What's the most important trading lesson you learned this year?

I feel like so much happened this year and I’ve learned quite a lot of things about myself, my relationships, my interests, and my trading! :blush: But the most important trading lesson I learned would probably be to FOLLOW TRADING RULES! :sweat_smile: I know this should go without saying but there have been a lot of times when I went ahead of my system and ended up with losses. :open_mouth: How about you guuuys? :blush:


Hmmmmmm. That’s a hard question.

I’ve learned more about patience in trading, meaning to wait for an actual signal–not just jumping in because ¨something¨ is gonna happen.

I’ve also learned to prioritize myself more. I took time this year to isolate myself from everyone. Even my friends. I needed time to focus on me and let some bad feelings pass.

After a couple months or so I realized that we are stronger together. And I got back in contact with my friends who are on a similar path as mine.

What happened? Did you hold on too long? Did you remove your stop loss?

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What’s the most important trading lesson you learned this year?

For me it was that it is not only Non Farm Payroll (NFP) days that should be avoided. Consumer Price Index (CPI) days are vicious too :rofl:


You got me here! :open_mouth: This is exactly one of the things I got wrong this year. :sweat_smile:

Aww. :blush: That’s a great one! You deserve to prioritize yourself, especially since the industry we’re in can be very stressful and unpredictable at times. :sweat_smile: So happy for you!

I’ve been very rebellious this year cause I’ve done both. :sweat_smile: I also entered the trade even before officially meeting my entry signals because I was confident that price would move the way I was expecting it to. Spoiler: It didn’t. :sweat_smile:

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Very specific! :joy: Hahaha. And maybe we can pick up on this learning too! :sweat_smile:

Be patient and having confident in your winning strategy…
I learnt many lessons but one outstanding personal lesson is don’t try to copy another trader’s style or winning method… If you already have the basic knowledge and few years of experience, with the knowledge you have develop a trading method suitable for your personality… Always believe in yourself


Yup, I know that feeling too well. hahaha

So, I guess patience is something we need to work on more, huh? Do you ever go back and look at your trades?

When you look back at your chart, you can see what you SHOULD have done. I look back at charts for what I should’ve done ideally, and I strive to trade like that.

What’s your process for reviewing trades?

How do you think we can improve patience?

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In short i’d say; act when its time to act and do not worry much about the outcome so long as you’ve followed your plan

I’ve missed a lot of good trading opportunities (especially entries) because I decided to wait for the “right time” while the right time was right in fornt of me that very same moment I told myself to wait :man_facepalming:t5:

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I would say how to be more patient. Also, I have started paying more attention to my losses and rectifying them. This has significantly improved my trading results.

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Definitely agree with this! :open_mouth: This is what I tried to do during my first few months in forex and I never really learned anything from that experience. :sweat_smile: Thank you clintonstan! :blush:

Tbh, I don’t do this as much as I should. :confused: I just sometimes scan through my trading journal to see my recently completed trades. My mistake is that I was more focused on RESULTS rather than the process. That’s definitely something I should also work on. I have a looooooong way to go before I become good at this. :sweat_smile:

What do you think about stepping away and getting busy with other things? :sweat_smile:

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Timing is really tricky! :frowning: Sometimes, you can actually be “too careful” that you’d miss a good opportunity. :confused: But I hope we overcome this in 2023! Hahaha. :smiley:

I love how patience is a recurring theme! :sweat_smile: Hahaha. We really do have that problem huh. :sweat_smile: But I hope that 2023 is the year we all become more patient when it comes to our trading! :pray:

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Hmmm. Maybe. If you need a moment to clear your head, sure. When trading, your mind can get flooded with different thoughts and emotions. It happens to me a lot. Step away, come back in a minute or two, and place your trade. But try to think about WHY you need a moment to think.

If you’re not sure about a trade, you should consult your strategy. If your strategy seems confusing, maybe it is. Or maybe you’re just so flooded with emotions, you are in denial of your strategy.

I’ve done that countless times. It’s not a constructive feeling. It’s sabotaging.

You’re closer that you think.

But, if you don’t examine your trades, how do you know what your mistake was?

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My strategy is a trend-following one so you could say that it’s better for long-term trades. :thinking: Maybe this year, I could explore how I can tweak my strategy so that the entry and exit rules are still in place, but I wouldn’t have to wait for days before the entry rules are met. :thinking:

Somehow, it always just leads back to me not waiting for the right time to enter and just opening a position in fear of missing out. :sweat_smile:

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hope you improve on your own winning system and practice discipline to stick to it… rooting for your success

A trader should keep earning knowledge as long as he stays with the market. Focus on both technical and fundamental analyses because these analyses serve traders with better market forecast.

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Consistency. Without it, you can’t call yourself a forex trader.

To me, the most important lesson I have learned this year is risk management, protecting capital and more patient.

What kind of garbage are we disbursing on here???
You only need to kill once to be called a murderer, be convicted once to be called a criminal, make one trade (win or lose) to be called a forex trader.

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