What would you do different if you start now to learn forex?

You can learn everything gradually with experience, what more important when you are a beginner is how consistent you are with your learning.

I would still study first before trading.

I learned it’s a rigged game, and there is no point in playing unless you go work at HSBC, or JP Morgan, or some other big bank where you can cheat with impunity.

Everyone is here to make money. But before we can do that, we need to clear our basics. Our basic knowledge paves the way to our success. So, you first learn and then decide what different you want to do.

Yes, demos can surely be great for beginners; they can practice and learn as per their convenience and comfort level before putting their own money on the line.

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Demos are okay to begin with but it the platform you are trading on also matters. Since every broker offers a different interface and set-up, it is better to trade on reputed platforms only and it’s best to start with Mt4 cause it’s the simplest. Also, you wanna make sure there’s not too much difference between the demo and live accounts of a given platform. All this is coming from a personal bad experience.

Hope you found a better broker now eventually!

I’m juggling between a few platforms right now actually. I prefer trading on multiple platforms and I actually like MT5 as well. These days, I’m trading with Fxtm and Turnkeyforex. In both case, it’s only been a few weeks since I’ve gone live and so far so good.

To take things slowly and always do a top-down analysis

There’s so many things that I would do different.
First, I would practice for longer on demo account. Second, I would trade with a much lower amount. Third, I wouldn’t trade with a no-commission broker.

I think that every novice has to thoroughly study various trading learning courses/books/podcasts and gain lots of knowledge before start trading live. Nevertheless, the biggest part of traders are sure that experience is the key to success, so you’d rather lose lots of money than learn trading stuff and spen lots of hours on it. As you can see there are two main points of view. I believe that whether you balance your time on watching learning content and trading on demo, or you just spend more time on watching trading content. Remember that never being hurry, this activity doesn’t mean rushing, it means patience and calmness.

I think I would go back and lower the expectations I had in the beginning! To be more aware of how common it is to lose and that everyone does form time to time. Also, to have more ways to cope with those loses instead of letting it get me down.
I wish you luck in your trading endeavors! Also - definitely suggest practicing on a demo (just remember that the psychological aspect of live trading is absent when trading on a demo so don’t let that trip you up).

Unfortunately, without experience in trading, without mistakes, without losing money, it is impossible to understand a lot. Why enter exactly this way, why stop exactly there should be placed.

would not waste money and time on brokers’ names and courses that do not bring any benefit

I will be patient and trade with higher timeframes alone

Good one!
That’s what actually is required the most.

i had such feeling, but I made up my mind to give my best

Yes! Pair correlation is definitely something to learn. I’m new, but trying to bundle all the correlated pairs together so that when there is a good move among them I can scan the group for the best set up. Did you try that? Or did you just pick one out of the correlated group?

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I picked pairs that I thought worked best with my strategy, then put them at the top of my list. I have expanded from supply & demand since to include support & resistance levels, so I do scan all 28 pairs to find the best setups, while making sure to limit how many position I take to avoid correlation. But I do make sure to start with those top 4.

the best training is practice, it has always been so, so try to devote more time to this