What was the biggest change forex did to your life?

Forex gave me a purpose to become a better person all together.
In order to master forex, you have to master yourself first.


@Pip-Skywalker Well said! We are our greatest enemy, we never lose to the market, we lose to ourselves!


True words, it help us to improve our inner self so that we can be better person from the last day.

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Oh yeah! :smiley: Haha. I think people are always very doubtful in the beginning. :thinking: But, I’m glad forex is slowly changing that. :smiley: Still, it doesn’t hurt to still take some time to think things through and investigate before getting into anything. :blush:

Welcome to the club. :stuck_out_tongue: Hahaha. Kidding! :slight_smile: But yeah. I know very well that forex can frustrating and depressing. If ever you’re really going through anything, just know we’re here for you. :blush:

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Definitely! :blush:

This is something I did not expect. :open_mouth: But also somehow glad I saw. :open_mouth: I’m also very curious about how this happened. :open_mouth: And good for you! That’s a big achievement. :open_mouth:

Just made me more disciplined in all my work. Now I know which task I have to prioritise over the other.

I have always been addicted to my fathers money. I had trouble taking responsibility in lige. Forex made me independent a gave me a feeling of succes in life

its only money, health far more important, but then again if it is effecting ones mental well being it time to call it a day. Im not money obsessed anyhow, i might end up becoming quite successful and just get bored and call it a day, peace of mind what matters

That’s correct!

That’s appreciable!

In general, trading has fundamentally changed my life. I began to be more attentive, paying attention to details. In addition, he began to earn more without spending a lot of time on it.

Forex has brought many benefits to my life. By trading Forex, I have gained a lot in life. The most important thing about trading is education. I have benefited a lot from trading education. Trading has made my life sweeter and richer. Not that I got everything from trading in one day. I also lost a lot from trading but never lost my morale. This morale has become a big turning point in my life.

Yes that’s totally relatable! Even forex has made me understand the value of patience and discipline in life.

Forex is reliable or not for me its a tough question , because i cant make consistent profit from trading. but Forex taught me how to manage money , how to control emotions and much more good habits.

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Seems like it taught you a lot in a good way.

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Aww. :blush: That’s super great to hear! :smiley: It’s clear that forex had an impact on your life beyond the money it brings. Haha. :smiley: Good for you!

Yeah. :smiley: Pretty similar to how it also helped you. :blush:

Forex trading helps a lot of people to end unemployment. Many people have found success in trading. Forex trading has changed my life. I earn a lot of money by trading Forex and I bear all the expenses with the money I earn. By trading money I have kept my family very happy and have reached a place of honor.