What speciality is the most related in university with forex?

Hello, I want to know what better to study that I can improve my forex news. I want to study in Management and Economics university but dont know what to choose. There are specialities which you can learn :
Economics and Politics
Finance and Acounting
International Business and Communication
Business Management and Politics

Which one of those are the most related? I need suggestions

None, go for Abnormal Psychology :smiley:

Lolz. Infact, very true.

Choose Economics or finance!

I would prefer choosing babypips university and take physcological majority with Dr.Pipslow :slight_smile:

Lo mismo amigo. Just the same. Batten down your hand with a hammer, that is just a fraction of the pain that trading will cause. This is the School of Hard Knocks, this is the real bulling. You have to be cold as SAS forces and it might not be enough.

Lo mismo amigo. Just the same. Batten down your hand with a hammer, that is just a fraction of the pain that trading will cause. This is the School of Hard Knocks, this is the real bulling. You have to be cold as SAS forces and it might not be enough.

You know what… I was wondering the same thing when I went to college. Unfortunately, they are all waste of time/money. They only teach you the very basic but nothing about forex or any trading. If you want to learn to trade, read books about trading or go here in Babypips school. The market will teach you the rest and what you need to know and it is not easy.



If you want something on the technical side take Mathematical Finance/Computational Finance/Financial Engineering. Mostly they are for trying to become a quant.

Other than that, a mix of social sciences and basic economic courses as electives. I knew some guys go for a double major in psychology and sociology.

Most university degrees won’t really help with trading. Value investing perhaps.

Socializing and networking. The best reason to go to school. My relationships with classmates and their associates has been far more beneficial than my undergrad.

The things they’ll teach you in college won’t translate well into trading at all. Like others have said, read books about trading, figure out a strategy, trade the strategy, hone your psychology so that you can endure the riggors of the tough times. These things are not taught in University. In fact, you might find that the “book smarts” you gain in classes actually works against you in trading. You rely on your knowledge and when things don’t seem to be matching up to what you expect you get even more frustrated then usual because, “common…I’ve got a masters degree in finance and I can’t even seem to pull a consistent profit at this???”

If one were to get some schooling, I’d try to take the path that would earn the most coin possible with the most flexibility possible. I’d suggest project management. A friend of mine does that now. Runs a team who puts in new networking tech for hospitals. Works from home mostly. Everything by computer and phone except when they have to put him on a plane and ship him to the project site for some reason or another. He gets paid good money and gets full benefits but tells me that the only “works” about 25 hours per week. Never sees his boss or anyone else in the company. Does his own thing on his terms. No office politics, no crap, no nothing. As long as the job gets done on time and at or below cost, everyone’s happy.

Sounds like the perfect type of thing to interface with trading don’t ya think? Sitting in front of a computer and managing projects via email and online tracking solutions…just run a separate computer with MT4 and set a timer to remind you to look at the screen every 15 minutes when the candle changes. The key is that he gets paid WELL so there would be money left over at the end of the month to fuel a trading account and he has ultimate flexibility with his time. Nobody gets upset that he’s watching a trading screen out of the corner of his eye while doing his day-job because they are not there to feel that he’s “cheating them on company time” or whatever.

Let’s start with what you do NOT need:

You are not really tracking inventories, sales, costs, tax regulations, etc, for clients so, no.

Machievelli, Locke, Hobbes and Jefferson are interesting but…

You can type, you can communicate.

Who the heck are you managing when you are trading your own account?

That leaves – economics and finance.

As for finance, you are not borrowing and lending or “financing” so it is not really applicable.

Four years of economics to study “Supply and Demand” is a bit excessive. It can be summed up in a few short sentences.

Study whatever you are drawn to, whether it is economics, politics, veterinary medicine or modern dance… NOT what you think applies to the very limited applications of these areas of study that may apply to forex trading a personal account (or even institutional account – they will teach you what you need to know so find out what THEY are looking for if that is what you are seeking).

In the words of a stupid song from a few decades ago – “Don’t worry. Be happy.” Do whatever turns you on and makes you happy. Otherwise, you are pidgeon-holing yourself into a life of misery. I’ve already made that mistake once and I won’t do it again but that is another story…

Finally, never take life advice from anyone on the internet:D

I’d say Economics and Politics just because they’re both useful and you’ll have a much better idea of the financial markets and day to day affects by governments etc. But tbh like others have said, they won’t teach you Forex trading explicitly for that use the amount of free time you get at Uni to focus on reading books and practicing.

Contrary to what a lot of people here are saying, economics and finance are both extremely valuable to a trader. Finance in particular will get you a job trading stocks, commodities or even Forex at any investment bank. During a finance degree they teach you a vast number of concepts taught to a much lesser extent here on BabyPips.
A lot of people think university degrees are useless because a) they have no idea what the course actually involves or b) they refuse to believe that there may be knowledge which they personally haven’t encountered through the internet or trading forums or a mentor. Some might just be plain jealous or ignorant. The post above about finance being about lending and borrowing is all the proof you need of ignorance. University is tough for a reason.

Consider that FX trading might not pan out for you - at least you’ll have a highly regarded degree to fall back on.