What's up everyone

What’s up everybody I am rpgtrades from North Carolina. I have been trading in the financial markets for about a year now. I mainly focused on using options and selling spreads such as iron condors, debit spreads, credit spreads, etc… I have joined because of wanting to increase my knowledge of trading and I want to learn about the forex market. My goal would be to make six figures a year through trading and then help people along in their journey. I am excited to get started in my forex journey! I hope we can all learn together and get to the places that we desire.

Welcome aboard, and best of luck with your goal.

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hi and welcome , you journey will be awesome , this is a master place to become knowledgeable.

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welcome , set a strong mindset , and never hurry when time to learning . best of luck

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you can learn from psychology of school from this community, this is really supportive to acquire all basic knowledge and experience. hope you got the message.

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Thank you steve!

Hello and welcome to the community! Sounds like you could make some useful contributions around here. Hope to see you around :grin:

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Hello newbie, nice to have you here. Be consistent in your learning process and don’t make decisions based on emotions. Stay disciplined and patient–that’s the only way to achieve success.

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Hi and welcome. What has made you look over to forex markets rather than carry on trading what you were? Did you have much success with it?

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What’s up cash! Honestly the main reason I gained interest in the forex markets is the decentralized nature of it. In my newbie mindset to this market it seems like it would be much harder to manipulate versus the normal stock market. And I was having success with it but I was not using proper strategies when trading spreads. My risk management was terrible and I was pretty much betting the house on every trade. This was great for the first month and a half where I had tripled my portfolio but it ended up leading to a steep decline in capital when I was wrong about a trade. And because I am not trading with a seven figure account trading options spreads is not really a legit way to make livable income while implementing proper risk management in your trades. Selling options is a great way to make money but you need to have a lot in order to do it properly. If you are interested in learning about what I was doing just shoot me a dm and I can explain it to you in more detail I absolutely love this stuff it is my passion.