What's so secret about the www.kingforexsignals.com

The onwer of this website is claiming that he and Rob Grespi put a system together to give great pips if you sign up for $250 a month.

The owner, Felix says Rob Grespi is the guy that used to trade currencies for Deutsche Bank. I really don’t know who he is or what he did. Anyone know his history?

My question is, has anyone signed up for their service and if you did, what do you think of it? Is there really pips to be made??

Any comments or advice are welcome. Thanks in advance!!

I was a member of kingforexsignals for a few months. Unfortunately those are the months when Rob was losing most of the time (Aug06-Nov06). Anyhow, Rob may be doing better now. I personally don’t like following someone’s signal blindly to trade forex. That is the same as having a money manager manage your money because with Rob, you buy and sell without knowing any reason behind them. So, instead of taking orders from Rob to do your trading, I suggest you find any famous money manager and let him handle your money so that you may have some free time to do things you want to do.

The trading style of Felix is somewhat different. He used to be a spike rider, probably still is. He would try to get on a trade based on news reactions, which seemed much more educational but too exotic for my style. So I eventually left the service after trying it for 3 months. If you are a total newcomer, you may try Felix’s service for a month or two to learn something. But from Rob’s service you may make more money but you won’t become a single bit better trader, you will only waste your time. Let Rob trade with your money instead. That may be a better choice.

If you are curious to know how Rob decides whether to buy or sell. Plainly speaking, I don’t know. No kingforex member knows. He claims that he has special bank connections so that he can see bids and offers in the interbank market. I don’t know if that’s true or not. But what I do know is that, Rob used to lose most of the time when I was a member, so he is no superman for sure. May be a good trader at best.


i never considered using his service. his trading performance looked good, but he places too many trades on the G/J currency pair. he has a better spread than most retail traders have. i agree with Nyle, you are blindly following his trades and probably wont learn much about trading.

I like the title of this thread and the posts thus far��.

I would be very sceptical of any �I have secret interbank bid/offer information� claims and what use it would be. Some traders though can be very good with a particular ccy pair and that beta skill alone could be worth the subscription. But I think scalping gbpjpy is a hard game�. Although I hear it has moved more long term now.

On Felix � I like his emails he sends out and I�ve watched a couple of vids post news�… trading news isn�t easy even if you�re interbank but from what I�ve seen he seems quite good at it and like Nyle said if you�re new it could be very useful!

Would love to hear other peoples experience with this service as from watching the vids he seems to have a lot of users!!!

i think a post almost identical to this one is present in the trading software section…

save your money.unless you like to hear men cry .and kiss rob back side.this is tampex haven

I’m not sure what you’re talking about when you say that Rob/KFI didn’t do well last August - Nov. Rob did over 3000 pips in October 2008 alone! Over 1000 in November 2008. I was a member the whole time that service was around, so I know first hand what kind of money was being made. I made quite a lot. Too bad he had to quit. Rumor has it a close family member died and it really hit him hard. Hope he’s doing well, whatever he’s doing. Due diligence yes, but don’t bash a guy that was honest and got kicked in the butt by life like that and was forced to quit. Looking forward to trading under Rob’s guidance again!

Jimmy, Nyle is talking about 2006, not 2008. I’ve been trading with Felix since he started things up with Tom Yeomans. I traded with and without the news weapon too and the news trading really worked. It was short lived though. :frowning: Anyway, Jimmy, Rob has started sending out new emails to anyone who used to be with any of the services of yesteryear. I never had any luck with the few weeks I traded with Rob, but would like to hear more from your experience. It may have been my broker too (Oanda) and too many pips for the spread. How long were you with him? What was the time frame? When did you trade (mornings 2-6am)?