What’s a decent forex broker which is not a seedy bucket shop but still not to high priced?
I want something that I can start off with with around $500 or so just so I can learn the ropes and make my little trades. I’ve read warnings about certain forex brokers which are unregulated bucket shops and aren’t insured properly either. But are there any decent forex brokers which don’t charge terribly high fees but still are decent?
Oanda is a decent one for small accounts, if you are careful around high importance news releases (spreads go crazy). Average EURUSD spread is 1.1 pips (excepting news time). If you have trouble with the news, IBFX has higher spreads, but they are a lot more stable and tend to stay below 2 pips (EURUSD) 95% of the time. I’ve used both and I like the execution on both of them. Hope that helps.