What is the best forex trading system long term not just for a month


I want to buy and learn to trade with a forex trading system but there are so many wich ones do you think are the best can you send me a link of them.
Thank you,

Have a nice day

Hi bogdanm:

The very First thing you have to learn is price action. In that way you will understand how the markets behave.

Yes I agree with Cruxs. Classical technical analysis prabably won’t make you profitable in a satisfying way.
Price action understanding is the best, but one needs time to learn it.

Hi Bogdan,

Well, I agree with both the replies above. :slight_smile:

Please excuse the observation that I think this may be making a significant mistake.

Learning to trade with “a forex-trading system” tends to work out badly, for most people - and there are good and valid and pretty reliable reasons why it does. If you emphasise “becoming profitable” right from the start, you’re [I]effectively[/I] (even though this wouldn’t be your intention) depriving yourself of the opportunity to learn how the markets work, what moves the prices, how it all hangs together and what sort of systems/methods are likely to be good for you.

In my opinion, you’d be far, far better off starting with some general books like almost anything by Joe Ross, and/or Tushar Chande’s “Beyond Technical Analysis”, and/or Van Tharp’s “Trade Your Way To Financial Freedom”, and/or Dr Alexander Elder’s books, and [B]avoiding[/B] “systems”, [I]per se[/I], until you’ve done quite a bit of studying from them. I strongly suspect that the proportion of people who start off that way and achieve any success at all will be [B][U]far[/U][/B] higher than is true of all the people who start by buying and learning to trade with a “system”.

Yes thank you but i would really like to know a good system can you please help me with just that.And another thing the claim of this system forexstrategysecrets.com can it be possible 300 pips per week.

Thank you

If one person can make 300 pips per week, 1200 pips per month, consistently; why is he selling the techniques? He must be a bizillonaire by now.

That’s why you have the problem, Bogdan, and it’s also why you’re going to become one of the overwhelming majority of people who lose money in the markets.

Ooh, I don’t know, what a difficult question: if you could make 300 pips per week reliably, would you be selling the system for $197? :49: :30:

Passive income that why he would sell it

And yet he seems, judging by his own website, to be so very [I]active[/I] - perhaps not quite “passive”, after all? If I were making a reliable 300 pips per week, I wouldn’t be selling the system for $197, myself. I suspect, also, that if you were to ask 100 regularly successful forex traders whether they agree, you’d find that not just 99 of them but all 100 would say that they do. Possibly that might indicate something potentially valuable to you. But of course that’s just my perspective and (unlike yourself, apparently) I could easily be mistaken.

I wish you well in finding success, Bogdan.

Please excuse the observation that I suspect you may have a long and sometimes arduous learning-curve ahead of you. :8:

don’t be lazy. invent a new system. is the best.

http://forums.babypips.com/free-forex-trading-systems/55673-2-year-backtest-eurusd-300-pips-month.html :wink:


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