What is the best time frame and expiry time for trading binary options?

Which time frame should I choose to trade binary options? How do I know the correct expiry time to use?

Dont trade binary options at all, you may as well just burn your money

Binary Trading is a no win situation… It’s the financial markets marked deck, loaded roulette wheel…yadda…yadda.

Trading binary options rather than normal forex positions is putting yourself under a [B][U]huge[/U][/B] additional handicap, in a field of endeavour in which overall success-rates are very low to start with, because as well as all the problems that all aspiring traders need to be able to overcome, you’re giving yourself a very substantial built-in house edge to overcome, [I][U]as well[/U][/I], thus stacking an already very tricky deck even further against yourself.

A really [I]long, slow, careful[/I] read through this thread may help you [U]greatly[/U]: 301 Moved Permanently

Thanks for your post

My advice is to stay away from Binary Options, as far as I know it’s a gambling scam. Take a look at these threads: 301 Moved Permanently ; 301 Moved Permanently Hope this helps.