What to do when your hope is lost?

In my little trading career, I lost my hope of reaping high gain from the market many times and regained again too. Recently there is an exception I am finding in my mind. What are the things that can motivate me now?


Focus on percent growth to make your account bigger, not dollars to spend.


I suggest you find somewhere that can provide sign up bonus or deposit bonus. this can help you recover sooner and it can also fit in a good risk management plan. what you should make sure that you will follow is a good risk management plan

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I think one of the good things that you can do is to think about what you want to achieve and how to get there. It can really push you forward.

To tell the truth, this disappointment happened to me and I even stopped trading, but after a while I started again. I just think about my goals and get motivated again. And the fact that you share your opinion with others in such places and read other people’s opinions is helpful.

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It’s your life. You should decide for yourself what your reason is. Think about your life, your mistakes, the people you love, and what you want your future to be like.

Be like me don’t give up
Eat sleep forex

stay long on pork bellies.

always backtest using parameters.


I think that the 24-hour forex market is a good incentive and we can enter it whenever we want. It allows traders to engage at almost any time, suiting various lifestyles and time zones.

Maintaining motivation in trading, especially after facing losses, can be challenging. But it’s essential to remember that trading is a long-term game, and setbacks are a natural part of the journey. Here are some strategies and reminders to help you stay motivated:

  1. Educate Yourself Continuously: Every setback is a learning opportunity. Consider taking courses, reading books, or attending seminars on trading. The more you understand the market and your chosen strategies, the more confident and motivated you’ll be.
  2. Set Clear Goals: Break down your long-term goals into smaller, more achievable steps. This can provide a roadmap and make the journey feel less daunting.
  3. Diversify Strategies: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. By diversifying your strategies, you can mitigate risk and find more opportunities to succeed.
  4. Risk Management: This can’t be stressed enough. Only risk what you can afford to lose. Proper risk management can help you avoid devastating losses and keep you in the game longer.
  5. Maintain Perspective: Remember that every trader, even the most successful ones, has faced losses. The difference is in how they react and adapt.
  6. Join a Trading Community: Like BabyPips. Interacting with other traders can provide support, fresh perspectives, and motivation. They can offer advice, share their experiences, and give you a sense of belonging.
  7. Maintain a Trading Journal: By keeping a detailed journal of your trades, you can review and learn from your successes and mistakes. This not only helps improve your strategies but also serves as a reminder of how far you’ve come.
  8. Visualize Success: Mental preparation is crucial. By visualizing positive outcomes and success, you can remain focused and driven.
  9. Take Breaks: Sometimes, stepping away for a short period can help clear your mind and refresh your perspective.
  10. Mental and Physical Health: Ensure you’re taking care of your mind and body. Engage in activities that reduce stress, like exercise, meditation, or hobbies. A healthy body and mind can contribute to better decision-making.
  11. Seek Mentorship: Find someone who has been through the ups and downs of trading and can offer guidance and perspective.
  12. Reframe Failures as Lessons: Rather than viewing losses as failures, see them as lessons. This shift in mindset can make the process of learning from mistakes more constructive.
  13. Review Successful Trades: While it’s essential to analyze your mistakes, it’s equally important to understand what you did right. Revisiting successful trades can be a confidence booster.
  14. Remember Why You Started: There was a reason you got into trading. Revisiting that reason can reignite your passion and drive.

There’s no shame in deciding that a particular path isn’t right for you. Whatever you choose, ensure it aligns with your overall life goals and well-being.


The Life moves ahead by fuel of HOPE. without Hope we are just semi-live creatures like a Zombie.

Sell gbp usd :+1:

What is this new exception in your mind?

Have you worked with them? How did you find them? Tell us more about them, please.

Some brokers allow traders with deposit bonuses but they create issues at the time of withdrawing money.

that usually happens when they allow the bonus to be withdrawn, some brokers allow bonus to be traded but not withdrawn.

I suggest you to take a break, step away from trading for a while. A break allows you to regain perspective without emotional pressure. Take the time to learn. Enhance your knowledge about different trading strategies and risk management techniques.