What Really Turned My Trading Around

Hello colmex,

possible to post the chart?



hey Guandi,

theres the chart,
I am using the technique rel taught of trading while it ranges, I waited until there were two bounces on both sides and then entered where the yellow arrow is, I identified the red line as a support by having two bounces off it and the yellow line as a resistance. I sold after the first big swing up around halfway up to the resistance, but I should have waited a bit longer for it to get to the resistance or just left it with a 20 pip trailing stop as I had already gained a good ~80 pips off it cause if I had I would have also caught the REALLY huge push up, though I think my 20 pip trailing stop would have been triggered right before that really huge push up as price had come down a bit more again.
as you can probably see I also have a buy order on right now, my reasoning for this is that the yellow line which before was a fairly strong resistance has now become a support. this could obviously be countered by the fact that when it “broke out” it didnt actually make a true break out as shown in rel’s video for a real breakout you need to have a 1 to 1 or more swing size ratio of the last swing. we dont have this, but seeing as the resistance was confirmed 4 times it seems pretty strong, we’ll see.

and Rel if you see this please comment on my analysis :slight_smile:

By observation, these PA are driven by fundamentals…either manipulated or not, it drives the PA accordingly…but how far it would be before major turning point occurs?..will the TA be the leader for the next move?..

Hey rel, thanks for the responce.
that is one thing that I have found challenging to surpass.
trying to figure out when a “uptrend” or “Downtrend” is over as well as when a breakout is truly a breakout to a trend.
as we can sort of see right now with the euro a quasi-breakout happened after my 80 pip win, but right now price came back down below the resistance level that could have been a support. I lost 20 pips with a buy trade as I thought that it might go up higher as part of a breakout trend. but luckily I put a sell order below the “support” because I figured that it wasnt a very strong breakout as it had stalled for a while and now I just closed a trade at around 50 pips profit.
which really makes for a good end to a great week.

this trading system has really brought showd me a LOT of patience cause before i’d LOOK for entries/exits but now I WAIT for entries/exits so it helps a lot, and helped me accept losses better.

well I had a loss two nights ago, I left a trade over the weekend cause I was at work late on friday and didnt get a chance to close it :frowning: and sunday night during the open it went to a loss, no worries though wasnt anything major, just around 20 pips. and considering yesterday I got two winning trades that Ive closed already, short on aud usd (around 30 pips) and long on usd cad ( around 25 pips) im quite happy with how this method is working. Today im building a new computer for myself to trade on. considering its pretty cheap and im just building it to hold my music/movies and to trade on it should be sweet. I’m mainly doing it cause i’ve found myself getting a bit distracted while trading so i’m putting this computer/media server in secluded area of my house so I can concentrate full on on trading for around 4 or 5 hours a night during the week.

I also find that I havent been able to identify upward/downward trends that easily. well I have but I find myself hesitant to trade them as I think there might be a reversal or ranging right after I get in. I’ve been preferring to trade while price is ranging.

and rel for moving the stop loss do you move it manually or do you use trailing stops? I found one of my trailing stops didnt get triggered by MT4 so I’m considering switching broker to one that has an online platform on top of MT4, so that while I’m doing my analysis and trading at home I can use MT4 for charts and then if I’m at work I can just have a webpage open to change S/L’s or close trades. ( right now i’m with IBFX and the two brokers i’m considering are Oanda or FXPro)

yeah I think I just need more screentime to be able to spot the changes from trending up/down to ranging and vice versa.

I very adamantly agree with you on the not using indicators. the only thing on my chart is the modified barros swing you gave us and I’ve found the other indicators you made but i’m hesitant to move to them until I know I have a good feel for the market. I downloaded them and have them stored away so that in case your thread dissapears or something I can still move on to them xD but for now they’re tucked away. I’ve actually also been thinking about meditating for a half hour before trading i’ve heard of some big hedge funds and such encouraging it and I think it would help me get focused and clear my mind before starting to trade.

I’ll try to see what you’re describing in the charts and this next week or two i’ll concentrate on trying to learn to trade trends.
in fact I just entered a trade that is for a sort of downward range, I went short on the aud usd as I saw a bounce off a downward sloping resistance and we’ll see how it turns out. I’ll post the screenshot later.

yeah I’ve noticed trailing stops arent as reliable as i’d like them to be so I’m going to start testing out oanda and FXpro for the next week or two so I get used to their accounts and so that i can change the S/L’s while at work on their web-platform, and then fund them with the minimum as to be honest I like to be live as much as possible it helps make sure that psychologically the experience is more similar to when i put more money in

Hi Rel…hows your trading lately?..I just wanna ask if you can post here the way you put the 20 pips box attached on your bid/ask line as seen on your video. Is it an indicator you specially developed?..tq.

