What was the biggest turning point in your life?

Great question. Actually there are not necessarily any issues consciously, but as soon as you feel compelled to question one thing, everything has to be re-evaluated.

Not sad but unsettling.

Me too, I’ve been breathing the fresh air of relieve ever since.:grin:

Definitely, I’m here to stay.:muscle:t4:

Oh okay. Just more like questioning things you’ve normally just accepted. I have to ask female friends if this is something that’s happened to them. I know it’s largely the changing appearance that is a huge source of disconnect for them.

Yay! PS how does one pronounce your name?


:joy:…it was coined from "Matthew and Micheal"

So, you have Matt + hael + Fx

(The Fx will make more sense when I become a profitable trader):blush:

You can read about it in my long journal entry:
Out of the ashes - Trading Discussion / Trade Journals - BabyPips.com Forum

Funny but sad
I’m sorry tho​:pray::heart:

So it’s pronounced… Mat-hail?

More of "Math-el":grin:

Oh okay! So the th is together. Thank you! I’ll let you know if I encounter another Matthael!

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I think life can be exciting and unpredictable and challenging due to the choices we make and they change things in a big way and one decision can lead to so many different paths and makes life thrilling.

No problem.:blush: