What leverage is best fo for my $300 account?

How does leverage affect your account? and what is the best lee for $300 account?

leverage is an financial tool in Forex trading which contains huge risk from all, so before using any leverage ratio its more appropriate to make sure most powerful analyzing money management , otherwise leverage can fall you a great trouble. .

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i dont think so high leverage contains much risk , if there is any , it is completely with nonsense planing with zero risk management approach , nothing without it.


the highest u can get from ur broker, i currently still trade with 1:500. but if u get 1000 even better. just risk a fixed % of ur account(or equity)on any 1 trade and u don t have to worry about leverage at all. the smaller the account the higher the leverage must be in order to be able to see sm progress and ofc depending on ur trading aproach and win rate ration. but stick to this rule with the % account risk and u ll be just fine, that way if ur doing good ur risk per trade increases as ur account increases without having to worry about lots and stuff.


Simply put, leverage gives you the ability to trade beyond your account funds. With leverage, you can double your trading in a certain financial instrument without having to pay all the required funds. This means that you borrow a certain amount of money needed for the investment. So when you trade with leverage, all you pay is part of your position value.

A CFD is a form of leveraged trading. As the amount required to open and maintain a position is called “margin”, leveraged trading is known as “margin trading”. The term “leverage” is often used to denote that a small fluctuation in the price of a CFD can be magnified into a large change in profit and loss, with the degree of profit and loss depending on the degree of leverage used.

For example, a $1,000 balance with a 1:50 leverage ratio has a trading ability of $50,000, allowing traders to purchase financial products worth up to $50,000.

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It’s a small amount; so you need to use the minimum number according to your broker’s offer!

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but you cannot ignore the importance of money and risk ,management, sometimes any good knowledge and experience will not work ,its areal character of Forex Market.

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both is important , first money management and second know the policy how to use leverage.

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It’s not leverage, but the position size in Lots/Units. With $300 deposit you may use 1 position of 0.01Lots size or several postioins with hedging. Anything bigger in size then you could be lucky today and sorry tomorrow :slight_smile:

do not worry about stuff like that, experienced or not. get a damn ea or risk calculator(u can get those for free) and just risk for ex on any 1 trade a fixed % of ur account (no matter the size of ur account). that way leverage can t hurt u, only benefit u ofc if ur market aproach is profitable. to many traders getting lost in lot size, equity, leverage, what does it all mean etc… if u can t grasp those things yet just do that and that way u just have to worry about beeing right on the trade or not. with a decent risk to reward ration (even 50% which is a coin toss) u still can get out ahead or break even, don t complicate things 2 much cos it s what gets most traders in trouble.

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why did you quote me, mate! I said literally the same!

Here’s what i use


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i have an ea that let s me set the nr in % that i wanna risk and how many positions etc… also i can drag sl and tp and tells me the relation of price in regards to some ema on higher tf, but nothing fancy, set % stop and tp and ur set, regardless of the leverage. easiest way to not get tangled up in all that specially if ur new imo

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every leverage ratio is best , if you can handle. if not you there is a chance to fall a great trouble . its all about knowing the ability how to manage risk. thats all.

brokers have lied to you when they told you that low leverage is synonymous with safe.

leverage only affects how much margin is required to open a trade.

a single 0.01 lot of eurusd requires approx $23.00 of margin at 50:1, but only requires half of that or $11.50 at 100:1 and at 1000:1 only requires $1.15 of margin.

at 10:1, a single 0.01 lot eurusd trade will require $115.00 approx of margin.

no matter what leverage setting your account is set to, 0.01 lots of eurusd gets $0.10 profit or loss per pip(0.0001)

would you rather be required to put up $115.00 or $1.15 of margin to earn the same ten cents per pip?

personally, i would be quite okay playing 10,000:1 and only have a margin requirement of approx $0.11 to place a 0.01 lot eurusd trade to earn $0.10 per pip.

i would be okay with that.

Leverage has always been necessary in forex market. It is quite beneficial for small account for as it allow you to open many more trades (you read more on Why leverage useful for beginner)

Some brokers offer very high leverage, for example AximTrade offer up to 1:3000 on their standard account so check around and see what fit you. good luck

Use 1: 500 at 0.01 lots.
This is more than enough for your amount.

whch leverage is more appropriate for the trading its really a tough fame becasue market is very much volatile and by using leverage with low trading plan could be dangerous , so we the traders first of all have to make sure perfect trading plan.