Ok…but then how to do it? any script to be attached?..how to do it?..just dont know…

so just an update on my trade the short on aud usd went through nicely, so nicely that it hit my T/P at 60 pips :D.
right now i’m seeing a trade develop on usd cad, a bounce off a range resistance so i’m gonna short it and hope all goes well.

how’s everyone else doing with this system? I’m thinking I might add the GMMA soon to the chart but i’m edging away from it as i’ve been able to get good trades going without it and I think i’d rather keep the chart as bare as possible. but we’ll see in the long run how I end up doing without the GMMA if anything i’ll just integrate it slowly.

yeah you’re right, the reason i’m gonna be intergrating it is because at the moment I’ve only been able to really see ranging trades. Its been hard for me to know wether I should go long or short in a trendbecause i’m not sure if the trend has enough “force” to go another 160% swing. Maybe its just how the market is going these days, it may even be influenced by the fact i’m not holding my trades longer than a day and the market right now is ranging for the day period. I clearly need more screen time to be able to identify trends up/down. I think the GMMA will help me identify when a move still have momemtum for another swing. any tips rel?

actually an idea just came to me(though its probably just something you had said in one of the video’s finally clicking in my brain lol), I wait for 2 bounces on one side to trade the opposite direction in a “range” but lets say I look at a higher time frame such as daily and I see theres an upward trend, then in the 1hr or 5hr time frame I see a retracement bounce up I can set a long trade as long as in the daily time frame theres still enough “push/stength” in the trend. and THAT is why I need something to tell me if the trend in a higher time frame is still strong. Because even if its strong in the higher time frame, it might start slowing down but it will slow down slowly compared to the lower time frame THEREFORE there will still be enough strength for the lower time frame bounce to happen

kay tell me what you think of this.

well I made two trades I shouldnt have now looking back on it I really was just searching for an entry as opposed to waiting for it, I over traded. I think part of the fact was that I havent got my trading computer set up yet, still waiting for a part in the mail :frowning: so I’ve been trading off my laptop and i’ve gotten distracted a bit. I’m taking a bit of a break for this week until I get my video card in the mail and then we shall continue next week :smiley: luckily I kept good money management and didnt risk too much and only lost around 40 pips total. but that still cut into my profits from before
Regardless This has still helped a lot

how’s everyone else’s trading going?

Hi Rel. Read your whole post and loving it lol. Helped me greatly. I have to say I made alot of big mistakes this week and still came out in front because of patience by the end of it. Cant get any of the indicators as I’m using Trade Station 2, not able to use mt4 yet not enough capital but from what I have learn’t from everyone here has been the turning point in my trading. Just want to say thank you. Also, do you know where I can get them from because no where has them lol.

I can find them for mt4 just not for FXCM’s Trading Station. lol sorry.

Open a demo account on MT4 and load Relativity’s indicators there… then, you can always make your live trades on FXCM platform…
If I don’t remember bad, FXCM has MT4 too…

I am a newbie… what would I need to do… I read through the posts and found it very interesting but how do I do all the statistics, where do I get the data from before I start… do you recommend any reading for me… please bear my ignorance… would love to learn… I do have a demo account, have an idea on forex, but thats really it… how do I go about and try this strategy, where do I start.

Ok did that Az. Now have the indicators lol. Having trouble working them properly.? How do I imput the data for the swings and market profile seems to come over the whole chart. Any help would be great.

I’m trying to learn Forex for almost 2 years… but I was on the wrong direction until I met this thread and Relativity. Then I started to sudy the right things, and actually I feel I can understand better the market…
If you have read correctly what he said until now, you don’t have to collect statistics and so on. You have to learn how to use properly Barros Swing, Linear regression Channell and study Market Movementsto to get a feel for them.

Regarding the books:

Suggested by Relativity
"The nature of Trend" by A. Barros
"Trading rules that works" by "J. Jankowsky

Suggested by me
"Steidlmayer on Markets" by J.P. Steidlmayer
"Mind over Markets" By J. Dalton (this is the Bible for me)

Thank you very much for the quick and prompt response… seems very interesting… let me work it through…

Regarding Barros Swing, read post #88

Regarding Market Profile plz post a chart

You could give a part of it to me…:18: :18:

(I will take a look to the links…)
But, Seriously speaking : I think helping people in distress could be a good use for a part of that money…