What’s the most painful problems that you have on a day-to-day basis?

That’s literally it. Starting a business with my friend and we want to know what you guys want before just assuming and making some Forex shit no one wants. Thanks.

Interesting first post a couple of minutes after joining this site :slight_smile:

So what “Business” exactly are you starting which wants to know "what our most painful problems are " ???

Ya dude I’m just trying to do some market research, I’m not a trader myself :stuck_out_tongue:
That’ll depend on the answers.
Maybe an app based on AI to help make trading decisions, maybe partner up with an expert trader and teach probability theory, it depends on what you guys want the most Falstaff

The most paintfull problem on day to day, if trading against the trend, look on negative floating with hope and anxiety, in daily trading about emotion included on difficult field to handle when facing with difficulties to making profit, but most pleasant day is when withdraw profit from account trading, it could making spirit to try again, knows forex might will making you felt addicted

That’s interesting. Intriguing even ! - Personaly, I’d like to see a treatise or an article as to how probability theory could be applied to Forex, to predict movements.

Whether it is possible to do that is something else however. There have been studies by non-traders before I think and as I remember the result was a book called “A random walk down wall street” (Not strictly forex, but near enough).

This industry has the finest brains in the world and huge monetary resources constantly engaged in trying to bring some order into understanding the markets, and we have indicators like Bollinger Bands and various overbought - oversold indicators which try to assess deviation from some standard, in order to predict movements on an this basis.

Some say they are useful and I tend to live in this camp. However I would love to see a treatise based on actual probability which claimed some merit in predictions, and perhaps equally important, an explanation of exactly how we could apply probability to our endeavours and why it should work.

Initially, it wouldn’t need to be very detailed - just sufficient to get one thinking in those terms.

I wish you well :slight_smile:

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The most painful thing is when you do everything right but all your running trades are gradually losing money. They already went the right way, but now they’ve stalled, there’s no reason to manually close any one of them, but they’re all just drifting and the unrealised gain from the open trades is just getting lower and lower day by day.