What source do u suggest for an intermediate to continue learning forex?

Maybe a course run by Andrea Unger would interest you.
Andrea Unger has proven 4 times he had what it takes. Four times winner of the World Cup of Trading (Futures).
It is free to investigate what he has to offer.

Unfortunately I have no personal first hand experience doing his course.

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Yeah, I heard of him… looking for a way to get his courses free🤔
Thanks bro, You’re a bunch❤️

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mhm, how much time did you spent to learn each method? one month? and you decide, “it doesn’t work”

A training course can be good value for example if you are in a situation where you have only say a 3-month window to learn trading and start making money or the opportunity is lost forever.

But who is ever in that situation?

A course is good value if you don’t know what you should learn on your own initiative. But if you don’t know what you should learn, how would you find the right course? And remember a teacher teaches you only what they want you to know, which might not be what you need to know.

A course is good value if you are too lazy or risk-averse to find and try out your own methods. But that has to suggest you’re looking at the wrong career.

Get a simple strategy that involves as few decisions by the trader as possible, open a demo account and start trading it. You will start learning how to trade but more important you will start learning what you need to know to trade well.


That’s a good start. You could do your own testing and figure out the other 80% for yourself. You don’t need more information, you need more practice.

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That’s the important thing.

This might help.

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Around 10 months since I started properly, And I don’t say it doesn’t work at all but the max of win rate is around 40 I traded with famous indicators and I had winning trades but I saw some traders with higher win rate and I decided to strengthen myself in trading
When I asked them about their strategy I realized there’s still a world of jargons and indicators I know sht about​:joy::joy:

Some people might use jargon because they don’t want to share their strategy, yet don’t want to be rude. They may say something vague and confusing on purpose.

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You are pretending to be higher than beginner level, but you are a beginner.

Learn and used to practice methods above takes from couple months to couple years on each because you don’t know what will work for you and how you will feel in trading with chosen method, basically you did not do your homework. Do you think, you will find someone who will share building profitable strategies’ method for free? Check this topic before you answer Read this post before asking for a mentor tip for you, win rate depends mostly on strategy type which you are use, not indicators itself.


Thanks bro❤️

Hello fellow
degen, read the book Trading in the zone by Mark Douglas, this is ALL you need if you really studied everything you said, this is kind of a mental trap, thinking that you need learn more in order to prevent the loss, when in factuality you need to learn more about psychology of trading and developing a system that works for you. Your view on trading and your profitability will change after reading that book, I guarantee it


Probably best not to mention a broker and then link a Reddit page where the very first post, a pinned reddit, is about that same broker.

And the last post about forex on r/wallstreetbets was something like 5 years ago. Not a great place for forex knowledge.

Do I smell a pstone shill?

40% win rate is excellent. What is the size of your average win compared to your average loss look like?

Are you also trading crypto? Based on your profile pic… And if so, how’s that going?

Trailer and error
Practice practices practices
Demo account till you master it
Think like an athlete

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Thanks yo❤️

Well, I almost lose the trades but with my good capital management, I barely survived…

I know how to trade crypto but I only use it for investing… Crypto market is very volatile and for a beginner is not an easy market to catch the fast big moves… also I’m more comfortable trading forex but I also love crypto for it’s decentralized system

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Thanks yo❤️

You most welcome and happy trading
Long journey to financial freedom