What's the most useful thing that you learned from this forum?

What’s the most useful thing that you learned here that has helped your trading?

To set a stop loss lol.

I know this is like trading 101 but I feel like I didn’t really take it seriously until I started my trading journal and got feedback from other traders about my recurring problem. :sweat_smile: Definitely a humbling and necessary experience.

There’s more than one way to cook the goose.

That there are still good people that are willing to help others without ANY expectation, and that lots of traders are lonely creatures including me,

I see my past self, my present self and probably my future self reflected in hundreds of other traders. I choose to post on this forum in the honest belief that what you give of your own free volition is returned to you in kind many times over. After spending 3/4 of my life on earth, I believe that to be truer today than ever before. The more I give, the luckier I become. :slight_smile:

write my trades and analyzing them
i didnt write my trades to cjheck them but for 2 weeks now i right them to learn the problems of them and to make my trading better so i think it was a good luck to see that post to be better trader and learn a lot from my bad trades

The fact that trade is not going exactly how I was expecting it to because it is a game meant the most to me also do not get disappointed soon.

Well, I learned a lot from this topic : To avoid OverTrading
Forum members learned me that it is not a problem in my trading journey and it is more, a mental problem in my whole life!
I accepted this fact and I changed that!
I think I can learn more than this here, also people introduced me to some new pairs!

To be a long-life learner. To help others whenever I can. And to possess more than 1 trading system, not just more than one pair and more than one strategy.
I am developing 2nd one nowadays and I think it can be a big help to me.

Good that you’re setting a stop loss now. Seems pretty easy to do but we sometimes just “forget” until everything just goes downhill.

This is true.

I agree with you. Trading is a lonely business. it’s great to have people around who are willing to help.

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That’s very kind of you. It takes a very special person to want to help people who can’t give anything back.

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