What we are NOT being told about Corona

Mothers son passes out from wearing a mask and she’s furious. Parents stand up

[ Masks are unsafe !!! ]

College students at Manchester University in Britain tear down a “COVID Lockdown fence that authorities had put up to keep the students from leaving campus! :clap:t2:

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Want to know the truth about Covid? Watch Dr. Coleman’s videos. :point_down:t2:

Dr Vernon Coleman | Brand New Tube

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Italy Blows the Lid Off Vaccine Scam. Will No Longer Poison Citizens with Globalist Eugenics

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Bidens imaginary Covid task force includes the doctor that doesn’t believe it’s worth living after 75 years.

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The Children Never Had the Coronavirus. So Why Did They Have Antibodies?

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Ticketmaster will require proof of COVID vaccine or negative test for customers to attend concerts

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Great idea!
No vaccine or negative test, no entrance.
I say we extend this to all sporting events, then restaurants, bars, shopping malls, and supermarkets.
Let the anti-vaxx spreaders stay at home with their germs. Its their choice!

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You guys will be welcome to stay at home or in your basements once Trump is declared the winner and takes all pro-Covid marxists to task. :smile:

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The president-reject can’t even protect his own team, never mind the country. :rofl: :rofl:

That’s one way to look at it but consider this …

Even the virus chose Trump over Biden :bangbang: :smile:

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Liberal Logic :roll_eyes:


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Lockdown-inspired suicides on course to DWARF coronavirus deaths in Australia & in time, even in US – studies

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Turkish Immigrants in Germany behind Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine. What a great story. They’ve been working on something since the virus initially appeared…

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So, why is Pfizer’s CEO dumping his stock?

More than 130 US Secret Service workers have been diagnosed with coronavirus in the wake of President Trump’s re-election campaign. The infections have sidelined one in ten officers, with the outbreak partially-linked to President Trump’s heavy schedule of rallies in the weeks leading up to the November 3 presidential election.

Something extremely bogus is going on. Was tested for covid four times today. Two tests came back negative, two came back positive. Same machine, same test, same nurse. Rapid antigen test from BD. :bangbang:

Great question.

And simple answer - never refuse profit :slight_smile:

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Don’t buy it! You’re talking to a trader who is obsessed with maximizing returns on every trade.

If you’ve developed an effective vaccine that could potentially be used by the entire world, your stock price should shoot through the roof. You wouldn’t sell your stock in such a company and miss out on such an “imminent” windfall.