What's cooking?

The peanut butter and flax seeds are a nice touch!

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Ever wonder why some menus don’t have prices?

One deciding factor in not including prices in an online menu is the effort it takes to update said menu. Foods change in price regularly, whether due to the food inflation crisis, market prices, or supply chain shortages, and many restaurants don’t want to readjust their menu every time a change occurs. Similarly, Reddit points out that prices may vary by region, and not every restaurant website is equipped with a “locate” feature.

Restaurants might also leave prices off their online menus in order to stay ahead of competitors. For instance, if a customer sees that Restaurant A is charging a few dollars more than Restaurant B for a fried chicken sandwich, they’ll likely choose Restaurant B. As such, Restaurant A loses business.

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47 Food Hacks To Make Your Food Healthier


Why do chefs pour sauce onto the perimeter of the wok instead of dumping it in the center, on top of the food?

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Trapping Wild Pigs In Louisiana (CatchCleanCook) Huge Pork Gravy For 150 People


As a kid, I ate spam but now, nah

How Millions of SPAM Cans Are Made in a Factory - Canned Meat Factory Process

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Isn’t it the same thing as a hotdog, except in a can?

No, non beef hot dogs are made up of different body parts from pigs, chicken, turkey, and what ever else

Spam is pork shoulders and ham of the pig

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Spam looks gross to me, for some strange reason I have no problem with hotdogs. It makes no sense. At least you can identify what’s in the can. You can’t even identify what’s in a hotdog.

I’m just not accustomed to eating spam. I’m sure spam is healthier, too.

I didn’t know it was wartime food. Interesting.

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My tap water tastes horrible, and it has a hint of chlorine in the odor. No thanks. I’ll just pay for bottled water.

Don’t rely on the government to tell you what’s safe and what isn’t. If drinking tap water wasn’t safe, there’s no way they could admit that. Sure, drinking tap water short-term is fine. But what about long-term effects?

I don’t know all the science around tap water, but drinking cleaner water certainly won’t hurt.

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I ate what my parents fed me as a kid, Spam, Vienna sausage, Sardines, Bologna, Corn beef hash, and non-beef hot dogs, but as an adult I have no taste for those foods.

I haven’t drunk tap water that I know of for over 25 years, one night I left a glass of clear water on my nightstand and woke up the next morning, it was fuzzy, and black sut was at the bottom, I took the water to get tested, it wasn’t good, the guy told me to get a fresh glass of water since this one had sat overnight, and the results were the same, terrible. that’s when I found out about water testers you can buy on Amazon / online or at your local store, you will find out a lot about your water

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Imagine what happens to your body after drinking 3 gallons a week for 30 years. The test confirmed your suspicions. Your instincts were right about that water.

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I think this guy is speaking German, but there are subtitles.


The Wagyu Steak That’s Taking the Internet By Storm: Cooking It on a Salt Block!

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How Wagyu Is Made (Farm To Table)

Dude has his own merch? Good for him!

This salt block thing is new to me. I’m curious about it.

How in the world did this dude get wagyu steak? I never pegged Azerbaijan for a wagyu producer!

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Thanks for sharing!

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Hybrid Seeds

A hybrid seed is a product of a cross between two genetically different plants of the same species or type. Usually, the seeds are cross-pollinated by hand, they are produced to prepare a crop that has desirable genetics of the two plant varieties, such as disease resilient or bigger fruit size.

For instance, if we took a yellow sweet pepper and pollinated it with red hot pepper, the hybrid might result in red sweet pepper. The produce that comes from these seeds will not grow true to either of the parent plants. Hybrid seeds are specifically created to get the best traits of the two parent plants, therefore, they tend to grow quicker, hardier and produce higher yields.

Heirloom Seeds

Heirloom seeds are crop varieties that have existed for more than 50 years. These seeds have been passed through generations of growers, carefully crafted to acquire some special traits, whether it’s a special adaptation to growing conditions, disease resilience or having a unique flavour.

Heirloom seeds are tried and tested because they have been grown for years. Growth habits, yields, and other information can be assessed to understand the final crop. Heirloom seeds are open-pollinated, which means that, unlike hybrid seeds, they will produce plants with most of the characteristics of their parent plant. They’re the most desirable seeds as they can be saved through the years and produce higher yields.

I didn’t realize how important seeds are. If you’re gonna have a home garden, the seeds you choose are important because that’s where everything starts.

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