What is that one thing that has been a game changer for you?

What is that one thing that you would say has been the key game changer in your approach to trading effectively?

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Spending three years developing a profitable long-term strategy, by becoming a trend trader.


Concentrating on price action rather than technical analysis.


Price action will always be a reflection of everything that happens in the market

Bad bot. Don’t reply to me!

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Your hard work has paid off. Congrats!

it’s the time when i started to question everything i’ve learned ,i ditch them all away ,and study trading all over from scratch ,i’ tried the gambling way , i count all kind of probablilities i learn how to place my bet wisely ,and on top of all , i study the rules , how is stock count in average price yet forex count in pips.why are the price are shown as 1.0248 while it can be 1.02 ,and when i find out why , i know the purpose they design this game ,this is how you can get out of these matrix world, and win.

You’re saying that when you learned that forex deals in fractions of a cent instead of a whole cent, you started turning a profit?

It seems that riddle can be solved by merely looking at price. Isn’t that something you learn on day 1 of studying forex? How does that help you turn profitble?

This sounds very constructive. If you realize that what you’ve been learning is wrong, it can be good to just start over!

Good job!

imagine if you can trade forex like stock ,single order won’t blow your ac ,it’ll down to 0 only if that currency collapse.so closing your losing trade is not necessary an urge.but ,brokers will charge you swap instead ,that’s the real purpose of swap .

another hand ,if thats how stocks work ,why ppl still cant profit from stocks market ?because every order you place ,will balance out into 1 balanced-price ,unlike forex ,all orders(from 1 pair) are individual . if we can trade stocks like forex ,stock market will collapse i can guarantee.

It seems that riddle can be solved by merely looking at price ? answer is yes , because price is the only factor that won’t change ,your systems ,your indicators ,your theories ,your price actions are all 0-99% accurate ,and that’s why you lose ,or win with unsecurity feeling .but price itself ,is 100%

try dig deep yourself ,you wont regret it.

i learn this only after 14 years from babypips school chapter 1 .


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I should have known this right from the get go but took me years to learn: using stop losses :joy:

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