What made you realize forex is for you?

Try google. A few templates available

Thanks! Since you’re a full-time trader, do you have any profit goal for each month?

What is Tradera? Thanks!

Very interesting point! Thanks! This might be it for a lot of people. I know I experience this for a lot of things other than forex and who knows, maybe I also get this kind of high eventuaally.

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The answer is quite simple- fast profits, and some “Kisses by Mrs.Fortuna” motivated me to keep on doing it when i started it. The result was, I was not frustrated when the “daily routine” in trading overwhelmed me later and i made losses accompanied by the fact, that i suddenly had to “work” for my winning trades.
But like in every field - if you realize progress (that means in Forex starting to make money) you keep on doing it.

No, and that is why I took a five year break back in 2015. I am back now, in no particular hurry, and the main reason I am back to Forex is in support of a Crypto investment plan of which a future part may well be a trading component to enhance longer term returns. But it will only be progressed if I follow exactly the advice of this forum and other knowledge places, and I don’t get sucked into side ventures that prevent me from achieving the 1% of positive results. Happy to do this until I can’t type or see anymore. It’s the ultimate head game. You against yourself. :slight_smile:

Let me clear up my post for you, I used the internet to further my knowledge, research opportunities, trade demo accounts and follow strategies.
I followed my present software provider for 16 years and watched the development and progression of the programme.
I only took the plunge last year when my financial and work priorities changed, so I’ve only traded with money for that time, what I can tell you after one years trading, my account is 17% up, hope this clears up everything.

No matter if you day trade or swing trade you’ll still have to analyse and look at charts. How long you take depends on your style. I don’t want to do it for a living because i wouldnt class it as being enjoyable. You have to control your emotions, be disciplined etc and no matter how good you think you are you could still lose money by the end of the month. I look at trading forex as a stepping stone. Make what you can and use it. I dont want to do anything for a living. If I wanted a living I would stick to a job. Atleast you get paid at the end of the month.

I’m sure it does. :stuck_out_tongue:

I always tried to do something with my own efforts and intelligence. When I heard about the forex trading, I made my mind to do that and make money with my hard working and confidence. And, after that I started forex trading.

Yeah. :blush: Like I said, it’s challenging. But I’m up for that! :blush: Are you currently demo trading? :smiley:

I had a friend who is a part time forex trader. He was speaking to me about his earnings and trading and I just got interested to hear more about it. And… you know, what happened later is a history

The fascination. The challenge. It’s like trying to untie an enormous knot in the world’s biggest shoelace. It can be maddeningly frustrating, and sometimes you feel like you’re getting absolutely nowhere. But there’s also this little voice in the back of your head telling you, “Keep trying. You’ll only get it if you don’t give up.”

Most of all it’s the absolute freedom. I’m not there yet; I’m just starting out myself. But the biggest thing for me is that I’m not dependent on anyone else to make money. There’s no office politics, no stupid, unreasonable boss, no one else telling me when or where or how much or little I can work. I can’t be held back or undermined by someone else in the office who feels threatened because I have more drive or intelligence or work ethic than they do. Whether I succeed or fail, and to what degree, is all on me. No excuses, no alibis, no apologies. I love that.

forex it is suitable for those who need money primarily. just like other jobs