What time is opening time?

what time is open time?

is it 7am 8am or 9am or 10am local time for the repective cities london,newyork,tokyo…dont want gmt just there local time if i was in that city

There really is no such thing as open time in forex. From a charting perspective there is a daily open and close which are generally called 4 or 5 pm NY time. From the perspective of the regions, though, trading basically starts whenever folks roll into their desks and get to work. A rough guide is probably somewhere in the 7-8am timeframe, but it seems to vary among the regions (partly depending on the overlap situation). Also, depending on what’s going on with price action and news events, that could be earlier or later.

you can find the major market timings here …

The Geek Knows ! - Let us learn stocks, forex, finance together ! Guides Tips Methods: Forex Market Timings

The forex market opens on Sunday afternoon (New York time), and closes on Friday afternoon (New York time).

All the other “openings” and “closings” refer to the [B]business days[/B], the [B]stock exchanges[/B], and the [B]banks[/B] in various countries where forex trading is important. If you want a list of all that, here it is: 301 Moved Permanently

The daily timeline Clint linked to is generally good, but the very first entry indicating that NZD gets going at 8:00am local time is exactly what I was talking about in how things can vary. Sure, that may be when most days get going. There are times, though, when key Kiwi data is released at 7:30am their time, which you know means traders are going to be at their desks beforehand to set themselves up.

thanks fpr clearing that up. cheers