What happened to your trading resolutions for last year?

Helloooooo. :blush: I’ve been stuck at work and this morning, my colleagues were talking about how it’ll be 2024 in just a few weeks. :sweat_smile: And I’m sure I’d probably ask for your trading resolutions a few days from now, but I’m just curious. What were your trading resolutions for the past year and how are they going? :blush:


I feel like, for me, I wanted to spend more time trading. :confused: But I guess because I had so much going on over the past year and probably until my wedding, I won’t be able to spend as much time as I want on trading just yet. :sweat_smile: I’m gonna gave to pick a different resolution for this year. :sweat_smile:

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lol, i can’t even remember - that doesn’t speak very highly of either my trading plan or my memory, does it?! :open_mouth:

no, well … you have a pretty good reason for that! and you know we’re all “rooting for you” on many fronts! :sunglasses:


My stop loss resolution was broken a couple times and that ONE time it led me to such a huge loss. So no that didn’t work out for me. I’ll try again next year but in the meantime I don’t think I’ll be making that mistake anytime soon :joy:


Or maybe you’re pretty much all set when it comes to your trading and there’s nothing you want to change so far? :wink: Haha. But do you have any trading resolutions for the coming year? :smiley:

Huhuhu. Thank you so much flamingo! :blush: I really love this community and I’m also rooting for you and everyone here! :heart:


Ooooh. :smiley: By stop loss resolution, did you want to explore using wider stop losses? :smiley: If you don’t mind, what was this resolution about? :blush: