What’s a recommended book or babypips lesson on price action

I have been studying forex on YouTube and saw this website and liked the free classes but I had already started learning a YouTube method It involves reading candles and I stumbled on google pattern of candles and they can predict if trend is reversing I just need all the types of candles for bill and the ones for bear and maybe shapes I’ll upload an example on post if possible tysm in advanceimage

Candlesticks work but to using them correctly is in an art. They are really confusing because changing timeframes you see different figures which sometimes contradictory so you have to build some system of verification of your hypotheses about which of them show best results. It is long and tedious process and unfortunately you won’t be able to find working info online.

Not necessarily about price action but more on candlesticks and what they indicate.

Oof that sounded really complex. How did you first get into price action trading? :slight_smile:

Understanding price action and Trading in the zone by Mark Douglas are some good informative reads.