What was the biggest change forex did to your life?

The ability to work from home, think about things logically, and keep up to date with the markets were all things that fundamentally changed how I view the world. I’m very thankful that I was able to end up this way because I have learned so much in the process aside from the rest.

It made me a disciplined trader and taught me the importance of keeping emotions in control.

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That’s great. Discipline is the key in forex trading.

I think I learned how to be more disciplined. Not just about trading, but in various areas of my life.

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i think patience. In the beginning i was way too immature.

One thing - not to be greedy.

I agree with you, even I have become more sorted and disciplined after I started trading in forex market. Not only while trading, but otherwise also, I look at life with a more practical manner now

Trade has definitely made a difference in my life. Because despite the fact that it is considered one of the areas of business here you are constantly faced with specific points that do not fit into the classical canons. For example, you are constantly interacting directly with your money and have to control not only the situation in the market, but also yourself so that the work goes on purpose. In addition, the market requires constant analysis of the situation and you have to stay aware of all the events, control your statistics, find your weaknesses and so on. In fact, all this allows you to become smarter and stronger. And I can say that trading is positive for stationary business as well, because you start to better understand people’s psychology and pay more attention to the smallest details.

I think that trading has made me more calm and disciplined. It’s a real school of life and business that makes you strong, focused, teaches you how to find your way out of any even the most difficult situation. And it’s a really cool experience that has brought me a lot more than I have invested, if you know what I mean. And if suddenly you’re just on the verge of this business, you don’t have to doubt it, just try it, because it’s worth it. I won’t deny that this business isn’t for everyone. But it’s a fact that you’ll need this experience.

Yes, I think that the main thing that trading has brought to life for every successful trader is first of all money and stability. You should agree that there are not so many business options that can be launched by almost anyone. This is a huge opportunity and everyone should definitely at least try it. Although I know people who did not succeed, they lacked knowledge or were interrupted by emotions. It happens sometimes, too, and it’s no big deal. But I am sure that if they had the courage to try again, they would have succeeded too.

Hahahaha. I’m not sure if this is legit or you’re being sarcastic. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: I wish Forex would have the same effect on me! :smiley: Hahaha.

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Aww. :blush: That’s great. :blush: How long have you been trading forex? And is this your sole source of income? :slight_smile:

At least you’re earning something! :smiley: Haha. Maybe this year you’d be able to buy a latte per week from your forex earnings? Haha. :slight_smile:

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Yeah. Super important values. :open_mouth: Not just in forex, but in life! :smiley:

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That’s an inspiring story @AVSH. :blush: Wow. Forex really had a good impact on you. I’m also happy you didn’t give up easily when you had 2 margin calls! :open_mouth: I mean, if it were me, I’d be devastated for months. :cold_sweat:

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That’s great to hear @imbest. :blush: How long did it take you before you were able to really let go of your not-so-helpful habits? :open_mouth:

Haha sorry if I sound sarcastic, but seriously.
Before forex, I would never care about my health and appearance, I always thought a successful forex trader would be like a nerd wearing glasses, having pimples, flu, being skinny with baggy clothes n having a bad taste in fashion or lifestyle. But they are actually quite the opposite. Being a trader and being successful at the same time is truly all about being in control of your life. We do not control the market to have perfect trading results every time, but we learn and practice ever second to have absolute control on our selves. And that thing is reflected in our life and our lifestyles. I’m also skeptical the first time when I realised this, but hey, its better late than never. Cheers. :blush:


That’s very interesting. :smiley: Haha. :slight_smile: I mean, I still hope this happens to me :sweat_smile: but I feel like I get it. Hahaha. :blush:

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I know right? :disappointed_relieved:
I did turn to alcohol for about 2 weeks or so, but for the 1st time in my life I had such a strong resolve to not give up on something I truly believed I didn’t waste my time learning. And as fate would have it, I’ve gotten very good :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s just great! Its good to see how people get a reliable source of income due to these markets. Are you doing something else too, or just this?