What you didn't know

I did not know that…
It is essential in trading. Traders should be prepared to accept losses. Making impulsive decisions should be avoided. Overtrading (my own problem) should also be avoided, and taking breaks when necessary is crucial for maintaining a clear mindset. ( what is I am doing right now)
P.s: Please take it serious or it will make your trading life hard:)) (I’ll not mention me again, you know who is it:)))) )

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tnx 4 explanation but aint your dear! :unamused:

huh :face_with_head_bandage: gonna be tough but im thougher than these things

so if i take it easy itll be easy?

SHT! so theyre all lie? cant believe that :pleading_face:

giiirrrllllllll :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :pleading_face: that touched my heart :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :pleading_face: is this real? :pleading_face:

hmmm got ya girl. thank you so much wish you the best <3 :cry:

yes my friend
if you follow very good trader on twitter you see they can make 20% profit in a whole month
and the real trading life is like that so dont trust those people who scam and sell eas or copytradings
make yourself better trader

Okay. Sorry i might have misused the word dear, English ain’t my first language. Thanks.

Absolutely. Easy & Humble and you’ll enjoy every bit of it.


hmmmm. i hope so and im changin ma mind BTW :unamused: where R U from?

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I’m a Nigerian.

There’s nothing to fear in trading. Believe me if you can know the basics and find an edge it’s something as easy as anything.

“See it as mining a rock for a gem, don’t mind the mouth of your axe but keep aiming for what you’re after. The work is not for one who begins it but for one who finish it.” This is an English translation of an indigenous proverb from my ethnic.

“Ẹni bá ma j’oyin inu àpáta kìí wo ẹnu aké, ibẹrẹ kìí ṣe oníṣe”


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    1. It just goes up and down !
    1. We are 250% more scared of losing money than we are greedy to gain money. - That screws our psychoilogy with stupidity like "Nobody ever went broke taking a small profit"

For sure lol. You’re an interesting individual I gotta say! Worried about nature but also trying to learn how to trade! I love it!

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  1. Catching reversals are very tough. Trending movements are great to start.
  2. So the trick is to find a comfortable setup(s) that you recognize… like a pattern, trend, fib retracement, etc. and be patient enough to WAIT for the setup(s) every single time.
  3. Let the confirmations hit. You see 3 bounces on a trend, you play it, take the first complete trend price target. Set the tight stoploss. And repeat every single time.

3… I personally like the objective indicators like some the lessons mention.
a. Major support and resistance (I mainly focus on monthly, getting more tedious than that can be… overwhelming and unhelpful.
4. If daytrading, I examine the daily candles and 4hr. candles. If I see a pattern forming, then I’ll know not to buy if it’s it’s close to the top, and not to short if it’s close to the bottom.
b. Patterns. 2 benefit which is, letting the consolidation finish, without being caught in a consolidation before reaching your target. AND tight objective stop-losses.
c. Waiting on the Fib levels. And understanding why you use the tools where you use them.

  1. Trading with small capital. Papertrades are good for testing your strategies to see how they play through, but nothing is the ultimate training like forcing yourself to hold until a price target is met or lost. And if you want frequent wins, look for smaller price targets with objective lines being used, and always smaller stoploss lines than the target…
  2. Study price action, because a lot of it will be based on the 3 candles you see. The current moving candle being the the third one involved.
  3. Study charts and pice ractice over and over again.
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A few things I learned on my path to success:

*Try different trading strategies until you come up with something that fits your mental profile and the way you understand the markets. Watch YouTube, go on forums, read, etc BUT when you’re in a trade, leave it alone. If those mediums affect your trading, stop it.
*I didn’t appreciate the meaning of “Forex is a 1:1 market.” There is such a thing as smart money, market makers, manipulators, whatever you want to call them. It takes a lot of skill to move billions of dollars. Make sure you’re going in their overall direction.
*Don’t get involved with the fundamental vs technical debate. Do you!
*Stop losses are overrated. Risk management is underrated. Spend more time learning how to risk small amounts and add to your positions
*DON’T BE GREEDY. You won’t become rich overnight
*It takes money to make money. You’ll need a large account to quit your job. Focus on learning first.
*Start with your own money (small amount $500 - $1k) instead of paper trading. This will teach you about your emotional behavior when trading and test your mental fortitude.

  • As you begin to get the hang of the markets, how you see them and what works for you, remember LESS IS MORE. Less indicators, less watching news, less risk, less emotions, less negative thoughts = more success which = more $$$
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:pleading_face: :pleading_face: :pleading_face: touched ma soul :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :pleading_face: thank U so much for this quote and inspiration :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart:

so you think i need to have a positive point of view and don scare of losin?

yeah i know. heard that too many times before but i wanna live on ma own so I gotta figure out a way to make some money and i found that tradin is the best way to do it these days.

you know sometimes it makes me sad but all of us have to do things that we don want :pensive: