What makes it difficult for some people to actually believe in forex trading?

You might have encountered some skepticism from others who question the legitimacy of forex trading. What makes it difficult for some people to believe in forex trading?

FX trading is mainly a currency business venture that is just as legitimate as buying sales items from a supermarket. That you could buy at one price yesterday and another price today is how the globe economies move.

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Some people may be skeptical about forex trading because it involves a lot of risk and there have been scams associated with it.

You’re correct! Forex trading is a legitimate business that is similar to buying items from a supermarket, with prices that can change based on global events and economic indicators. These price changes are what make forex trading possible and offer opportunities for investors to profit from the market movements.

A lot of people have had enough of scammers who loot in the name of trading Forex. So it only make sense for them not to believe in it.

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I know some people think Forex is a scam and raise questions about its legitimacy. I have been with Forex for long two years and in this period I didn’t find anything suspicious about forex trading.

Initially I was also confused about this issue but with time being with Forex I cleared my confusion that Forex is legitimate but some brokers can be scam.

I saw some people raising questions about whether or not forex is a scam. I don’t feel like this and don’t know how to make them understand.

Achieving success in forex trading or any type of trading is a CHALLENGING task, with only 1 in 100 traders achieving success. Some people consider trading to be similar to GAMBLING, making it even more difficult for people to BELEIF. Additionally, the EXCRUCIATING learning curve associated with the trading industry can add to the challenge. However, the most significant challenge for traders is the AMOUNT OF TIME it takes to become successful.

Nonetheless, I believe that the question has been phrased incorrectly.

It would be more appropriate to ask “WHY do some people find it difficult to believe in forex trading?” rather than “WHAT makes it difficult for some people to actually believe in forex trading?” This is because the latter implies that there is a specific factor that universally makes it difficult for everyone to believe in trading. However, the decision to believe in trading or not is subjective and depends on the individual’s mindset and perspective.

Some people may view trading as similar to gambling, which can make it challenging to trust the process. Moreover, the subjective nature of trading combined with a CLOSED mindset can also contribute to this difficulty in belief. Trading requires an open mind and a willingness to learn, adapt and TAKE RISKS, which can be CHALLENGING FOR SOME INDIVIDUDES. Ultimately, the decision to believe in forex trading depends on each person’s unique experiences and mindset.


People are used to making money the traditional way so any method that makes it seem “easier” is bound to be met with skepticisim.

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It’s frustrating how scammers can ruin the reputation of a whole industry. It’s really important to stay informed and be cautious to avoid falling victim to these scams.

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I think it’s because of all the scams, fake mentors, etc. that surround learning forex trading is what’s making people apprehensive towards forex trading and even trading in general.