What was the biggest change forex did to your life?

Being disciplined and consistent will always lead you to the right path. Focus on your goals and it will surely be beneficial for you.
Good Luck!

Forex trading made me more disciplined.

Same here. One does become disciplined and organized for sure, if taking this market seriously.

If we will maintain discipline in our trading then we would be able to get consistent profits from the Forex markets.

Forex trading taught me to trade consistently as what worked yesterday might not work today. Consistent trading is one of the important factors, it helps us to form better strategies and to make wise decisions as we already know about the market.

Same here!

Yes, being consistent is what one should aim for. That’s not easy to achieve, but with skills and hard work one will get it for sure.

It’s been 5 years and I’ve got a home of my own. Sounds great isn’t it?

I think the biggest change for me was being able to be my own boss. Working from home out of choice especially with recent world events. So much more freedom now and I wouldn’t change it.

OMG. :blush: That sounds amazing! :blush: Did you work other jobs while trading forex? :thinking:

That’s definitely one of the perks! :blush: Although it takes a while before people can actually become financially independent with just forex. :open_mouth: How long have you been trading? :blush:

Hmm. :thinking: I wouldn’t say “easily” :sweat_smile: but it definitely is a good addition! Especially with the whole work from home thing that emerged. :open_mouth:

Being a trader I have learned to be more organized and shaped myself to become disciplined and patient while trading.

Discipline, organization, and emotional intelligence are probably the biggest changes it did for me too. :smiley:

My emotional intelligence has improved a lot. I am more disciplined than I used to be.

I go to bed on time and wake up early. Earlier, I had no sleep cycle. Do you feel the same?

Trading has improved my decision making- I’m less emotional and more rational now. Also, I’ve become open to accepting my mistakes and failure more easily than ever.