What is your total profit or loss from online chart based trading?
In total I lost under $1,000 USD from actual online chart based trading.
This was after years of studying charts, that was thousands of hours, looking for that elusive magical crystal ball method that will work well enough, both through my own inventions and from other people on forums.
I did not find it.
Nor do i believe it does or can it exist, because future price movement had not yet happened and so is not knowable.
Its really simple.
On top of my thousands of hours studying trading charts, learning all about them I apparently have a top 1% human IQ BTW, but clearly this didn’t help me.
I was searching for the impossible - a crystal ball to tell me what price would do in the future, which is not possible as the future has not happened yet, and a chart can only graphically represent what has already happened to the price so far, not what will happen in the future.
So my necessary loss limiting stop loss was hit many times.
I needed a stop loss as without it one trade with massive draw down would have wiped out my trading account.
And when my trade entries did go into unrealised profit, because i did not know what would happen next i was unsure what to do and so often this unrealised profit would come back to hit my stop loss, or i would exit for too little profit when i could have got a lot more pips profit - had i known what price would soon do, which i couldnt have because it hadnt happened yet and i had no crystal ball.
Having to cover the broker/dealer spread before a trade entry moves into unrealised profit seems only a small thing but it does add difficulty.
Then add in the usual average of 0.55 pips negative slippage per trade round turn based on my actual profit and loss for a trade, and what it should have been based on the chart price at the time i clicked the buy and sell buttons, an inexplicable thing that should not in a fair world happen, and losses soon add up.
To me, the time frame of chart/s used is irrelevant to the chances of success, as all chart based trading is live price trading.
When i started with the online trading i had read things like - 90% of people who try this lose money or fail to make any profit. And we do not know how much profit the remaining 10% make, if any BTW. I thought I could become one of the few who with lots of study and hard work positive thinking etc etc could find a way to be profitable, but this did not happen.
A new decade was one of my wake up calls to face this factual reality.
Hi, you’ve done really well to only lose 1000 dollars. I lost roughly £10k over 3 years when I started out. I’ve made in the region of 150k once I became profitable. I’ve invested a lot of it and also had to pay back loans which I took out to start off my account. I dont disagree that trading is extremely difficult and yes theres no crystal ball. But then again, I just answered someone on another thread re gold support/ resistance. Heres the charts I’ve just looked at, the daily: I’ve drawn using reversals back in Sept/oct:
Then the 4 hr has multiple areas where you can look to trade using smaller timeframes or whatever strategy you use.
Now this is all hindsight. But if you look at the lines drawn last sept. They show new areas which are tradable later. Not really a crystal ball as you dont know what’s going to happen but you know something could happen there. So watch and wait and look for the moves to make sense and take the trade. You risk is clear as the lines show support and resistance which can change depending on whether price goes through. It’s not inconceivable that if you had drawn those lines and opened a thread for advice that someone wouldve pointed out theres a trading opportunity. If you kept it to yourself then you only trade what you know… and unfortunately that may not be enough.
If you’re interested, start your education here. It includes the babypips course and other more basic stuff. Best of luck 
Thanks 077, for your presumably honest reply.
A possible reason why others have not answered this simple question is -
They are overall net $ losers, or have barely broken even at online trading.
OK lets re-word this question, no need for anyone to reveal any overall profit or overall loss $ amounts.
Overall, online trading with real money (if you ever have), are you a net winner or a net loser?
As I’ve said already, I’m a loser.
Honestly speaking, i dont believe this is true. I think there are profitable traders on this site. My first thought to your question and my first reply was going to be a very arsy one asking why you’ve asked a dumb question and how will it benefit me or you. Secondly if I did have a ‘crystal ball’ I certainly wouldnt tell you. However I replaced it with an answer I thought be helpful. I did that because i thought you might be genuinely asking. Overall it is a pointless question because it means nothing. You should really ask a question from which you can learn something to further your knowledge. If everyone replies saying yeh I am profitable or no I’m an loser it means nothing, it doent help anyone. I answered to let you know it can be done, but you should already know that.
Theres no need to fear the tax man. In the uk especially, capital gains tax starts after roughly 12k. So on a 10k account you’d have to return over 100% in the year. On a 100k account you’d have to return 12% which is still very good compared to other investment vehicles eg bank, wealth management firms, property. On top of that spread betting is tax free in the uk. So no one in the uk should care about tax.
I’m a net winner. I don’t claim to know a lot about trading but I do what I can with what I know. Granted I’ve not made thousands upon thousands, but it’s enough to say I’ve made money from trading. I’ve made literally about $150 lol. Of course I’ve had losses too but I’ve been lucky enough to make that back. So yes, technically, as of today, I’m a winner. 
Hello everyone!
Sorry to say
never use chart based trading
Is it helpful to get valuable profit for day type trading??
Overall, online trading with real money (if you ever have), are you a net winner or a net loser?
Its a very simple, honest, constructive and unobtrusive question, requesting a very simple answer.
I have answered it. If members of this forum are not prepared to answer it in a very non specific way, I find that a bit odd. They could lie and say yes i am a net winner when really they are a net loser, or have never traded with real money. But whats the benefit of lying?
You’ve asked it so you think this. what will you gain by knowing this? What will others gain from answering this?
its meant to be a bit of fun.
You know when people go to weight watchers or alcoholics anonymous meetings, or confession…
Possibly someone will find great freedom in admitting they are a loser and haven’t really got a clue how to change this.
It doesnt come across online but I wasn’t being serious. Was just normally asking. Have you ever heard of positive affirmations? Even if you’re a loser, I wouldnt advise typing that out and putting it out in the world. So, I dont think theres much freedom in affirming negative things. You can say I’m learning, I’m a beginner, I’m not profitable yet etc. However if anyone needs to or feels better, please feel free!
best of luck.