- From your reply I don’t see any MAJOR difference other than the value of pips in the different account types;
I can buy 10 lots in a mini account and that’ll be equal to 1 lot in a standard account.
Am I right? No major difference?

It will still be a 2 pip movement.

Okay folks, I have shown how anyone with patience and understanding can turn a small amount of money into a literal fortune. Sure you will lose money over the time you trade, everyone does. However, we discussed how limiting your risk per trade to 2% or less, you can more than double your account balance over a calendar year!

Remember this is accomplished with only making a net gain of twenty pips per week! I know you are thinking, listen guy I seen you make 120 pips Friday alone and several 50 pips here and there and I know this guy on this other thread who makes 4000 pips… so what gives with the twenty pips pitch?

You have to set realistic goals based on your personal trading skill and risk tolerance. If you start small and target the minimum weekly goal and consistently hit this over a period of time compound interest can and will work its magic. This is assuming you don’t get confused and apply compound interest to your losses with overtrading and risking more than you should! :stuck_out_tongue:

So what if you were to be able to look at your charts and “really see” the Smart Money accumulating a currency, right before it rallys up 100-200 pips? What if you were able to actually “see behind the curtain” when the Smart Money is distributing a currency, right before price slides lower 100-200 pips? No folks, I’m not referring to Commitment of Traders data… sound like fun?:rolleyes:

The Inner Circle Smart Money Tool:

I am about to lay down one of the most powerful trading tools you will ever find. It is not something you find in books or seminars… and to me personally… it is most significant tool in my arsenal to direct my trades into the Inner Circle of successful traders. Fasten your seatbelts…

Look at the chart below and see how each divergence between the two lines there unfolds a 100 pip or more swing in price. Your personal trading found difficulty with finding the right trend direction? It is not dependant on trend either!

You can use this tool and quickly and easily determine if you are in a Accumulation (Buying) or Distribution (Selling) period in ANY time period. I plotted the tool on a hourly chart and you can see how it nails down some consistent 100 pip swings over a week in trading!

Here is your homework… look at the Smart Money Tool below and compare your GBP/USD trades this past week and see if you were buying when the divergence triggered a Distribution phase and thus lost on your trade. Look at your winners and see if it was in sync with the Smart Money Tool.

I promise you, you will learn how to plot this tool, but for now, when I refer to Accumulation or Distribution this is what I am referring to. When the Cable trades higher and the tool diverges bearishly… I will look for Shorts and ride the Smart Money as the Cable drives lower in price. When the Cable trades lower in price and the Smart Money Tool diverges bullishly, I will look to buy the Cable and ride the Smart Money coat tails higher in price.

If you have tools that can put major swings like these in your crosshairs, you will have no difficulty waiting for the setups to pan out and 20 pips in a 100 pip swing is gravey and imagine if you locked in the twenty pips and let it ride the daily range! Your Wealth Plan would be that much further along with winners greater than 20 pips per week, right?

I wanted to introduce you to the tool that is core to my Inner Circle status and you all have it in your own trading platforms… and it only takes a few clicks on your mouse and you can track the Smart Money in any time period… but the best indications are when you see their footprints in the longer term charts… what fun the moves are then!

Do not ask for this tool to be explained here… it will be in the coming weeks… but I wanted to introduce the tool I am basing my commentary on and why. Be patient… it will be well worth it… I promise. :cool: