What Every New or Aspiring FX Trader Wants To Know

Very interesting post ICT.

I’ve tried to replicate your attached image but I can’t seem to confirm all the divergences. I have a good clue as to what it is, but my data wont’ fit quite perfectly.

I’m waiting with interest for the coming weeks.

This is pretty much exactly how I thought retail traders would have to make money. Whenever I think about smart money/dumb money I think of this familiar saying:

“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some people all of the time, but you can never fool all of the people all of the time.”

Don’t remember who said that tho :o

But anyhow, it is of infinite relief to know that this is the opinions of such an experienced trader as well. I feel as excited to trade MY method (haha;)) this 3rd week as I did when I first opened my live account, it’ll be a true test of balancing excitement and confidence with the unpredictability of the markets!

Got it, even though we are on different hubs it is still clear enough. I will really enjoy watching you teach this, I like watching patient teachers. One thing that might help the rookies is to get a GFT demo so they can “see” the exact data that ICT sees. I think that would cut out a lot of the “my charts don’t look exactly the same” questions.

The Ever Giving Respect VIPER

But if the differences are enough to change the signals, that could be a problem! I don’t think one of those lines was price though, I think both the lines are part of the indicator, could be wrong however…

To me the upper line looks very much like a 1H GBPUSD line chart, but I could be wrong.

I cannot resist, look at the divergence between the 15th-16th of march, then put up some Pivots, it is a beautiful thing. Well done ICT.

The Ever Cannot Resist VIPER

Wow…that’s pretty sweet if it’s what I think it is …:slight_smile:

It is “absolutely priceless”, Sweet Pip. :slight_smile:

looks great, [B]patiently[/B] waiting to find how to get it

EUR/USD GBP/USD divergence. Red line is pound, black line is euro

kicks self for ignoring the line chart option

Love it ICT:D

Thanks a ton!

I change my answer to your answer :smiley:

very very good!!! :slight_smile:

Actually black is pound, red is euro. But we get your point :slight_smile:

Yes it is :)…I didn’t want to spoil it but Talon did so now everyone knows…lol

“InnerCircleTrader;180349]very very good!!! :)”

Sorry didn’t mean to let the cat out of the bag

did I get them backwards? I did didn’t I.

Now I would like to see a few examples you all find this tool supporting a major trade with the other tools in confluence. TalonD you especially since you opened the bag lol.

I’d like to see atleast 5 examples from either Euro or Pound… any timeperiod but let’s avoid under 15 mins… we’re not scalping are we? :slight_smile:

Let’s see it… post some examples from your own charts… it’s quiz time. lol

Fozzy that is the indicator Accumulation/Distribution. That is not what I am talking about.

You want to plot a GBP/USD chart
then plot an overlay or add another currency pair to that same chart.

This case we want the GBP/USD and EUR/USD on the same chart. Plot it as a line chart on CLOSE

You will arrive at the Smart Money Tool I am teaching here.

However, that example is one where this concept screamed BUY!!!

Find another one once you get the overlay of both the euro and pound plotted. Nice try though.