What Really Turned My Trading Around

One senior trader quote…"[I][B]…I will enter most of my trades when the candle is still open –
a HOT candle! After all I am trading price, not candles.[/B][/I]"…something align to CF’s thought.

A quote of mine: [B]“A HOT CANDLE can BURN YOU”.[/B]… :smiley: ROFL!!!

nevermind…just change the bear candle’s color to blue…it’ll cool you down…:54:

Just Great ! :18:

…when will you reply my pm then…?:8:

Basically, don’t use H1 swings yet. You will get confused.
If overall trend is up and price is still in the channel, then aim to trade long off H5 downswing extremes. If there is no down H5 extreme to trade, then just wait.
If you can’t wait, you CAN use H1 swings and then trade up, but again, I do not recommend that at all. [QUOTE]

I don’t use H1 swings. Those in my chart are Daily, H5 & 15 min. I marked those 20 pips bounce (against the trend) because there was a 5H up leg (I.e Barros printed the up 5H leg, and price retraced > 20 pips) , and you said we can trade in both direction. (Btw. the first failed20 pips one was in general trend direction…)
If we had to trade just H5 downswing extremes, we had nothing to trade last week until thursday, coz Barros never printed a 5H downleg before… so, how to enter in the trend direction than to follow the 20 pips rule?

[QUOTE] When intially price breaks the uptrend D1 channel, it simply means trend is more or less over and we need to prepare ourselves to either 1-range trade OR 2-down reversal trade. Let the waves tell you what it really wants to do, which I will explain in more detail (using those pictural posts, glad you guys like it).

Think about this : I asked you guys to draw the channel from extreme to extreme, not extreme to close. Why?

If an uptrend’s high is not challenged for quite sometime, it does meet that there is a proability that a potential downside is building! We do not know if this downside can create a reversal or flat market (flats can turn out to be both trend continuations or reversals!), but we are now more aware that the prboabilties are attempt to shift.

Think about it!

Test it out using the RLC yourself. You will see what I mean.[QUOTE]

  1. What does it means “from extreme to extreme”? I draw the LReg Channel from the lowermost candle of previous Daily leg to highermost candle of actual move. Then move it only if we have a new high. Is this right?

  2. We’ll recognize a flat… when our SLosses will be taken… :frowning: Unless you tell us how to do… :smiley:

I know you trade those instruments, but I haven’t in my MT4.
May I trade XAU/USD or XAU/EUR instead of GOLD?
And XAG/USD or XAG/EUR instead of Silver?

And, what about Crude? Is this one good?

Quote from The Art of The Trade:

[I]Some true idiots do something called “ paper trading. ” The idea behind
this form of mental masturbation is this: “ If I pretend to trade long enough
I will learn how. ” By that reasoning, if you play enough video games, you
would become qualified to fly an F - 16 into combat against someone who
is trained to kill you…[/I]

Just Great… :smiley:

well I think i’m gonna go live with like $100 and just use super small lot sizes I think I have grasped the basics well enough to at least make trades and not make a net loss lol and prolly wednesday I’ll start using the GMMA or at least put it into my charts

how have the rest of you guys been doing with this system so far?

and rel I’m thinking about drawing my boxes a little bigger, so as opposed to a 20 pip swing box, i’m gonna put a 25 pip box, or at least put my stop losses a bit further out of the box, I put two trades long on the eur/usd at around 10 hours before close on friday, because I analyzed that the overall short term pattern would be up, one of them I stupidly forgot to put a stop loss and the other stop loss I put 2 pips under the 20pip box. I ended up getting whiplashed out when the price went slightly under the box then went straight up. I got stopped out of the trade with the stop loss but the trade that I had forgot to put it on stayed, and I gained around 19 pips on the one that didnt get stopped out.
what do you think?
heres a picture for reference

red is where I got stopped out

Don’t think the answer is 20 to 25 box… And, if we stay with the trend, maybe wins are far more than losses. The real prblem is SL… Unfortunately, the Brokers & the Big Boys knows were SL are… and play the game taking it all…
Maybe we should reconsider with Relativity this point…

Well guys I made two pretty awesome trades last night, I bought audsd and bought eur usd. I got around 60 pips off the aud usd and around 80 pips of the eur usd. Right now i’m trying to decide wether to hold on to it or close the trades. I think I’m gonna hold on to them for a bit longer and just put 30 pip trailing stops on them and maybe a take profit at the resistance level/top of the channel.

well dear i was not aware of this but thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

If we were to apply this to the eu trade yesterday, we should have been banked in 100++ pips…but I haven’t…:17:

I DID :smiley:
well I got around 80 pips :stuck_out_tongue: lol
This stuff is pretty awesome I gotta say, It does take a lot of patience though, like right now I know theres nothing like the eur/usd is in a bit of retracement, and I think it it is gonna retrace a bit more, maybe around another 30-40 pips but after that its gonna go up again, if it doesnt break past the bottom half of the channel. but then after that its gonna go up
BUT like I wanna do a trade right now but I know I should wait until theres better signals, so yeah this system has a lot of like self-control involved in it haha cause I want there subconciously to there be a trade, and its good I realize that cause then I make sure I dont force the charts to show me something that I want to see as opposed to what they’re trying to show me :stuck_out_tongue:

It is not so encouraging to know that we are back to the starting point, after more than a month spent in learning all these new things.

There must be something confusing us, something we miss… or, Me at least… :slight_smile:

E.g… When a LRg channel is broken (daily) trend is over… Many time was so…others not (e.g: yesterdays EU)
E.g… 20 pips rule: sometime works, other not…regardless of the context…
E.G. (Quote Relativity): Once you know that (What…?) is easy to trade both ways…

What is context…? Monthly, Weekly, 5H general directions? >400 pips up in a descending weekly channel what is? Isn’t enough to catch some pips for us? This time it went almost straight on…took 4 days to print a down 5H leg of Barros… but started below GMMAs, after breaking the last Daily swing low…

So, context is very hard to define…

I know teching is one of the hardest thing to do…but togheter (with this bunch of brilliant minds here :smiley: ) we should be able to get something more from all this knoweledge base.

Don’t you think so CF?
I can’t still be here wandering in the dark, each time confuse and unsure about what to do (funny is we have only 2 choices… up or down…)

As soon as I believe to have understood something… thinghs goes in the opposite way…
Sometime is: ok guy you made it right, but the market changed it’s way…
Sometime is the context: you didn’t understood the context
Sometime price bounces off GMMAs, in the direction of previous trend (channel), makes 20 pips retrace from daily low and I say: Ok this time is the good one… I press the button… and then my SL is hit… maybe 2 pips, or 10… who cares at that point? I don’t take the next one (because I’m scared, or because I’m not @ screen) and price moves straight 100 pips without a retrace… F… it!!!

I’m very discouraged today… but as I said when thread started, I feel here is the right way. So, let’s keep the work goin’ on… And start once more from scratch…
But, as the piano player sang in Humprey Bogart’s movie CASABLANCA… “Time goes by…”

Please really don’t call me CF or whatver. I can’t be responsible for your trading since the word CF is reserved for that.

The videos are uploading now. Thats the furthest I can go about explaining… really.

Learning is an endless process…lets just go ahead improving and exploring. Whatever it takes, life has to go on…:slight_smile:

OK now…lets start again… chapter one : CONTEXT…
What is context actually…?..:33:

Very appreciate your effort on xplaining this via videos… Now will you provide us the statistical Indicator that you are using at the chart’s bottom?..seems very helpful…pls…:51:

Google “Relativity mt4 forex stat indicator”…cant find one…:frowning: